- Athirah Zulkarnain, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim and Ahmad Erfanian. “A variation of Cayley graph for cyclic groups of composite order”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110005 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0225729
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Mohammad Hassan Mudaber and Ibrahim Gambo, “Perfect codes over induced subgraph of complement unit graph for some commutative rings”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110006 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0224402
- Muhammad Nur Syiham Abdul Razak, Wan Heng Fong and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “The regular expressions of the resulted labelled graph in n-cut splicing”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110008 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0225478
- Nurul ’Ain Mazlan, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw, “The nonzero-divisor type graph of rings of integers modulo n and their distance-based topological indices”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110009 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0226809
- Ghazali Semil Ismail, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nuridayu Alimon and Fariz Maulana, “The first Zagreb index of the zero divisor graph for the ring of integers modulo “, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110014 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0225001
- Nur Athirah Farhana Omar Zai, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw, Ibrahim Gambo and Nurhidayah Zaid, “The non-zero divisor graph for the ring of Gaussian integers”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110015 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0225064
- Fong Wan Heng, Aqilahfarhana Abdul Rahman, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev, “Simplification process of static Watson-Crick context-free grammars”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110016 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0225525
- Nurhidayah Zaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw, “The zero divisor graph of some finite ring of matrices based on its square-annihilators”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110018 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0224385
- Nabilah Fikriah Rahin, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sheila Ilangovan, “The general form of the incidence matrix for the non-normal subgroup graph of generalized quaternion groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3189, 110019 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0226783
- F. A. Alshammari, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim and Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “The intersection power Cayley graph of cyclic groups of order “, AIP Conference Proceedings 3150, 020003 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0229066
- Athirah Zulkarnain, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim and Ahmad Erfanian, “The prime power Cayley graph for cylic groups of order pq”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3150, 020009 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0227879
- Nurul ’Ain Mazlan, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw, “The first and second Zagreb index of the zero-divisor type graphs of a ring”, AIP Conference Proceedings 3150, 020011 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0228071
- Wan Heng Fong, Muhammad Nur Syiham Abdul Razak and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “Planarity on spliced graphs by one splicing rule in graph splicing systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2905, 070006 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0171633
- Ghazali Semil Ismail, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nuridayu Alimon and Fariz Maulana, “General zeroth-order randić index of the zero divisor graph for some commutative rings “, AIP Conference Proceedings 2905, 070006 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0171669
- Nurul ‘Ain Mazlan, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw. “Distances of Zero-Divisor Type Graphs for Some Rings of Integers Modulo n“, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2554, , 020011(1-7), 2023.
- Ghazali Semil Ismail, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nur Idayu Alimon and Fariz Maulana. “General zeroth-order randić index of zero divisor graph for the ring of integers modulo p^n”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2975, 020002(1-6), 2023.
- Nur Athirah Farhana Omar Zai, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw, Ibrahim Gambo and Nurhidayah Zaid. “The total non-zero divisor graph of some commutative rings”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2975, 020008(1-5), 2023.
- Muhammad Nur Syiham Abdul Razak, Wan Heng Fong and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “Some properties of n-cut splicing on labelled semigraphs”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2975, 020010(1-9), 2023.
- Wan Heng Fong, Muhammad Nur Syiham Abdul Razak and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “On n-Cut Splicing and Its Properties”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2465: 020016, 2022.
- Athirah Zulkarnain, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Hazzirah Izzati Hassim and Ahmad Erfanian, “The direct product of pi-Cayley graph for Alt(4) and Sym(4)”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060001 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018452
- Adnin Afifi Nawi, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “The computation of Schur multiplier and capability of pairs of groups of order p^4”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060002 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018340
- Muhammad Azrin, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng, Yuhani Yusof and Noraziah Adzhar, “On the new relation of second order limit language and other different types of splicing system”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060003 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.001807
- Mathuri Selvarajoo, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev, “The characteristics of simple splicing languages over permutation groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060004 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018731
- Aqilahfarhana Abdul Rahman, Wan Heng Fong, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev, “Closure properties of static Watson-Crick linear and context-free grammars”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060005 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018350
- Nuridayu Alimon, H. Sarmin and A. Erfanian, “The Szeged and Wiener indices for coprime graph of dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060006 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018270
- Nurul Izzaty Ismail, Wan Heng Fong and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Molecular aspects on generalisations of splicing languages”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060008 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018377
- Nabilah Fikriah Rahin, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sheila Ilangovan, “The incidence matrix of the non-normal subgroup graph for some dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060009 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018554
- Nurhidayah Zaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanhan Khasraw, “On the probability and graph of some finite rings of matrices”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060010 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018067
- Muhammad Nur Syiham Razak, Wan Heng Fong and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Folding technique on n-cut spliced semigraph in splicing system”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2266, 060011 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0026045
- Nabilah Najmuddin, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “Domination polynomial of the commuting and noncommuting graphs of some finite nonabelian groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2184, 020009-1- 020009-8, 2019.
