(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my







1. The Linnean Society Of London http://www.linnean.org Various 30th January And 30th September Annually
2. Japan Society For The Promotion Of Science (JSPS), Japan http://www.jsps.go.jp​​ JSPS Ronpaku (Dissertation Phd) Program 1 April Of The Starting Year
3. International Development Research Centre – IDRC http://www.idrc.ca Research Grant Idea & Research Grant Proposal 30-Apr-15
4. EUROPE UNION FUND http://eufundsregister.com 31 May each year
5. Malaysia Toray Science  Foundation http://www.mtsf.org SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 31 May of each year
6. Southeast Asian Regional Center For Graduate Study And Research In Agriculture (SEARCA) http://www.searca.org​​ Searca Travel Grants On or Before 01 August of a Given Year
7. TWAS-Comstech Joint

Research Grants

http://twas.ictp.it The Academy Of Sciences For The Developing World (TWAS) and OIC Standing Committee On Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) 31 August each year
8. The  International Centre For Diffraction Data (ICDD) http://www.icdd.com ICDD Grant-In-Aid Cycle Ii – 1 October
9. ORSKOV Foundation, United Kingdom http://www.orskovfoundation.org Poverty Alleviation Through Agricultural Education Applications For Funding Are Only Accepted Between 1st October And 31st December Each Year
10. Japan Foundation, Japan http://www.jfkl.org.my/grants/ Jfkl Grant Program Throughout The Year
11. Nagao Natural Environment Foundation http://www.nagaofoundation.or.jp/e/research/forms.html Research Grant Scheme 20 April 2015 &19 October 2015.
12. National Science Foundation, USA http://www.nsf.gov/mobile/ National Science Foundation, Usa [Various] Open Throughout The Year
13. Nippon Foundation, Japan http://www.nippon-foundation.or.jp/en/ Nippon-Foundation-Grants Throughout The Year
14. Rockefeller Foundation, New York http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/ The Rockefeller Foundation Throughout The Year
15. Wellcome Trust, USA http://www.wellcome.ac.uk International Ethics Small Project Grants Open Throughout The Year
16. National Geographic Society http://www.nationalgeographic.com [Various] Throughout The Year
17. Ford Foundation, USA http://www.fordfoundation.org Organizations Seeking Grants Open Throughout The Year
18. International Society For Infectious Diseases (ISID) http://www.isid.org ISID Small Grants Will update soon
19. JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY – JICA http://www.jica.go.jp/english/ JICA Grants Will update soon
20. ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK http://www.isdb.org IDB Grants Will update soon
21. ASIA DEVELOPMENT BANK http://www.adb.org/site/careers/japan-scholarship-program/main Not Specified Will update soon
22. The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS),Italy          

(Research Grant Programme in Basic Sciences)

http://twas.ictp.it/prog/grants August 31 every year
23. Islamic Research and Training Institute, (IRTI), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) – (IRTI Research Grant Program) http://www.irti.org January 14 or July 1 every year
24. The Nestle Foundation Research Fund http://www.nestlefoundation.org 10th January and 10th May every year