by nurazaliah | Mar 11, 2019 | journal
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by nurazaliah | Mar 8, 2019 | HowTo
THE university rankers were up with their wares again last week, pronouncing this and that. Malaysians are informed of their “best” 10 with some holding their breath. Of the 10, I am closely associated with three at some point.
I should have been happy but not quite so because I am increasingly unsure of the worth of the ranking game. The issues I had for the last decade or so are still unresolved; they are getting more intense instead. I am of the opinion that the whole exercise is “intellectually dishonest”, perhaps bordering on unethical. It was then more of a hunch. Now it is more than just that.
Over time, evidence has been gathering pointing in that direction, at least in the Malaysian scene. For the discerning, a closer look at the existing league table will be sufficient to raise many questions — assuming one is not totally sold on the cliche that ranking “is here to stay”, a tagline often heavily promoted to subtly convey the message that not being ranked is a sure mark of “mediocrity”.
Like it or not, this is enough to scare many institutions resulting in total mental dependency on the league table mindset. And therefore, too, “afraid” to withdraw from the ranking game and the “negative” implications that are to follow, real or perceived. Including being condemned as “failing” even if the drop is a matter of one notch. In other words, one is stuck for life to a particular way of viewing a “university” according to set criteria preferred by a particular ranker (which itself can be just as mediocre).
It is, therefore, no wonder that no two rankers are alike because they are competing with one another. In fact, some rankers were known to be at loggerheads with each other in the rush to draw in as many clients as possible for better visibility, and for greater profitability. What is vital is the question of relevance to a particular worldview as to how one understands what education is truly about. More often it is slanted towards research and development, forcing many to readjust priorities, reluctantly, in the hope, they could be favourably ranked too. Other education missions like teaching and learning and community services are marginalised, although they are equally important if not more essential as the foundation to education.
It, therefore, implies if a university is not research biased, chances are it will be poorly ranked. Because research activities require deep pockets, the majority are not well positioned to meet the mark.
The Malaysian league table exemplifies this very well; the older and relatively mature institutions are better ranked. The reverse is also true. What is interesting is when a university that is not known for its research capacity also got ranked among the top 10. It may be a better teaching university instead, but that generally does not count. This can cause confusion leading to speculation as to what is meant by education if there are other sets of “hidden” rules or criteria that others are not privy to.
For example, what happens if there is a hypothetical case of a country wanting to focus more on “community engagement” as a core function of its education system? On top of that, it also wants to cherish values like love, happiness and mutual respect among members of the education sector. Or for that matter, not to link it to STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) but to STREAM (science, technology, religio-ethics, arts, management) backed by Sustainability Science or Education 2030. Do the universities of that country still have a choice to play the ranking game based on the old mantra as conventionally promoted by the rankers, and risk not being aligned with the country’s educational mission?
Put it another way, are the rankers more influential than the ministry of education in setting the priorities of the universities that are funded by the government? What is clear is that the present ranking game is no longer relevant to the new changing priorities as described.
This could be compounded when those changing priorities demand a different worldview of what quality education is all about (see CenPRIS, Feb 4). For example, in the context of Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. Here is where the notion of Education 2030 comes into the big picture in defining education in the context of the 21st century. In a manner of speaking, we need to be fully convinced that the ranking game is addressing such a concern as outlined by the global agenda of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030). Otherwise, it is only logical to seriously consider skipping the ranking game that is at odds with our needs.
by nurazaliah | Mar 4, 2019 | HowTo
Confidence breeds success. Are you as confident (and successful) as you can be?
When I look back on my 20s, I see two different versions of myself. The first five years were dominated by feelings of insecurity and anxiety. I was living a life I did not want, and I wasn’t confident enough to stop it. Then, in the second half of my 20s, I learned to embrace my purpose and began living the life I wanted — the life of an entrepreneur. One thing is clear: The success I’ve experienced while launching and growing SkyBell would not have been possible with my old mindset.
Now at age 32, I can clearly see my shift from a negative mindset to a success mindset was caused by my developing more confidence. When you feel confident, the whole world seems to belong to you. You suddenly surround yourself with other successful and confident people, and both opportunities and success come your way with ease.
Here are 10 ways you can develop the mindset shared by the most confident people.
1. Define your purpose.
It’s hard to be confident in what you’re doing if you’re not sure why you’re doing it. What is your purpose in work and in life? Once you identify your “why,” you’ll be more confident because you’ll be coming from a place of purpose.
2. Avoid comparing yourself with others.
In almost every case, when you compare yourself with someone else, it takes the form of negative self-talk about how you’re not good enough. Doing this weakens self-confidence. The only person you need to compare yourself with is the version of yourself that you want to become. That’s it.
3. Focus on solutions.
There will always be challenges. But focusing solely on a problem is a self-defeating practice. Instead, acknowledge that problems will arise, and when they do, focus on finding solutions as a strong leader. The more problems you overcome, the more confidence you’ll build and the easier it will be to find solutions.
4. Play to your strengths.
Sometimes we spend more time making up for our perceived weaknesses than we do honoring our strengths. While I certainly agree with improving weaknesses, you might find that your confidence will increase when you play up your strengths. For example, if you’re not good at math (like me), don’t be a CFO. Stick with your strengths.
5. Fake it till you make it.
If you suffer from imposter syndrome or the untrue belief that you’re not good enough, just pretend to be confident. Keep embracing the idea that you’re already successful. You might not be convinced at first, but eventually, your thoughts will follow your emotions and you’ll become a more confident person.
6. Take action.
Fear can be paralyzing. Ignore the voice in your head telling you that you can’t do something, and take action anyway. The more you let fear hold you back, the stronger the negative voice will become. It works in the other direction too: The more you take action, the quieter the negative voice will become.
7. Take pride in your appearance.
When you look good, you’ll feel good. When you feel good, you feel confident. Wear the clothes you want to wear. Invest in how you look and you’ll invest in your own success.
8. Focus on the positive.
Negative self-talk and pessimism are a vicious cycle and a drain on your confidence. Focus on your positive attributes instead of perceived weaknesses; focus on your accomplishments rather than on your perceived failures. Keep focused on what is working instead of what is not working.
9. Be ready.
Success is part of preparation and part opportunity. Study, practice, and do what it takes to prepare yourself for when the right opportunity knocks on your door. If you’re prepared, you are more likely to have the confidence to capitalize on the opportunity.
10. Embrace the power of body language.
Body language speaks much louder than words. When you’re feeling down on yourself, change your posture: Pull your shoulders back, hold your head high, stand with your feet wide and put your hands in the air like a superhero. Notice how the new stance quickly changes your mood and boosts your confidence.
Final word.
There is no magic solution that will suddenly make you a more confident person. But when you focus on making consistent and small steps, you can transform yourself from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Building confidence is like building momentum: Just keep taking action and you’ll feel more and more confident with each positive step.
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