MCC2313 Advanced Computer Architecture

Course Outline :


Chapter 1 :



G.E. Moore, “Cramming more components onto integrated circuits“, Electronics, pp. 114-117, April, 1965.

Assignment 1

  1. Open e-learning – submission must be made in UTM e-learning
  2. Read the Moore paper
  3. Write  a one page paper critique -font size 10-12 Times New Roman
  4. Format
    • Headline message: one sentence tag line for the paper
    • Elevator pitch: One paragraph of short summary used to quickly and simply define the paper (paper’s key message)
    • A couple of paragraphs to support and analyse the elevator pitch.


Chapter 2:



Advanced Pipeling Advanced Pipelining for


Dynamic scheduling Chapter7_Dynamic Scheduling (1)

Scoreboard Dynamic Scheduling Slide (Scoreboard Dynamic Scheduling)

Scoreboard Dynamic Scheduling example

Dynamic Branch Prediction

Chapter 8 text alternative

Extended version of Chapter 10 Chapter 10_Network and Interconnet extended