Song of the Day #6

“And I bow and I bow down to you
To the grace that it takes to melt on through

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won’t you lead the rest of your cavalry home

This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man…”


In Praise of The Vulnerable Man – Alanis Morissette (2008)

Flavors of Entanglement

Weekend getaway (post MCO)

Post MCO and the first ever getaway that my hubby and I had was to drive to KL during the weekend. As we were staying at Residensi UTMKL, we met up with my brother for a dinner at KLCC, then a quick stop to browse the books at Kinokuniya. Too bad it was near to closing hour, so I planned for a second trip the next day.

Dinner at Two Sons, KLCC

Friday morning, hubby dropped me at KLCC on his way to a meeting, and so I spent the entire morning until afternoon at Kinokuniya, browsing all those lovely books. The sections that I always loved most are the psychology section and the references section. As usual, purchased a few copies too….

My happy place to be….
Die, die, must buy…
I discovered this section of books on cats…. purchased “The Travelling Cat Chronicles” and “The Guest Cat”. They were originally in Japanese and translated into English.
Wish I can stay here forever….
The references sections, one filled with research methods books. Bought myself the latest edition of “Research Methodology” by Kumar, and also the latest edition of “Educational Research” by Creswell and Guetterman.
The latest edition by Creswell and Guetterman (2021)
We had lunch at the cafe, before returning to the hotel

MCO project: Home library make-over

My home library was basically a shipwreck for quite some time. It so happened I came across an online article on Psychology Today entitled “6 Benefits of an Uncluttered Space” and I decided to give it a go.

Took me around two weeks to finally completed the project. I believe there is some truths when the article suggested that “cleaning and organising reduce anxiety”; seems that spring cleaning during MCO in a way helped me to practice mindfulness…

To read the article, follow this link

The finale….
Senior supervisors of the project
Junior supervisor taking a break…