A job well done by my third year PhD student, Fatini for successfully presented her paper entitled “Examining Teachers’ Brain Functional Connectivity during Reflection: A Preliminary Study” at the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering 2022 (TALE 2022) organised by IEEE and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Many congratulations to my third year PhD student, Shanthini for successfully presented her paper entitled “Using Brain Functional Connectivity Pattern to Examine the Effectiveness of a Reading Intervention for Children with Dyslexia” at the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering 2022 (TALE 2022) organised by IEEE and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
This year’s conference was organised online via Whova
I would like to congratulate my PhD student, Fatini Md Said for successfully negotiated her proposal defense entitled “The Study of Brain Functional Connectivity during Reflective Thinking among Teachers using Electroencephalogram (EEG)” this morning.
Thank you to the examiners AP Dr. Zainudin and AP Dr. Norlaili for the insightful comments and suggestions. Thank you also to AP Dr. Baharin who chaired the session and Dr. Ivy as the assistant to the Chairperson.
Many congratulations to my PhD student, Shanthini A/P Chandra Sekaran Naidu for successfully negotiated her proposal defense entitled “Effectiveness of Clay Integrated Sound Box Approach (CISBA) in Enhancing Early Reading Skills among Children with Dyslexia” this afternoon. Thank you to the examiners Prof. Yeo and AP Dr. Zainudin for the insightful comments and suggestions. Thank you also to AP Dr. Baharin who chaired the session and Dr. Rustam as the assistant to the Chairperson.
Yesterday our research group conducted test runs for Fatini’s and Shanthini’s PhD projects. As usual, Taha assisted us with the technical part while Sayyid served as the subject. Dr Zuri and Dr. Norlaili offered the technical expertise as well.
Sayyid was the subject for the test runsTesting Shanthini’s intervention using Rapid Automatised Reading (RAN)
Yesterday we gathered at DSP Lab SKE to discuss the progress of the Fatini’s research. This time around we were joined by Dr. Nurul Ashikin who shared us some of her thoughts based on her expertise and previous experiences conducting EEG on children with disabilities.
Fatini’s presentationYesterday’s attendeesDr. Zuri making comments….….while the rest stayed attentive.
The first group meeting for “Reflective Brain” project was organised at DSP Lab yesterday. It was primarily meant for discussing the directions of the project that will be carried out by Fatini and Taha. We were joined by Dr Zuri and Dr Syahida.
Fatini presenting her literature review
Taha sharing the way he organised his literature review
During the discussion, Fatini shared her literature review on the concepts of reflection, the thinking process as well as the brain functioning related to reflections. Taha also shared his organisation of literature review. While I got the chance to share the initial conceptual framework adopted from Prof. Ombao’s talk during the short course in UTMKL last time.