- Nabilah Najmuddin, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “Graph polynomials of the conjugate graph of dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1974, 030005 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5041649.
- Amira Fadina Ahmad Fadzil, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Rabiha Mahmoud Birkia, “The energy of conjugacy class graphs of some metabelian groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1974, 030014 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5041658.
- Alia Husna Mohd Noor, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri and Hamisan Rahmat, “On the orbit graph of some 3-generator 2-groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1974, 030011 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5041655.
- Nurhidayah Zaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri and Hamisan Rahmat, “On the orbit of some metabelian groups of order 24 and its applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1974, 030004 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5041648.
- Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Norarida Abd Rhani, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian,”The subset relative degree for two different sets in a finite group”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1974, 030024 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5041668.
- Rabiha Mahmoud, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “On the energy of non-commuting graph of dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1830, 070011 (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4980960
- Ibrahim Gambo, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Hidayat Ullah Khan and Faiz Muhammad Khan, “New Form of Fuzzy Bi Г-Ideals in Ordered Г- Semigroup”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1830, 070019 (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4980968
- Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Mustafa Anis El-Sanfaz, “The Conjugate and Generalized Conjugacy Class Graphs for Metacyclic 3-groups and Metacyclic 5-groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1830, 070015 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4980964
- Wan Heng Fong, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Sherzod Turaev and Ahmad Firdaus Yosman, “Generating Finite Cyclic and Dihedral Groups using Sequential Insertion Systems with Interactions”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1830, 070005 (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4980954
- Wan Heng Fong, Yee Siang Gan, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev, “The Generative Capacity of Weighted Simple and Non-Semi Simple Splicing Systems, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050013 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954601
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Mustafa Anis El-sanfaz and Sanaa Mohamed Saleh Omer, “Groups and Graphs in Probability Theory”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050012 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954600
- Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Sanaa Mohamed Saleh Omer and Mustafa Anis El-sanfaz, “The Probability that an Element of a Metacyclic 3-Group of Negative Type Fixes a Set and Its Orbit Graph”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050011 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954599
- Siti Afiqah Mohammad, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, “The Central Subgroup of the Nonabelian Tensor Square of a Torsion Free Space Group”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050005 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954593
- Muhanizah Abdul hamid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “The Cubed Commutativity Degree of Dihedral Groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050004 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954592
- Norarida Abd Rhani, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Ahmad Erfanian and Muhanizah Abdul Hamid, “Multiplicative Degree of Some Dihedral Groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050003 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954591
- Adnin Afifi Nawi, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Samad Rashid, “The Schur Multipliers of Pairs of Groups of Order p^3q”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1750, 050001 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4954589
- Siti Afiqah Mohammad, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, “Consistent Polycyclic Presentation of A Bieberbach Group with A Non-Abelian Point Group”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1707, 020012 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4940813
- Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sanaa Mohamed Saleh Omer, “The Probability that An Element A Metacyclic 3-Group Fixes A Set of Size Three”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1707, 020027 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4940828
- Sanaa Mohamed Saleh Omer, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian, “The Generalized Conjugacy Class Graph of Some Finite Non-abelian Groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1660, 050074 (2015). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4915707
- Mathuri Selvarajoo, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Sherzod Turaev. “The properties of probabilistic simple regular sticker systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1682, 020047 (2015). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4932456
- Muhammad Azrin Ahmad, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng and Yuhani Yusof, “Some Restrictions on the Existence of Second Order Limit Language”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1682, 020048 (2015). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4932457
- Nurhidaya Mohamad Jan, Sherzod Turaev, Fong Wan Heng and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “A New Variant of Petri Net Controlled Grammars”. AIP Conference Proceedings 1682, 040015 (2015). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4932488
- H. Sarmin, S. M. S. Omer and A. Erfanian. “On The Probability That a Metacyclic 2-Group Element Fixes a Set and Its Generalized Conjugacy Class Graph”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1682, 040016 (2015). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4932489
- Muhammad Azrin Ahmad, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng, and Yuhani Yusof. “An extension of first order limit language”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 627 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4882550
- Siti Afiqah Mohammad, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus and Rohaidah Masri. “On some homological functors of Bieberbach group of dimension four with dihedral point group of order eight”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 754 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Noor Asma’Adny Mohd Adnan, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Zainab Yahya and Hamisan Rahmat. “Integral representations of metacyclic groups over a local field”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 704 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- M. S. Omer, N. H. Sarmin and A. Erfanian. “The orbit graph for some finite solvable groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 863 (2014). http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014AIPC.1602..863O
