The symposium acts as a platform for researchers to present and share their research findings in the areas of Computer Applications, Computational Intelligence, Industrial Electronics, Information Engineering, Software Engineering, Network & Communication Technologies, Image & Signal Processing and Internet of Things. The symposium also offers knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas listed here.
All research papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of a full length manuscript and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted research papers of ISCAIE 2019 will be submitted for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore and indexing by SCOPUS. The proceedings of ISCAIE 2017 and previous ISCAIE proceedings are already available in IEEE Xplore and successfully indexed by SCOPUS. The proceedings of ISCAIE 2018 has been submitted for inclusion in IEEExplore and Scopus.
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