Sharing my insights on this matter with NTSP dated 14th May 2020. Thank you Ms Rayyan NSTP for this opportunity
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As a mother of three schoolboys, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Razak Faculty of Technology And Informatics research manager Dr Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar understands the challenges that the school teachers face.

During the day, she has online classes, meetings, consultations and webinars to partake in.
“I also have to make sure that my children attend their online classes and submit their homework. Most women academics, especially those with small kids have to wait until night time to focus on producing quality publications.”
After her children are asleep, she will burn the midnight oil on tasks that require more concentration.
“I will focus on writing and reviewing papers as well as checking my students’ thesis. It’s tough that I can only work undisrupted between 10pm until 2 or 3am, when everything else is settled.”
A lecturer’s role typically involves seven tasks, she said.
“The tasks are lecturing, supervision, research project, publication, consultation, industrial networking and faculty administrative tasks. With or without the MCO, we need to fulfil them to meet our KPI.”
Hence, Nur Azaliah is very grateful to have an understanding husband and children.
“Chores such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry are split among the family members. My husband and I will monitor the kids. I’m aware that some women do not have this kind of support.”
UTM provides excellent support to all academics, regardless of gender, she said.
“UTM has always followed a KPI-based system rather than a time-based performance. During the pandemic, the university provides us with good digital infrastructure and flexibility. It’s also important for faculty members to respect and motivate each other in this period.”
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