- Nor Haniza Sarmin and Yasamin Barakat. “Automorphism group of nonabelian groups of order”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 640 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Nurhidaya Mohamad Jan, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Sherzod Turaev. “Watson-Crick Petri net languages with finite sets of final markings”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 876 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Rohaidah Masri, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, and Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus. “The generalization of the exterior square of a Bieberbach group”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1602, 849 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Mathuri Selvarajoo, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Sherzod Turaev. “Probabilistic simple splicing systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 760 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Tan Yee Ting, Nor’ashiqin Mohd. Idrus, Rohaidah Masri, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim. “Homological functor of a torsion free crystallographic group of dimension five with a nonabelian point group”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1602, 691 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Fong Wan Heng, Some Properties and Variants of Weighted Sticker System Siang, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Sherzod Turaev. “Automata for subgroups”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1602, 632 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Gan Yee Siang, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin, and Sherzod Turaev. “The generative power of weighted one-sided and regular sticker systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1602, 855 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/1602
- Tan Yee Ting, Nora’shiqin Mohd Idrus, Rohaidah Masri, Wan Nor Farhana Wan Mohd Fauzi and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “On the abelianization of all Bieberbach groups of dimension four with symmetric point group of order six,” AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 479 (2014). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4903625
- Rosita Zainal, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Samad Rashid. “On The Capability of Nonabelian Groups of Order p4”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605. 575-579 (2014) http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887652
- Nurhidaya Mohammad Jan, Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev. “Watson-Crick Petri Net Languages: The Effect of Labelling Strategies”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, 690-695 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887673
- Muhammad Azrin Ahmad, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng, Yuhani Yusof. “Second Order Limit Language in Variants of Splicing System”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 639-643 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887664
- Yuhani Yusof, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng. “The Concepts of Persistent and Permanent in Non Semi-Simple DNA Splicing System”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 586-590 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887654
- Wan Nor Farhana Wan Mohd Fauzi, Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus, Rohaidah Masri and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “The nonabelian tensor square of Bieberbach group of dimension five with dihedral point group of order eight”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 611-616 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887659
- Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Rohaidah Masri and Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus. “The homological functor of a Bieberbach group with a cyclic point group of order two”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 672-677 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887670
- Muhanizah Abdul Hamid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Ahmad Erfanian. “The productivity degree of two subgroups of dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 601-604 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4887657
- Pradeep Isawasan, Ibrahim Venkat, K. G. Subramanian and Nor Haniza Sarmin. “Morphic images of binary words and Parikh matrices”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 708-713 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://math.usm.my/online-proceeding-of-sksm21/
- Zainab Yahya, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Noor Asma’Adny Mohd Adnan and Hamisan Rahmat. “Irreducible representations of some point groups which are isomorphic to some dihedral groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 2014, pg. 617-621 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1241-5). http://math.usm.my/online-proceeding-of-sksm21/
- Wan Nor Farhana Wan Mohd Fauzi, Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus, Rohaidah Masri, Tan Yee Ting, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim. “The presentation of the nonabelian tensor square of a Bieberbach group of dimension five with dihedral point group”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 2014, pg 417-424. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4903616
- Rohaidah Masri, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali & Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus. “The generalization of the Schur multipliers of Bieberbach groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 2014, pg 461-464. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4903622
- Fong, W. H., Gan, Y. S., Sarmin, N. H. and Turaev, S. Automata for AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014. 1602: 632-639. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4882551
- Gan Yee Siang,Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev. “Computational Power of Weighted Splicing System”. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 67(6), 2014. Pg. 753-762. (IF: 0.21). http://www.proceedings.bas.bg/firstpg_a.html
- Yasamin Barakat and Nor Haniza Sarmin “Specific Automorphisms on a 2-Generated p-Groups of Class Two”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013 (ICMSS2013), Kuala Lumpur, 5 – 7 February 2013, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc., 1557, September 2013, pp. 41-45. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4823871
- Fadila Normahia Abd Manaf, Nor Haniza Sarmin, N. M. Mohd Ali, A. Erfanian, Mohammad Farrokhi Derakhshandeh Ghouchan, “A General Case of The Commutativity Degree of Nilpotent p-Groups of Class Two”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1522,2013, pp. 828-830. DOI: http://link.aip.org/link/doi/10.1063/1.4801212
- Nurhidaya Mohamad Jan,Fong Wan Heng and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Regular Languages, Regular Grammars and Automata in Splicing Systems”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 856-863. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801217
- Yuhani Yusof, Nor Haniza Sarmin,Fong Wan Heng, Elizabeth Goode and Muhammad Azrin Ahmad, “An Analysis of Four Variants of Splicing System”, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 888-895. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801223. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4801223
- Mathuri Selvarajoo,Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Sherzod Turaev, “Some Characteristics of Probabilistic One-Sided Splicing Systems”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 967-975. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801235. http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4801235
- Gan Yee Siang,Fong Wan Heng and Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Magic Star Puzzle for Educational Mathematics”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 883-887. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801222.
