Dear all,


For those who are interested to study double degree in master of information assurance (1 year in Malaysia (UTM) and one year I Australia (Fees is RM100K), cheaper than the single fees alone. You may google study fees is you study master at Australia alone.. its a great opportunity…




Day 3 :

Follow the link ;

  • a)  Discuss how OBE reflects the 21st century teaching and learning.– Focused more on outcome – Be creative in teaching methodology- OBE with technology assistance
  • b)  Did you experience any problems in implementing changes in your faculty? Discuss with your group member on how you have conducted your course and how OBE that had help you in your class.- Course cold

c)  Some of you will be selected to share the experience. Do you think that you have implemented constructive alignment?-

Constructive alignment differs from other forms of outcome-based teaching and learning in that teaching is also addressed, in order to increase the likelihood of most students achieving those outcomes. In constructive alignment it is systematically align the teaching/learning activities as well as the assessment tasks, to the intended learning outcome. Thus, this is done by requiring the students to engage the learning activities, that is align towards the outcomes.

Problems in implementing constructive alignment

– require appropriate institutional support (policies and culture)

– Teaching for quality learning takes time in preparation, in providing formative feedback to students and in qualitatively based summative assessment. (time constraint)

– resistance to change

– promotion based on research quality not teaching quality

/problem solved when positive teaching culture affects faculty, student- centred approach

/ centeres for teaching and learning strategies might help

QA and Quality enhancement

  • align KPI with teaching quality

The Australian Qualifications Framework sets out a “taxonomy of learning outcomes” that attempts to define the criteria for learning outcomes for knowledge, skills and application of knowledge, for ten levels of postsecondary education: from certificates at level 1, through diploma, bachelors and masters, to doctoral level at level 10.

  • Aussie , Tasmania have standard to improve teaching
  • Quality enhancement of teaching


  1. teaching as individual responsibiliy towards institutional role
  2. Recent institutional concern for benchmarking and defining outcomes, such as in LTAS and the statements of graduate attributes, provides an outcomes-based framework into which outcomes-based models of teaching and assessment readily fit, an unusual and happy coincidence between the demands of managerialism with constructivist approaches to student learning and assessment. My concern here has been with one such development, constructive alignment.

    Equally, if not more, important is that institutions assess their priorities and adjust their internal structures and operational procedures accordingly, for example getting the reward systems in balance on the question of teaching vs research.


    1. LA – 3 level (1.  teacher Tahu responsibility, student Tahu role 2. )



  1. NO MORE SPPT AFTER 1st JULY Academician staff coming in .. Have to go DCP.
  2. Module 1 –
  3. Module 2 : Curriculum Design – 12%
  4. Module 3 – Teaching and Learning – 16%
  5. Module 4 : Assessment – 12%
  6. Module 5 – E-Learning = 30%
  7. Module 7 – Praktikum= 30%
  • Mendapat sekurangnya2 grade B (65 marks)



OBE must be aligned with Learning Outcome, Instruction and Assessment.

1. Clarity of Focus

2. High Expectations

3. Expanded Opportunities

4. Designing Down

(Knowledge, Skills, Attitude) many more

OBE Two Types of assessment

  • Formative
    • On going assessment/ on going feedback
    • CAT
    • The points / marks given will not accountable towards your final grade
    • giving student feedback that they can improve assessment
  • Summative
    • Student awarded with grade

Call For Paper Tun Fatimah Conference 112 13 NOVEMBER

For those who do research on WOMEN …




Call for Facebook Proposal 2018

Sources from :
Call for Proposal by Facebook Research – Crisis Informatics Research Awards
We are pleased to invite the academic community to respond to this call for research proposals on crisis informatics and the role of social media in disaster response and recovery. Research awardees will be expected to contribute insights and innovative solutions in this space, including but not limited to:
  • Methods for assessing the validity, relevance and usefulness of crisis maps or other data products for disaster preparedness, response and recovery
  • Topics and themes of social media posts that transcend individual regions, languages and disaster types
  • Methods for identifying disaster relief needs and conditions on the ground from social media posts and civilian reporting
  • Statistical models of movement, evacuation and long-term displacement due to natural disasters
  • Quantitative and qualitative insights into how humanitarian response organizations make use of social media or crisis informatics datasets for disaster preparedness, response and recovery
  • Novel techniques for visualization of social media crisis data
  • Case studies in the use of social media crisis data by humanitarian organizations
  • Data privacy in crisis informatics and social media crisis data
  • Bias and fairness in social media crisis data and its impact on disaster response
Deadline is on September 20, 2018 05:00 pm PST & Budget: USD 50,000 

MTDC challenge

For students who are interested in MTDC challenge.. you have the product??? Lets get it commercialize


2014 : Book Chapter

  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, Nurazean Maarop, Understanding Relationship between Security Culture and Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management in Organization, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Volume 185, pp 397-402 (ISSN: 1865-1348)

