Salam mesra dari saya untuk semua….

Assalammualikum and Welcome,

Dr. Norazila Binti Othman

Department of Aeronautics, Automotive & Ocean Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru
Johor, Malaysia

Room: C23-311
Office Phone No: 007-5534604


About norazila

Norazila Othman was born in Perak, Malaysia, 1985. She received the Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Aeronautics) from a University Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru in 2009 and Master of Engineering (Mechanical) from the same university in 2011. She received Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) from Tokyo Metropolitan University under the scholarship of the Asian Human Resources Fund from Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) with the thesis titled, “Trajectory Optimization of Civil Aircraft for Hazardous Condition Using Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics Simulation”. Currently, she continues the research related to the aerodynamics-flight dynamics, efficient global optimization, surrogate model, and computational fluid dynamics.
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