- Fong Wan Heng, Gan Yee Siang, Nor Haniza Sarmin & Sherzod Turaev, “Automata Representation for Abelian Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 875-882. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801221.
- Sheila Ilangovan & Nor Haniza Sarmin, “On Graph Related to Conjugacy Classes of Some 2-Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 872-874. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801220
- Zainab Yahya, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Azwin Johari, “The nth Commutativity Degree of Some 2-Engel Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc 1522, 2013, pp. 903 -907. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801225
- Zainab Yahya, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Muhammad Syafiq Sabani & Mardhiah Zakaria, “The nth Commutativity Degree of Some 3-Engel Groups”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1522, 2013, pp. 1011 -1016. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801240
- Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Rohaidah Masri & Nor’ashiqin Mohd Idrus, “The Schur Multipliers of Certain Bieberbach Groups With Abelian Point Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc.Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 1069 -1074. DOI: 1063/1.4801248
- Noor Asma’Adny Mohd Adnan, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Zainab Yahya, “On Matrix Representation of Some Finite Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 1055-1064. DOI: 1063/1.4801246
- Muhanizah Abdul Hamid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin & Fadila Normahia Abd Manaf, “Relative Commutativity Degree of Some Dihedral Groups”, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 838-843. DOI: 1063/1.4801214
- Adnin Afifi Nawi, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin, “The Exterior Degree of Symmetric Group of Order Six”, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 816-820. DOI: 10.1063/1.4801210
- Rosita Zainal, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Nor Haniza Sarmin & Samad Rashid, “The Schur Multiplier and Nonabelian Tensor Square of Some Groups of p-Power Order”, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1522, 2013, pp. 1039-1044. DOI: 1063/1.4801244
- Salleh, S, Sarmin, N.H., “Dynamic Single-Row Routing Technique for Channel Assignments”, Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 2009 (ITNG’09), 27-19 April 2009, pp 41-46. http://eprints.utm.my/13502/
- Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Marzuki Khalid, Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Automation of DNA computing readout method implemented on lightcycler system”, 3rd Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (AMS 2009), Bandung, Bali, 25-26 May 2009, 5071992, pp. 252-257.(ISBN: 978-076953648-4). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5071992
- Zuwairie Ibrahim, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Marzuki Khalid & John A. Rose, “Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for DNA Computing Readout Method Implemented on Light Cycler System”, International Conference on Insturmentation, Control & Information Technology (SICE 2008), Chofu, Japan, 20-22 August 2008. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=4654741
- Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Zuwairie Ibrahim & Marzuki Khalid, “Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for DNA Computing Readout Method Implemented on DNA Engine Opticon 2 System”, Fourth Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-28 June 2008. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4725846
- Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin & Zuwairie Ibrahim, “Generating DNA Code Word for DNA Computing with Real-Time PCR”, The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science & Technology (ACST 2008), Langkawi, Malaysia, 2-4 April 2008. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1712709
- Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Nor Haniza Sarmin & Zuwairie Ibrahim, “An Improved In Silico Output Visualization for DNA Computation based on Real-Time PCR”, The Second Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS’08), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 – 15 May 2008. http://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/ams/2008/3136/00/3136a879-abs.html