Indexed by: SCOPUS, Google Scholar


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, Investigation of Key Resistance Factors in Knowledge Sharing Towards Information Security Culture in Healthcare Organization, The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations Springer Proceedings in Complexity , pp 593 -601 (ISSN :2213-8684)

Indexed by : SCOPUS


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail , A Conceptual Model Towards Information Security Culture in Health Informatics, Malaysian Japan Model on Technology Partnership, pp : 187 – 196 (ISBN: 978-4-431-54439-5)

Indexed by : SCOPUS

2016 : Academic Journal

  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, 2016. Information Security Culture in Healthcare Informatics: A Preliminary Investigation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 88, No. 22. Indexed by : SCOPUS


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, Fiza Abd Rahim, 2014. A Review on Barriers in Adopting Healthcare Information System, Advanced Science Letter, Volume 20, pp2184-pp2187 (ISSN: 1936 -7317)

Indexed by : SCOPUS


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, 2013, A Conceptual Model for Investigating Factors Influencing Information Security Culture in Healthcare Environment, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp 1007 1-1012. (ISSN: 1887-0428)


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Nazean Jomhari, 2008. Deriving the Navigational Structure for Stroke Information System Based on User Perceptions, Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 19, pp 3415-3422. (ISSN: 1812-5654)

              Indexed by : SCOPUS, ISI Web of Knowledge, AGRICOLA, AGRIS, Chemical Abstract Services, EMBASE, Google Scholar


  1. Siti Hafizah Ab. Hamid, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, 2008. Distributed Database for Reusable Learning Object-Based System, Information Technology Journal, Volume 7, Issue 5, pp.754-761(ISSN: 1812-5638)

Indexed by : SCOPUS, INSPEC, Ei Compendex, EMBASE, Google Scholar



  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Shukor Sanim Mohd Fauzi, 2008. Protecting Windows Registry Directory Using Registry Tuning Tool and Hence Increasing The Security Level Of The Windows Operating System, Information Technology Journal,Volume 7, Issue 6, pp 840-849. (ISSN: 1812-5638)

      Indexed by : SCOPUS, INSPEC, Ei Compendex, EMBASE, Google Scholar


  1. Hairul Nizam M. N., Rodina Ahmad, Noor Hafizah Hassan, 2008. An Empirical Study of Barriers in the Implementation of Software Process Improvement Project in Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 23, pp 4362-4368.(ISSN: 1812-5654)

 Indexed by : SCOPUS, INSPEC (IEE)


  1. Hairul Nizam M. N., Rodina Ahmad, Noor Hafizah Hassan, 2008. Resistance Factors in the Implementation of Software Process Improvement Project in Malaysia, Journal of Computer Science, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2008, pp 211-219 (ISSN: 1549-3636)

Indexed by : SCOPUS, IET- ISI Thomson Scientific, Ulrich, DOAJ, Cabell, WAD, ASA, IET, Genamics, EBSCO,     

      Thomson Gale, ProQuest


  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Azah Anir Norman & Noor Hafizah Hassan, Towards a Flexible Tool for Supporting Data Collection & Analysis in Personal Software Process, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2008 (ISSN: 1709-0832)

Indexed by : SCOPUS, INSPEC (IEE)


  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Rodina Ahmad, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Issues in the Implementation of Software Process Improvement Project in Malaysia, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2008 (ISSN: 1709-0832)

Indexed by : SCOPUS, INSPEC (IEE)

  1. NorAdnan Yahaya, Rosiza Buang, Noor Hafizah Hassan. March 2008, Dynamic Implementation for Metadata Editor, International Journal Of Computer Science And Network Security, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 112-120, (ISSN : 1738-7906)

Indexed by : Google Scholar

2016-2008 : International Conference

  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismail, Nurazean Maarop, 2015. Information Security Culture, A Systematic Literature Review, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics, pp. 456-463, Istanbul, Turkey. Index by ISI Web Of Science (ISBN: 978-967-0910-02-4)


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismai Nurazean Maarop, 2014. A conceptual model for knowledge sharing towards information security culture in healthcare organization , 3rd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems – 2013 (ICRIIS’13), pp 516 – 520. l (ISBN: 978-1-4799-2486-8)

Indexed by : IEEE


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Zuraini Ismai Nurazean Maarop, 2013. A conceptual model for knowledge sharing towards information security culture in healthcare organization , 21st IBIMA conference on 27th – 28th June 2013. (ISBN: 978-1-4799-2486-8)


  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan and Zuraini Ismail. Investigation of Key Resistance Factors in Knowledge Sharing Towards Information Security Culture in Healthcare Organization, Eighth International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference (KMO 2013), Taipei, Taiwan. 9-13 September 2013.





