How to Download Journals for Beginner (UTM FYP students)

For undergraduate students in UTM, you must be feeling ‘meh’ when starting to do your final year project (FYP) aka Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). wpid-thumbnail-e68720aff4a7e36ea42c2f1a2149485b-720x400

When your SV starts to ask you to find the literature review of some topics, sometimes you will get really blur of “how are you going to start? what kind of reading you should look at”

and what actually should you looking for”. Dont you worry because you must find it normal for most of FYP students to kind of feel difficult to start your project.

So actually, when your appointed SVs asked you to start your project, do not ger nervous. There are so many online trusted website that you could refer to download journals related to your

project. Remeber….you are now in the midst of doing research..Thus, the reading must be from indexed journals…avoid referring to magazines, newspapers or maybe ‘entertainment blog’.

This is time to get serious :)…so first, make sure discuss the research topic with your SV, then start with doing your literature review…you can download your reading materials from or The access is free as long as you are in UTM and if happened that you are going for semester break in your hometown, you can actually still download the journals by inserting your ACID via PSZ website.

So I hope my sharing today is kind of beneficial for some who still ponder of how to start your FYP. Good luck to you 🙂