Category Archives: Uncategorized

Difference between h-index in Google scholar, SCOPUS and Web of Science

Note: Should you found this article online, please quote my work, will you? General Information about h-Index H-index is a bibliometric measure that was introduced by Jorge Hirsch in August 2005 (Hirsch, 2005a, 2005b). It is defined as “a scientist … Continue reading

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My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that every learner is unique and they deserve equal right to share their ideas based on their existing experience. It is important for my learners or students to receive a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, … Continue reading

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What T& L & Research Meant to Me

  A philomath dream is to consistently be into a world that allows the person to dive into any discipline of interest. Becoming a lecturer gives me that freedom. Freedom to learn what I want and what I love. Again, … Continue reading

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Ada Apa Dengan Pensyarah?

Terima kasih Allah atas rezeki.  Dapatlah mampir ke dunia akademik dalam berbaki perkhidmatan di UTM, insya allah.  Page ini  diharap menjadi sumber bantuan kepada mana2 rakan / adik2 / anak2 yang mahu berjinak2 sebagai ahli akademia di UTM. (a) Apa … Continue reading

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Best Paying Job Info from FORBES

My eyes caught email from Forbes and this post interests me…   The 20 Best-Paying Jobs For People Persons Are you a people person? Jobs expert Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., author of 150 Best Jobs for Your Skills, analyzed jobs … Continue reading

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Begin With End In Mind

What is it? Answer (A) :  before we decide to put into action of something we aim to pursue, always have in mind the end result or outcome or product that we would like to achieve / to produce. From … Continue reading

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Jom Sihat

INFO KESIHATAN  OLEH  DR. ZUBAIDI HJ. AHMAD 5 MITOS TENTANG PEMAKANAN YANG PERLU ANDA TAHU Dalam beberapa ceramah kesihatan, saya sering memberitahu tentang 5 mitos tentang pemakanan yang biasa kita dengar. 1. Jika kita tidak ambil gula dalam makanan dan … Continue reading

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Sufism dan Rahsia Tuhan – Kisah Syeikh Hakim At Tirmidzi

ABU BAKAR AL WARAQ BERCERITA SUATU KISAH TENTANG GURUNYA SYEIKH HAKIM AT TIRMIDZI by zulsegamat   “Pada suatu hari Syeikh Tirmidzi menyerahkan buku-bukunya kepadaku untuk dibuang ke Sungai Oxus. Ketika ku periksa, ternyata buku-buku itu penuh dengan selok-belok dan kebenaran-kebenaran … Continue reading

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Entrepreneurship in Education – Bohemian rambles

Entrepreneurship has been postulated as an extinct subject compare to digital-related things. But I just found out the Guru after solat dhuha today!…Dr Martin Lackeus (Swedish), who brought my attention to the Late Dr  Jason Cope (UK)  which brings me … Continue reading

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How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time Part2

    How The Most Successful People Manage Their Time Summary:- for the busy me 🙂 Do A Time Log. See how long things take and when your best windows are. Plan Whole Week. Focus on your core competency and … Continue reading

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