  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Rodina Ahmad, Noor Hafizah Hassan, 2008. Resistance Factors in the Implementation of Software Process Improvement Project. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Information Technology 2008 (ITSim2008), Selangor, Malaysia, 26-29 August 2008 pp: 2703-2711(ISBN : 978-1-4244-2327-9)

Indexed by : IEEE, Library of Congress



  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Mustapha Kamal, 2008. Participatory User Centered Design Techniques for a Web Information System for Stroke. Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 21-23 Oct 2008, Vientiane, Laos. (ISBN : 978-1-4244-2336-1)

Indexed by : IEEE, Library of Congress


  1. Mustapha Kamal, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, 2008. Human Computer Interaction Approach in Customer Relationship Management Based on Supplier Perspective. Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Vientiane, Laos. 21-23 Oct 2008 (ISBN : 978-1-4244-2336-1)

Indexed by : IEEE, Library of Congress


  1. Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Mustapha Kamal Md. Nor, 2008. A Component Oriented Approach for Developing Mobile Financial Application System. Proceedings of International Conference on E-activities, 27-29 Dec 2008, Cairo, EGYPT.

      Indexed by : Scopus


  1. Mustapha Kamal Md. Nor, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Wan Ayuni Wan Rozali, 2008. Incorporating 3D-Virtual Walk-Through Feature in a Web-based Property Information System in Malaysian’s, Proceedings of International Conference on E-activities, 27-29 Dec 2008, Cairo, EGYPT. Indexed by : Scopus


  1. Zarinah Kasirun,Noor Hafizah Hassan,Yasmoon Aziyati Ahmad, Aircraft Logbook and Maintenance Operation Systems, International Conference on Engineering and Technology,11-13 December 2006, Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.



2009 : Poster Expo


  1. Mustapha Kamal Md. Nor ,Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Integrated Bus Reservation and Ticketing System (InBRATS),University Malaya Research and Innovation Expo 2009, 15-17 January 2009. (Silver Medal)
  2. Syukor Sanim Md. Fauzi, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir,Hazrina Hassan, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Personal Software Process, UITM Technology and Innovation Expo 2009, 18 – 20 Janury 2009. (Silver Medal)
  3. Syukor Sanim Md. Fauzi, Siti Hafizah Ab. Hamid, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir,Hazrina Hassan, Noor Hafizah Hassan,Wong Yew Min, Implementing Multithreading Techniques in Increasing of Credit Card Authorization Performance Using .Net Technology, University Malaysian Technology Expo 2009,PWTC,19-21 February 2009.(Silver Medal)
  4. Syukor Sanim Md. Fauzi, Siti Hafizah Ab. Hamid, Mohd Hairul Nizam Md. Nasir, Hazrina Hassan, Noor Hafizah Hassan, Wong Yew Min, Implementing Multithreading Techniques in Increasing of Credit Card Authorization Performance using Java, University Malaysian Technology Expo 2009,PWTC,19-21 February 2009.(Bronze Medal)


2013 : Doctoral Seminar

  1. Noor Hafizah Hassan, Assessing Factors Influencing Information Security Culture in Healthcare Informatics , 3rd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems – 2013 (ICRIIS’13), UNITEN.


ICSITech 2018 : Deadline extended 8th July 2018

Visit :


2018 International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech) will be held on October 30-31, 2018 in historical city of Melaka, Malaysia. This conference is hosted by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Big Data Centre and jointly organized by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universitas Budi Luhur, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda, Politeknik Negeri Padang, Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Malikussaleh, Telkom University, ASCEE, and ITSA Colombia. The conference aims to keep abreast of the current development and innovation in the area of Science in Information Technology as well as providing an engaging platform for participants to share knowledge and expertise in related disciplines. The theme for this conference is “Embracing Industry 4.0 : Towards Innovation in Cyber Physical System”.

Melaka is one of Malaysia’s most attractive locations and widely known for its harmonious blend of cultures as well as numerous historical sites. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the state of Melaka is rich with heritage buildings, ancient landmarks and colonial structures. Although the city is a mix of old and new with historical buildings standing side by side with ultra modern shopping centres, it retains a seamless blend of cultures.

All papers presented at this conference (provided meeting all editorial requirements) will be published in the following Scopus indexed journals :


Penerbitan artikel dalam UTM eJournal

Sukacita kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa penerbitan artikel dalam UTM eJournal yang tidak berindeks hanya terpakai kepada senarai jurnal berikut:

2.1              Jurnal Sains Humanika (

2.2               Applied Membrane Science and Technology (

2.3              Jurnal UMRAN (

2.4              International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (

2.5              Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering (

2.6              Journal of Transport System Engineering (

2.7              Jurnal Kemanusiaan (

2.8              MATEMATIKA (, ACI, MyCite

2.9              Jurnal Mekanikal (

2.10          LSP International (

2.11           Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (, MyCite

2.12         International Journal of Innovative Computing (

2.13          ELEKTRIKA (