(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my

How to measure Journal Impact Factor Quartile

The Journal Impact Factor quartile is the quotient of a journal’s rank in category (X) and the total number of journals in the category (Y), so that (X / Y) = Percentile Rank Z.

Q1: 0.0 < Z ≤ 0.25

Q2: 0.25 < Z ≤ 0.5

Q3: 0.5 < Z ≤ 0.75

Q4: 0.75 < Z

Journal in IS

» Information and Organization (formerly Accounting, Management and Information Technologies)
» Information Systems Journal
» Information, Technology & People
» Journal of Systems and Information Technology

Artificial Intelligence Journal
International Journal of Computing and Network Techn…
Managerial Perspectives on Intelligent Big Data Anal…
Behaviour & Information Technology Journal
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic C…
Journal of Systems Architecture
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications in…
International Journal of International Internet of T…
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) Journal