by nurazaliah | Jan 3, 2020 | HowTo
Enterprise Architecture Maturity & Competency Development for a Succesful Digital Transformation
A Digital transformation initiative’s success extends beyond technology. It would require an enterprise wide culture change within the organisation and its people to extend its digital capability. To succeed in this journey, organisations should address its people, process and technology towards a digital savvy workforce that is aligned with the intents of EA in realizing the goals and objectives.
As depicted in the Competency Development Framework diagram, the centre focus for successful transformation lies in the competency of the Enterprise Architecture team that covers the holistic engagement to innovate and disrupt, measure and driving continuous transformation and deliver measurable outcomes.

Figure 1: Competency Development Framework
The first step is to assess the performance of its EA maturity based on the enterprise dimension factors. This will determine the appropriate action plans to be implemented to bring organisations towards a higher maturity level. The assessment further will provide recommendations that will focus on improvements, and benchmarking against relevant organisations and industry. An overall EA Assessment is also necessary to identify the current state of the digital transformation adoption which will cover the organisation that includes but not limited to Investments, Finance, HR, Governance, Risk & Compliance, IT, Legal and Secretariat, so as to develop a strategy to best execute the digital initiative and address any opportunities or gaps. The aim for this engagement is to realise the outcomes of a digitally connected enterprise from Strategy to Business to Information to Application and Infrastructure and vice versa.
The EA Maturity Assessment comprises of an assessment framework with methodology to measure the EA Maturity level using both the qualitative and quantitative assessment method as well as the actual conduct of a diagnostic survey.

Figure 2: The EA Maturity Assessment Process
The assessment will include the digital competency to identify performance gaps and learning measures in upskilling the team competencies in the areas of business, data, application, technology and solution architecture development. To achieve this and base on the results of the assessment, appropriate digital skillsets program should then be identified based on global EA best practices from TOGAF® Architecture Skills Framework together with the IT Architecture Body of Knowledge (ITABoK®) Skillsets to upskill a practical development and achievable target for achieving a higher performance level for a digital savvy workforce.
For EA to be effective, it must have measurable KPI to deliver business values and communicates them using business outcomes to make better decisions. For example, the figure shows the outcomes of key performance metrics for performing technology rationalization with the target of 70% for rationalization decision that fit with Future State EA and 90% for stakeholder’s approval decisions.

Figure 3: EA Key Performance Metrics Example
The ability to be able to develop the right EA Maturity & Competency models will lead to a greater digital capability where it can assist organisations to identify the right element along with the right time to increase IT approaches in digital transformation initiatives. Through EA Maturity & Competency Development, the digital transformation journey will be much clearer due to the fact that the organisational needs are taken into consideration. Every organisation should consider taking this ‘health check’ to ensure the digital initiatives taken are operating efficiently.
Author: Aaron Tan Dani
President of Singapore Computer Society EA-Chapter
Founder and Chairman of Iasa Asia Pacific
Chief Architect of ATD Solution
Related websites:
Join the EA activities in Singapore and learn how you can implement Digital-Business-driven EA in your organisation.
Computer Society EA-Chapter:
Learn more about ITABoK (IT Architecture Body of Knowledge) skillsets and about the roles, scopes and impacts of EA Specializations.
Acquire successful Digital Transformation adoption with ATD Enterprise Architecture consulting and training services.
ATD Solution:
by nurazaliah | Jan 1, 2020 | HowTo
Nine New Year’s Resolutions for Academics
2020 Resolutions
Think, write, teach, discover and read. These are the things we love and why we joined this great profession, but so many things are in your way and killing your joy. Our resident Fighty Squirrel offers a couple of resolutions and protips to let you do the thing you love. Your job. Enjoy and Happy New Year.
Jump Start Your Day with a Filter and a Huddle.
Morning sets the tone for your day. That happy buzz you feel with quality caffeine in your system can be squashed quickly as emails hijack your priorities and your office fills up with visitors, students, and colleagues. Put a tourniquet on your email haemorrhage with SaneBox. This monster service will kill spam, focus you on real email and learn your habits. Add a daily 20-minute huddle with your team at the start of your day in order to get everyone on the same page and you’ll be crushing it by 9 am.
Take a break.
No one cares if you are working the 120-work week. This isn’t the Olympics of Suffering where the gold medal is tenure. You’ll end up so tired and overwhelmed you will be useless and a terrible role model.
Destroy Waste.
You have a precious few commodities as an academic. First and foremost is your time. Guard it. Stop saying ‘yes’ to things that you aren’t passionate about. We recommend a ‘Say No’ post it on the side of your computer.
Stand on the Shoulders of Giants.
Every one of your fears, questions, and dilemmas has been asked by those that have gone before you not only in academia but also in business, philosophy and literature. Treat yourself to some of the excellent books we have recommended this year on assertiveness, resilience and how to write like a rockstar.
Network Like You Mean It.
Those people who seem to know everyone and get invited to give talks everywhere are getting exposure for their teams that you need? You need to be one of them. Follow some of the great advice on networking here.
Pick a fight.
Funding, failure to diversify, ethical conundrums, public scrutiny of research and all manner of misinformation are pulling our best students away and adding to the sense that academia is out of touch and superfluous. Pick a fight. Make a stand in your Society on gender equality, draw a line in the sand on how deep the budget cuts are impacting your students or how absurd a new policy is. Just one pick one. Your future depends on it and your students deserve to see how you can engage in tough societal issues in your real-world work
Get a Posse.
Your jobs as a PI are 99% cheerleading and grant writing. Make sure you get your own cheer squad to remind you of what’s important, why you are awesome and generally have your back. It’s unrealistic to think you will have these folks in your department or even your institution so steady on if you are struggling to find them. These folks don’t need to be your neighbours or even in your discipline to understand. You need them to be honest, supportive and probably funny.
Be Nicer Than You Think You Should Be.
Smile at people. Did we mention you’re a role model now? Ask people how they are doing. Particularly young academics. You never know what people are going through. Be kind.
Post on The Edge for Scholars.
You know we had to add this one. Do you not know who a good posse would be? Are you struggling on how to get the resources you need or get on the radar of the journal you want to publish in? Post your thoughts on The Edge and we will amplify your message via Twitter, Facebook and using our mighty distribution list. We will get you some answers.
original article:
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2020 6th International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech)
October 21-22, 2020 // Palu, Indonesia
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Paper Submission: June 28, 2020
Acceptance Notification: August 30, 2020
Camera-ready Submission: September 13, 2020
Early Registration: October 9, 2020
Late Registration: November 13, 2020
Congress Dates: December 12-18, 2020
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Submission Deadline: 5 February 2020
Acceptance Notification: 5 March 2020
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Marrakesh, Morocco
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking
Paper Submission:
April 1, 2020
Paper Acceptance Notification:
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Camera-Ready Paper Due:
July 1, 2020
Early bird Registration:
July 15, 2020
Conference Days:
September 4-6, 2020
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