Tag Archives: CCSL

Speed Reading @ Sek Keb Sagil Kampung 17 Oct 2019

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A Blessed 2019 indeed. Venue : Sek Keb. Sagil Kampong, Tangkak, Muar  Date : Thursday 17 Oct 2019 Partner : CCSL UTM ;Komuniti Buku Karja Johor (KBKJ – En Isnin Tawaf) &PERBIMA (Persatuan Biblioterapi Malaysia – Wakil Johor) Teachers and … Continue reading

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The hidden gem of Johor – Tanjung Surat

Tranquil Bakau (mangrove forest), nestled among the  Island of Tanjung Surat, Pengerang, Johor. UTM has paved the way to introduce this land to others. News about this land has been widespread through media previously.   Insya’ allah,  with the Grace of … Continue reading

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