- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Ghazali Semil @ Ismail and Nur Idayu Alimon, “MATLAB Algorithms on Computing Topological Indices of the Zero Divisor Graph for the Ring Z_p^k (T.I. CALC Z_p^k)”, 10 January 2025.
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng, Mohd Firdaus Abdul-Wahab, Yuhani Yusof and Muhammad Azrin Ahmad, “Gel Photo Visualisation of Second Order Limit Language”, 15 Mei 2016 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD108(66)).
- Yuhani Yusof, Norhayati Rosli, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Lim Wen Li, “Behaviour of DNA Splicing Languages Predictor”, 25 November 2016.
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Noor Aishikin Adam, Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri and Atikah Mohd Sani, “Patterns of Triaxial Templates of Tudung Saji by Using The Properties of Groups”, 17 Julai 2014 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD66(36)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fatin Aliah Phang, Naomie Salim and Zaidatun Tasir, “Framework of Postgraduate Supervision of Graduate on Time (GOT)”, 20 October 2014 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD73(6)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Mohd Shahizan Othman, Nazlin Ali, Che Noorlia Shaari, Nurul Ain Najihah Yusri and Syafiqah Abdul Jalil, “Postgraduate Survey System for Student (Coding, Abstract, Documentation)”, 24 April 2014 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD60(58)).
- Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Mathuri Selvarajoo, “Graphical User Interface of Probabilistic DNA Splicing System”, 25 Setember 2014 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD68(17)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, FongWan Heng, Fariba Karimi and Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab, “Gel Photo Visualization of Persistent Splicing Systems with Embedded Recognition Sequences”, 11 September 2013 (UTM.J.14.01/27.13/1JLD50(14)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Samad Rashid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal, “Gap Algorithm On The Computation Of The Commutator Subgroup Of Groups Of Order p^3q (GAP-G’_p^3q)”, 21 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(4)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Samad Rashid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal, “Gap Algorithm On The Computation Of The Center Of Groups Of Order p^3q (GAP – Z(G)_ p^3q)”, 21 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(8)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Samad Rashid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal, “Gap Algorithm On The Computation Of The Nonabelian Tensor Square Of Groups Of Order p^3q (GAP – NTS_p^3q)”, 21 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(2)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Samad Rashid, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal, “Gap Algorithm On The Computation Of The Schur Multiplier Of Groups Of Order p^3q (GAP – M (G)_p^3q)”, 21 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(6)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Abdulqader Mohammed Abdullah Bin Basri, “The Nonabelian Tensor Squares and Homological Functors of Finite Nonabelian Metacyclic p-Groups”, 22 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD37(98)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Abdulqader Mohammed Abdullah Bin Basri and Mohd Sham Mohamad, “Computations on Some Characteristics of Finite Nonabelian Metacyclic p-Groups”, 22 January 2013 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD37(100)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal. “GAP Algorithms on the Computation of the Nonabelian Tensor Squares of Groups of Order p^3q (GAP-NTS_ p^3q)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(2)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Dr. Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal. “GAP Algorithms on the Computation of the Commutar Subgroup of Groups of Order p^3q (GAP-G’_ p^3q)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(4)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Dr. Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal. “GAP Algorithms on the Computation of the Schur Multiplier of Groups of Order p^3q (GAP-MG_ p^3q)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(6).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Dr. Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Rosita Zainal. “GAP Algorithms on the Computation of the Center of Groups of Order p^3q (GAP-Z(G)_ p^3q)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD38(8)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Abdul Qader Mohammed Abdullah Basri and Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali. “GAP Algorithms on the Computation of the Nonabelian Tensor Squares and Homological Functors of Finite Nonabelian Metalcyclic p-Groups for Some Small Primes p (GAP_NTS&HF_M)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD37(98)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Abdul Qader Mohammed Abdullah Basr, Mohd Sham Mohammad and Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali. “GAP Algorithms on Some Characteristics of Finite Nonabelian Metacyclic p-Groups for Some Small Primes p (GAP_SSC)_M)”. 31 Disember 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1JLD37(100).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng and Gan Yee Siang, “Magic Star Puzzle for Educational Mathematics”, 23 October 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1Jld 33(15)).
- Fong Wan Heng, Nor Haniza Sarmin and Gan Yee Siang, “A New Generative Algorithm for the Formation of Magic Stars of Order Six”, 4 April 2012 (UTM.J.01.12/27.13/1 Jld2 2(8)).
- Nor Haniza Sarminand Yuhani Yusof, “GAP Algorithms on Detecting 2-Engel Groups of Order at Most 20 (GAP_D2E)”. 1 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld83-e (66)).
- Nor Haniza Sarminand Yuhani Yusof, “GAP Algorithms on Presenting Characteristics of 2-Engel Groups of Order at Most 20 (GAP_C2E)”, 1 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 83-e (68)).
- Nor Haniza Sarminand Yuhani Yusof, “GAP Algorithms on Finding P(G) of 2-Engel Groups of Order at Most 20 (GAP_P(G)2E)”. 1 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 83-e (67)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, Mohd Sham Mohamad and Ghazali Ismail, “GAP Algorithms on Finding Homological Functors of 2-Generator 2-Groups of Class 2 (GAP_HF(2G,cl2))”. 20 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 84-e (101)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Aliand Mohd Sham Mohamad, “GAP Commands on Finding The Probability That Two Elements Commute in Some 2-Generator 2-Groups Of Nilpotency Class 2 (GAP_P(G)2Gcl2)”, 20 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 84-e (104)).
- Nor Haniza Sarminand Azhana Ahmad, “GAP Programmes on Finding the Conjugacy Classes of 2-Generator p-Groups of Nilpotency Class Two (GAP_cl(2G,pG))”, 20 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 84-e (103)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor’aini Aris and Rohaidah Masri, “GAP Codes for Finding The Nonabelian Tensor Squares of Certain Bierberbach Groups With Point Groups C2 (GAP_NTS(BG,C2))”. 20 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 84-e (102)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali and Shaharuddin Salleh, “Group Theory Made Easy 1 (GTEz1)” 28 April 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 Jld 85-e (53)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, Fong Wan Heng, Noor Aini Abd Rashid and Mohd Firdaus Abd Wahab, “Output Visualization of Adult and Limit Language In a Splicing System”, 5 Jan 2010. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 JLD76-e (43)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin and Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, ”GAP Algorithms for Homological Functors of Infinite 2-Generator Groups of Class 2”, 16 Oktober 2009. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 JLD70-e (17)).
- Nor Haniza Sarmin, “Group Theory Made Easy 2 (GTEz2)”, 5 January 2009. (UTM.01.07/27.13/1 JLD50-e (92)).