(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my

Trending, 2022

  1. Analytical thinking and innovation
  2. Active learning and learning strategies
  3. Creativity, originality and initiative
  4. Technology design and programming
  5. Critical thinking and analysis
  6. Complex problem-solving
  7. Leadership and social influence
  8. Emotional intelligence
  9. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
  10. Systems analysis and evaluation

Today, 2018

  1. Analytical thinking and innovation
  2. Complex problem-solving
  3. Critical thinking and analysis
  4. Active learning and learning strategies
  5. Creativity, originality and initiative
  6. Attention to detail, trustworthiness
  7. Emotional intelligence
  8. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
  9. Leadership and social influence
  10. Coordination and time management

Declining, 2022

  1. Manual dexterity, endurance and precision
  2. Memory, verbal, auditory and spatial abilities
  3. Management of financial, material resources
  4. Technology installation and maintenance
  5. Reading, writing, math and active listening
  6. Management of personnel
  7. Quality control and safety awareness
  8. Coordination and time management
  9. Visual, auditory and speech abilities
  10. Technology use, monitoring and control

Source: Future of Jobs Survey 2018, World Economic Forum.