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Dear students,
Kindly click on the link to get the information regarding the warning letter. Thank you
The duck is ugly. The beak’s duck is sharp. The other duck find him as an eyesore. The feather of duck as colourful as rainbow. One day, the duck found a big alligator. Suddenly! the duck is in the alligator lips. However, it is the alligator that shouts “Ouch!” because it bites a cursed duck. The alligator almost die of looking the big and sexy lips of the duck. But since the alligator was a very handsome looking animal, there was another animal that come and rescue the dying alligator. Suddenly, came another gentlemen animal which is Mr. Fury cat that has a nice paws that attract the alligator’s eyes. So that, the presence of the cat make the alligator has friend and does not feel lonely anymore. “Let’s go to the McDonald,” said the alligator to his friend. During eating the Big Mac, the alligator ws choked when it saw it’s face on the television because it was wanted by the police.
Ugly duck swimming in the lake. Suddenly, it hit something sharp. The sharp object make the duck’s eyes sore. Out of blue, someone appears from the rainbow near the lake. That someone from the rainbow was a very hungry and frightening alligator. the alligator has such a big, sexy and soooo gorgeous lips that any other alligators could be jealous to him. Ouch! Suddenly, the big, sexy and gorgeous lips alligator knocked down the duck head and the alligators say “you want to kiss me or you die?!!” “If you kiss me you will become a handsome duck”. The duck was shocked when heard that statement and slapped the alligator with its paws. The reason alligator ask the duck to kiss him because he is a lonely alligator. Then, the duck asks the alligator to date at McDonald. When they were at a date, the alligator was choked by someone who was jealous with the duck. The end.