Many congratulations to Yim Wan Sin and her supervisor AP Dr. AhmadJohari for successfully negotiated her proposed research entitled “Pendekatan Pengajaran Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik Berayat Secara Kolaboratif Bagi Murid Sekolah Rendah”. I was assisted by Dr. Mohd Hizwan during the session, with AP Dr. Sanitah and AP Dr. Abdul Halim as the examiners.
Tag Archives: School of Education UTM
PhD Proposal Defense Session 2020/2021-1 (Chairperson)
Many congratulations to Cikgu Haiza Atmareni Harmeni and her supervisor Dr. Rohaya Talib for successfully negotiated her proposed research entitled “Pembinaan dan Pengesahan Instrumen Pentaksiran untuk Pembelajaran Matematik Sekolah Rendah”. Thank you to the examiners, Prof. Dr. Zaleha and AP Dr. Adibah, and to Dr. Rustam for assisting me throughout the session.
PhD Proposal Defense Session 2020/2021-1 (Examiner)
This morning, Prof. Yeo’s PhD student successfully negotiated her proposal defence. All best wishes to Cikgu Lim Wai Wai with her proposed project entitled “Improving Literacy Skills and Intrinsic Motivation of Students with Dyslexia by Using The Pirate Of Word King Mobile Learning Application”.
The session was chaired by Prof. Salleh and was assisted by Dr. Rustam, with AP Dr. Zainudin as the second examiner.
Master Mixed Mode Proposal Defense Session 2020/2021-1 (Chairperson)
Many congratulations to Liew Ee Ling and her supervisors Dr Mohd Rustam and Prof. Yeo for successfully negotiated her proposed research entitled “Mediating Effect of Self-Regulated Learning in the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement in Mathematics and English Among Primary School Students”.
Thank you to the examiners AP Dr. Zainudin and Dr. Hadijah, and Dr. Ibnatul Jalilah for assisting me throughout the session.
PhD Proposal Defense Session 2020/2021-1 (Examiner)
This morning, Dr. Rohaya and Dr. Ibna’s PhD student successfully negotiated her proposal defence. All best wishes to Sr. Anwar Saleh Abduallah Bani Hani with her proposed project entitled “ Development and Validation of Social Media Anxiety Scale for Jordanian High School Students”.
The session was chaired by AP Dr. Zainudin and was assisted by Dr. Rustam, with AP Dr. Adibah as the second examiner.
Briefing on Research Project Management (FRGS 2020 recipients)
We had a session on “Taklimat Urus Tadbir Dana Penyelidikan KPT kepada penerima Geran FRGS 2020” with RMC yesterday, which focusing on:
1. Research project management
2. Financial management
3. Research project monitoring
4. Roles and responsibility
5. Integrity and research ethics
All guidelines can be referred to via this link:
The next day, an online coaching session was also organised by RMC to facilitate researchers in relation to:
- Completion of FRGS agreement
- Completion of “Revised Proposal” in MyGrants
- Grant registration in RADIS
COVID-19 MCO: Updated instructions for MPPE1113 group presentations
We are halfway through the semester that is unprecedentedly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Like other academics, I have no choice but to jump and dive into the ocean of mobile learning. The one thing that I refuse to claim that I’m the expert.
Nonetheless, the School, Faculty and UTM’s CTL are quick to respond to the needs of this kind of academics (who are not that techno-savvy), by offering loads of online courses on online learning and assessment. I found them all to be useful.
The insights gained from all these online courses on teaching and learning is that I need to re-design the instructions for my classroom assessment and this is particularly related to the way that students have to present their group assignments. instead of F2F presentation, I specifically re-designed the instructions by asking students to complete the following:
- Read and discuss the topic assigned to your group.
- Prepare a 30 minute presentation based on your collective understandings towards the topic and the sub topics.
- The slides need to have narrations i.e. audio recordings of your explanations of the points in the slides.
