Alhamdulillah my latest purchase arrived yesterday. I’m so excited to go through the contents. All the chapters in this 2019 edition are divided into 5 main themes: (1) Foundations; (2) Science and maths; (3) Reading and writing; (4) General Learning Strategies, and (4) Metacognition. Another new addition to my personal collections on the cognitive aspect of learning.
Tag Archives: MPPE1113 Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology and your “self”
Last week, I posed a question for my MPPE1113 Cognitive Psychology class, asking them to do reflection based on the previous asynchronous activity. The question on the Padlet was:
After watching the videos, it is time to do a reflection. In what way do you think that the knowledge of cognitive psychology will benefit your “self” i.e. as a learner, a teacher, a parent, etc. Please share your thoughts.
In particular, I really enjoyed reading the reflection by one of my student, Tey Miao Hui:
Thank you Dr. for the videos sharing. I would like to share my thought
Self: I can better understand about myself. We always talk to the inner self “Why am I being emotional after receiving the news of my friend’s wedding? Why am I no longer loving ice cream? Why am I being irritated when people asking for my help that I usually love to deal with?” In my perspective, people change from time to time and we have to better understand ourselves in every stage of our life so that we can easily accept everything that happens to our life rather than being negative and suffering in despair for a long time. With the knowledge of cognitive psychology, you will not be surprising when you give yourself a try on a new challenge or thing that you would not try previously because you know that it is just a transformation of our mind.
First week of semester 1, 2020/2010
The first week of semester 1, session 2020/2021 officially began on 18 October 2020. For this semester, I’m scheduled to conduct one UG course i.e. SHPP1002 Philosophy of Education with two sections on my timetable.

For PG courses, I’m covering four courses this semester: MPPE1113 Cognitive Psychology, MPPU1024 Research Methods in Education, UHPP0010 Research Methodology And Data Analysis, and PLPT6113 Fundamental of Engineering Education.

COVID-19 MCO: Updated instructions for MPPE1113 group presentations
We are halfway through the semester that is unprecedentedly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Like other academics, I have no choice but to jump and dive into the ocean of mobile learning. The one thing that I refuse to claim that I’m the expert.
Nonetheless, the School, Faculty and UTM’s CTL are quick to respond to the needs of this kind of academics (who are not that techno-savvy), by offering loads of online courses on online learning and assessment. I found them all to be useful.
The insights gained from all these online courses on teaching and learning is that I need to re-design the instructions for my classroom assessment and this is particularly related to the way that students have to present their group assignments. instead of F2F presentation, I specifically re-designed the instructions by asking students to complete the following:
- Read and discuss the topic assigned to your group.
- Prepare a 30 minute presentation based on your collective understandings towards the topic and the sub topics.
- The slides need to have narrations i.e. audio recordings of your explanations of the points in the slides.
- Here are some examples of online tutorials:
- Each group will then provide the concept mapping based on your group’s assigned topics, and exchange it with the other groups.
- For the topics that will be covered by me, each one of you needs to prepare one concept mapping for each of the topic own your own.
These updated instructions are uploaded on the class’ e-learning. All MPPE 1113 Cognitive Psychology students can download the slides at their own convenient.