Archives for July 17, 2018

Day 3 :

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  • a)  Discuss how OBE reflects the 21st century teaching and learning.– Focused more on outcome – Be creative in teaching methodology- OBE with technology assistance
  • b)  Did you experience any problems in implementing changes in your faculty? Discuss with your group member on how you have conducted your course and how OBE that had help you in your class.- Course cold

c)  Some of you will be selected to share the experience. Do you think that you have implemented constructive alignment?-

Constructive alignment differs from other forms of outcome-based teaching and learning in that teaching is also addressed, in order to increase the likelihood of most students achieving those outcomes. In constructive alignment it is systematically align the teaching/learning activities as well as the assessment tasks, to the intended learning outcome. Thus, this is done by requiring the students to engage the learning activities, that is align towards the outcomes.

Problems in implementing constructive alignment

– require appropriate institutional support (policies and culture)

– Teaching for quality learning takes time in preparation, in providing formative feedback to students and in qualitatively based summative assessment. (time constraint)

– resistance to change

– promotion based on research quality not teaching quality

/problem solved when positive teaching culture affects faculty, student- centred approach

/ centeres for teaching and learning strategies might help

QA and Quality enhancement

  • align KPI with teaching quality

The Australian Qualifications Framework sets out a “taxonomy of learning outcomes” that attempts to define the criteria for learning outcomes for knowledge, skills and application of knowledge, for ten levels of postsecondary education: from certificates at level 1, through diploma, bachelors and masters, to doctoral level at level 10.

  • Aussie , Tasmania have standard to improve teaching
  • Quality enhancement of teaching


  1. teaching as individual responsibiliy towards institutional role
  2. Recent institutional concern for benchmarking and defining outcomes, such as in LTAS and the statements of graduate attributes, provides an outcomes-based framework into which outcomes-based models of teaching and assessment readily fit, an unusual and happy coincidence between the demands of managerialism with constructivist approaches to student learning and assessment. My concern here has been with one such development, constructive alignment.

    Equally, if not more, important is that institutions assess their priorities and adjust their internal structures and operational procedures accordingly, for example getting the reward systems in balance on the question of teaching vs research.


    1. LA – 3 level (1.  teacher Tahu responsibility, student Tahu role 2. )