(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my
  1. Understands the qualities associated with doctoral level research in their discipline, and communicates these to the PhD student
  2. Gives time and thought to the selection and acceptance of students for PhD research
  3. Establishes a good working relationship with the student
  4. Clarifies expectations throughout the PhD
  5. Inspires and motivates the PhD student
  6. Supports the conceptual development of the
  7. Guides the timing and sequencing of project activities
  8. Monitors research activities to ensure timely completion
  9. Supports the student through institutional processes for monitoring progress and reporting
  10. Provides constructive and timely feedback
  11. Identifies and deals with potential conflicts and difficult situations (academic and personal)
  12. Ensures that the research is of publishable
  13. Anticipates problems and assists the PhD student’s adaptation of their research to cope with problems and challenges
  14. Advises, and enforces where necessary, the academic and research standards
    of the PhD research
  15. Encourages and advises the PhD student on appropriate professional development
  16. Encourages the PhD student to have an appropriate work-life
  17. Assists the PhD student with their preparation of the thesis and for the viva
  18. Actively guides the PhD student’s preparation for their post-PhD
  19. Is aware of and responds to the changing relationship with the PhD student over time, and especially the balance between structure and independence
  20. Gives sufficient time to these
  21. Invests time in their own professional development as a PhD supervisor