The 4th plenary meeting of SHYFTE project took place between October 28 until November 1, 2019 in Chengdu, China. SHYFTE, which stands for ‘Building Skills 4.0 Through University and Enterprise Collaboration (SHYFTE)’, is awarded by ERASMUS through the collaboration of 9 universities from Malaysia, Thailand, China, France, Portugal and Italy. UTM from Malaysia is in charged with Artificial Intelligence domain. Other domains are Wireless Network, Big Data and Industrial Engineering and Management.

This meeting aims to design a knowledge framework for teaching programs and materials in order to prepare the skills for Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). The meeting kicked off on October 28 at Chengdu University, Chengdu, and we had a series of meeting in this university for 3 days. On the fourth day, we continued our meeting at Chengdu University of Information Technology.

Besides meeting, we also went for technical visit to SMEs in Chengdu. In the evening, we went for social event for networking.

I am really fortunate to be given this opportunity as a part of SHYFTE family. Many thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr Sharifah Kamilah whom brought me to join this team. The experience that I gained, even in just a few months is priceless.  This project is expected to complete by 2021. Looking forward for another meeting in Benevento soon!