Ir. Dr. Noor Nabilah Sarbini is a Senior Lecturer in a Department of Structure and Materials, School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Apart having an experienced as a lecturer, she has an experienced as a planning engineer during previous employment before joined as an academician. Despite, she was actively linked with the industry as yet.
She is specialized in building condition assessment, prestressed concrete design, fibre reinforced concrete, concrete durability and Occupational, safety & health in Construction Industry Management (OSHCIM). Besides, she have given many talks/seminars to many groups of design engineers, contractors, researchers and even managers on the design and construction of the aforementioned specialties. This includes invitation from the Public Works Department of Malaysia (JKR), CREAM and other private organizations. She had also given a talk as an invited speaker in a seminar organized by the Department of Occupational, Safety and Health (DOSH), Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM), Forensic Engineering Centre and Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Training Institute(i-KPKT). As an addition, she was also actively invited as a motivational speaker for students in UTM, Matriculation College and Vocational College.
She is a qualified Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (M.I.E.M) and actively involved in many consultation works in the area of structural design and forensic engineering investigations. She have served the University in administration job through immense involvement in different committees. Currently, She is the Head of a Structural Assessment and Forensic Engineering (SAFE) Research Group and also the Signatory and Technical Manager for Civil Engineering Testing Unit (CETU). Civil Engineering Testing Unit is an accredited laboratory for mechanical lab testing with ISO laboratory accreditation. On the other hand, she is also attached at the Forensic Engineering Centre (FEC) as an Associate Research Fellow, which is a Centre of Excellence (CoE) under the Institute of Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Construction (ISIIC). She is also appointed as a Program Coordinator for Master in Forensic Engineering Program. This program is carried out for two methods which are full time classes and Online Distance Learning (ODL), a special program.
Ir. Dr. Noor Nabilah Sarbini invited any potential student to further studies in UTM so that more intellectual are produced for good of a mankind.
Contact :
Ir. Dr. Noor Nabilah Sarbini /