Recent developments in blockchain technologies including distributed ledger frameworks, consensus algorithms, smart contract engines, development libraries, and interfaces with other systems are creating new types of services that were not possible before. It is now possible to create immutable data sharing with others on the Internet without a middle man. It is also possible to build a computerized transaction protocol that executes the terms of a contract on a blockchain platform. A number of blockchain platforms are already available. Many companies have already begun applying blockchains to their business. However, employing blockchains in the 5G enabled Internet of Things (IoT) is not yet studied well.
This special issue invites original research results that investigate blockchain technologies and applications for the 5G enabled IoT. Potential topics include but not limited to the following:
- New blockchain backbone network and protocol for 5G enabled IoT
- Smart contracts for 5G enabled IoT
- Decentralized organizations for 5G enabled IoT
- Security and privacy issues of blockchain technologies for 5G enabled IoT
- Blockchain applications for 5G enabled IoT
- Blockchain use case scenarios for 5G enabled IoT
- Blockchain-based automations for 5G enabled IoT
- Blockchain-based payment system for 5G enabled IoT
- Blockchain business models in 5G enabled IoT
Interested authors need to submit their papers (PDF format with MS word or Latex source to the ICT Express
online submission site) according to the following schedule:
Paper submission deadline: February 28, 2019
First round notification: April 30, 2019
Revised papers due: May 30, 2019
Final notification: July 15, 2019
Publication date: September 30, 2019 (tentative)
Jong-Hyouk Lee, Sangmyung University, Republic of Korea, jonghyouk (at)
Ashok Kumar Das, International Institute of Information Technology, India, ashok.das (at)
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, National National Institue of Telecommunications, Brazil, joeljr (at)
Chia-Mu Yu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, chiamuyu (at)
Tooska Dargahi, University of Salford, UK, t.dargahi (at)
Electronic submissions should be made through the Elsevier’s ICT Express website at ICT Express is a high-quality quarterly archival journal published
by KICS and hosted by Elsevier. ICT Express invites short length (up to 4 pages in double columns) highquality, original articles. Papers published in the ICT Express are indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation
Index (ESCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and Science Direct. Learn more about this journal
and click here for submission tips. Please, direct inquiries and correspondence regarding intent to submit to the
Lead Guest Editor, Prof. Jong-Hyouk Lee ( jonghyouk (at)
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