(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my


Congratulation to our department (previously known as Advanced Informatics Department, UTM KL) for the 1st place ranking in UTM eLearning.

To make a learning process become more interesting and effective, in UTM all lecturers are encouraged to apply the Blended Learning Method which is a combination of face-to-face learning and e-learning.

For UTM our Elearning page can be accessed at http://elearning.utm.my

Students can do a lot of interesting activities in enhancing their learning experiences and the amazing thing is it it accessible anytime anywhere in any medium 24/7! 🙂

So for UTM lecturers, how to design and create your course eLearning page to be more attractive?  Well you can always attend eLearning courses offered by our eLearning Team at CTL, UTM or go figure out by yourself by browsing this website: https://moodle.org/

Happy Designing everyone