The cat of my neighbour was ugly. It nails so sharp. Colour of fur cat was in rainbow. Its teeth were as yellow as the sun. Mr. Sparkle said, “Oh! so beautiful view”. Suddenly, alligator show up in front of Mr. Sparkle. “Ouch! it bite me.. help.. anybody.. help” shout Mr. Sparkle. Even though it bites me, I still smooching him passionately. He likes it and then he asked me if I want to eat McDonalds. At the end, he die because I put poison into his food.
Category: Teaching
Protected: ULAB1122: course outline
Protected: ULAB3122: course outline
Hello world!
Welcome to [your site name]. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Today HCI class
To my HCI student. today class will discuss about your project
Trip to NUS
Testing to facebook
Testing from web to facebook
HCI short drama
The User is a King and an example of Short Drama from Stanford University.
This could give some inspiration to your group presentation