Bulletin iHumEn Issue 2/2020


January is always an exciting moment of the year. It flags the beginning of a new year with a new purpose. In iHumEn, we are thrilled to announce, due to our notable growth over the last 5 years (since 2015), that we are expanding! Thus, we are launching our new bulletin, “iHumEn“! Launched in 2020, this bulletin will be published bi-annually.

It provides latest news, views, and information that are relevant to UTM, bringing you information you can use anytime as our aims. Read through our latest bulletin to view the activities and achievements of iHumEn over the past few months. This bulletin is registered under Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia with eISSN number of 2716-540X

[Click on image to read the flippable interactive magazine]


This article was originally published at https://ihumen.utm.my/bulletin/, “Our Bulletin”, Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn), UTM.