- Here are some examples of online tutorials:
- Each group will then provide the concept mapping based on your group’s assigned topics, and exchange it with the other groups.
- For the topics that will be covered by me, each one of you needs to prepare one concept mapping for each of the topic own your own.
These updated instructions are uploaded on the class’ e-learning. All MPPE 1113 Cognitive Psychology students can download the slides at their own convenient.
Updating e-learning portals to accommodate the phases of COVID-19 MCO
Due to the multi-phases of MCO that we have to embrace throughout the entire semester 2 session 2019/2020, I have to keep on updating the e-learning portals of my PG classes from time to time. For this semester, I’m having three PG courses: MPPE 1113 Cognitive Psychology (Perdana Programme and Offshore Programme) and MPPU 1024 Research Methodology in Education.
Apart from informing students about the fact that all of us need to adjust to the new way of learning method (abrupt migration to online learning; 100%-ly starting 18 March 2020), I do feel that it is also vital to check on their progress and mental health as well. Most of my students shared their concerns via our classes’ WhatsApp groups, therefore I really feel that active communication between me and my students must be frequently maintained. Although I do feel at times I served as their personal “helpdesk” (well, because students will send me personal messages at any time of the day, which obviously affected my work-life balance), but I kept reminding myself that through this pandemic crises, it all boils down to the sacrifices that all of us should make. Indeed, it is a trial time for all of us now.
My latest publication in Qualitative Social Sciences
It started with an email I received on 5 November 2019 from an academic all the way from Turkey, which contained the following message:
Dear Narina,
I contacted you through Qualitative Research Conference abstract book where I really enjoyed reading your inquiry regarding meaning making and narrative story construction. I have done research on illness narratives of bone marrow transplant patients and I truly understood your dilemmas and inner doubts. I want to say that I believe you can make a great contribution to our brand new journal Qualitative Social Sciences.
The journal is an open access international peer reviewed free journal. There was no journal in Turkey focusing on qualitative social sciences so we wanted fill that gap. Qualitative studies are not considered as much science as hard sciences here, so we wanted to take a step in promoting qualitative research or study. This is how we start mainly.
It is a non profit journal meaning we do not charge anyone for publication, process or submission of articles. Our humble effort is just a step towards advancement of qualitative social research here. Because I also worked on narratives, I wanted to share this journal with you.
Dr. Melih Sever
Editor-Qualitative Social Sciences
Suleyman Demirel University
Social Work Department
And so I agreed to contribute an article, and Alhamdulillah my article was published on 31 December 2019.

The front page of my article entitled “Who Am I in My Story of Teaching?: Confronting Puzzle of Practice Through Narrative Inquiry”
Feel free to read my latest paper via my ResearchGate
Or read directly from the journal website
If you are interested to publish your qualitative work, you can do the online submission on the journal’s website or you can contact Dr. Melih personally.
What a way to welcome 2020…
From a master’s thesis to a journal article: Vicky’s journey
Later today, Dr. Aqeel, my colleague at SOE who is the leader of our School’s publication committee dropped me a message, informing me that my master student’s paper had been published. Alhamdulillah… The journal is a Scopus indexed journal, so I couldn’t help but feeling proud of such accomplishment.

Vicky’s published article entitled “Juvenile Delinquents’ Learning Experiences in School within Prison: Narratives from the Malaysian Context”
In 2017, Vicky started her master thesis under my supervision and graduated in 2018. I found out later that she wished to pursue her PhD study and knowing that publication is one of the plus points for scholarship applications, I offered Vicky the assistance she needed. Since I still have some budget left from my research grant, I informed Vicky that I will help her with the publication fee. In fact, I had even asked two of my colleagues to do the editing and proofreading process, and later invited them as co-authors (as they say, to cut the extra costs…)
Feel free to read Vicky’s paper on my ResearchGate’_Learning_Experiences_in_School_within_Prison_Narratives_from_the_Malaysian_Context
Or alternatively on the journal’s website