Work, Matters! : Stop moaning about how busy you are!

Excerpt from the article that is worth pondering:

A study in 2017 that was published in the Journal of Consumer Research called “Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol” supports this.

The study concluded that telling everyone how busy you are, and running from meeting to meeting does not necessarily mean that you are actually more productive.”

Yes, people are busy, but I also know that moaning about being busy doesn’t make you any less “busy”.

Having learnt from people who are balanced, I now understand how to deal with busyness.

When I find that I have too much to do, I kick-back and think about what actually needs to be done right away, and what can be flagged off to a later.

If I am busy to the point that I am getting exhausted, I take a day or two off.

If I am continuously busy, and it affects my productivity, I take a step back and re-evaluate my purpose. I focus on thinking about what needs to be corrected to get me back on track.

I think moaning about busy often means that you just have cognitive dissonance. This is when your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours are completely disconnected to each other.

Get connected to why you do what you do, and be happily productive, without complaining to the world.