Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Tenaga 2016

Last Thursday, 11 August 2016, I attended Majlis Hari Raya Fakulti KejĀ  Kimia dan Tenaga for the year 2016. This is the first hari raya celebration after the merging of FKK and FPREE. Previously FKK and FPREE are two different faculties and this year we are the new merging faculty of FKT. In previous years in FPREE, the hari raya celebration is organized in the evening and all family members are invited together but this year, it’s quite different when the celebration is in the afternoon and only attended by the faculty members and some of students representatives. However, all in all, it is still a well organized event indeed and luckily I won one of the lucky draw presents :)..

all staff of fkt

All staff of Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering ( me is in the front row, fourth from left)

my table

my happening colleague