(+603) 2180 5202 azaliah@utm.my

ICAST 2020

ICAST 2020

7th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology

13-14 April 2020. Malacca, MALAYSIA

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30.11.2019 30.12.2019
Acceptance Notification to Authors 30.12.2019 15.01.2020
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The 10 traits of a ‘perfect’ boss, according to 10 years of research by Google

The 10 traits of a ‘perfect’ boss, according to 10 years of research by Google

google headquarters
For over a decade, Google has conducted research under the code name Project Oxygen. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty
  • If you have great managers and team leads, not only will you get the best out of your people, but they’ll also be more likely to stick around.
  • That’s why for 10 years, Google has conducted research to figure out what makes the perfect manager, so it could train its leaders to develop those behaviors.
  • Technical skill mattered much less than you might guess; emotional intelligence was more important.
  • According to Google, here are 10 behaviors a good manager should display.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

A company could spend all the money it wants recruiting, interviewing, and hiring the best people around. But if the boss is a jerk, those people will leave the first chance they get.

In contrast, if you have great managers and team leads, not only will you get the best out of your people, but they’ll also be more likely to stick around.

For over 10 years, Google has conducted research under the code name Project Oxygen. The goal? Figuring out what makes the perfect manager, so it could train its leaders to develop those behaviors. The research has paid off, as over the years Google has seen marked improvement in employee turnover, satisfaction, and performance.

Interestingly, technical skill mattered much less than you might guess. What was far more important for managers were emotional-intelligence skills, the ability to understand and control emotions, both their own and those of their people.

According to Google, a good boss …

1. Is a good coach

Rather than solve every problem as soon as it arises, the best managers use problems as teaching moments.

They guide their teams and share insights when needed. This allows their team to gain valuable experience and grow.

2. Empowers team and does not micromanage

sales manager

Getty Images

“I love to be micromanaged,” said no employee, ever.

In contrast, great managers give their people the freedom they crave: freedom to explore their ideas, to take (smart) risks, and to make mistakes. They also provide the physical tools their people need, and allow for flexible schedules and working environments.

3. Creates an inclusive team environment, showing concern for success and well-being

In another research project, Google discovered that the single greatest key to a team’s performance was creating a “psychologically safe” environment.

As Google puts it:

In a team with high psychological safety, teammates feel safe to take risks around their team members. They feel confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question, or offering a new idea.

In other words, great teams thrive on trust — and great managers help build that trust.

4. Is productive and results-oriented

The best managers are more than star players — they make their teammates better, too.

They do so by setting the right example and getting down and dirty whenever necessary. They’re not afraid to roll up their sleeves and help out, and that motivates their team.

5. Is a good communicator — listens and shares information


Scott Olson/Getty Images

The best managers are great listeners. This helps them to better understand their teams, and show appropriate empathy.

Additionally, good managers realize knowledge is power. That’s why they are transparent and willing to share information with their teams, so their people know the “why” behind the “what.”

6. Supports career development and discusses performance

Great managers encourage their people by sharing sincere and specific praise. But they aren’t afraid to share critical feedback, too — making sure to frame it in a way that is both tactful and constructive.

They also invest in their people by helping them reach their personal career goals. By doing so, they naturally motivate their teams to give back.

7. Has a clear vision/strategy for the team

Great managers know exactly where the team is right now, where they are headed, and what they need to do to get there. Through good communication, they help keep the team on track.

They also make sure each team member understands their individual role in executing that strategy.

8. Has key technical skills to help advise the team



Great managers understand the jobs of their people, including their everyday tasks and challenges.

If the manager is moved into a new department, he or she will take time to get to know how things are done, and work to build trust before making drastic changes or offering advice.

9. Collaborates effectively

Bad managers view their team as a silo, working against or even sabotaging other teams within the same company.

In contrast, great managers see the big picture. They work for the good of the company as a whole, and encourage their teams to do the same.

10. Is a strong decision-maker

Great managers aren’t impulsive, but they are decisive. After getting to know the facts and considering the thoughts and perspectives of their teams, they move things forward — even if that requires making a decision not everyone will approve of.

Then, they commit to those decisions.

If your company can train and promote managers who do these 10 things, you’ll build trust and inspire your people to become the best versions of themselves.

They’ll follow, not because they have to. But because they want to.

The Journal Finder to publish your article

Journal Finder Tools

Similar to a database search for references, journal finder tool databases require the searcher/author to provide your potential article’s keywords or abstract, and the Journal finder tool will identify a list of potential journal titles.

As seen below, some journal finder tools have been created by publishers, while others are created by other organisations.

Some of these journal tools also provide a range of journal metrics allowing potential authors to identify highly ranked journals to submit their articles to. When a journal finder does not include journal metrics, use Scopus or Journal Citation Reports databases to identify highly ranking journals.

List of Journal Finder Tools:

5 secrets to surviving (and thriving in) a PhD program

Over the last three years, I have been progressing steadily through my doctoral studies program. I have found the path to success is never very simple or straight-forward. In fact, pursuing a doctoral qualification requires absolute devotion, consistency, organization and, above all, a systematic approach that advances or contributes to new knowledge. I have drafted my own how-to handout to convey a set of secrets that, if followed properly, might increase your chances of surviving your doctoral studies.To put it simply, these practical secrets are aimed at reducing fear and discomfort, helping you complete your course work on time, and guide you to produce a set of good scientific publications that will secure funding and ensure a productive future career path. These suggestions might also be applicable to you if you’re working on a master’s thesis.

Before I present my suggestions, it is important to reinforce to newly admitted and aspiring doctoral candidates that doctoral study plays a significant role in improving scientific research. Another important point is that the primary responsibility for the management of a doctoral dissertation project lies with the student. The supervisor should be considered a facilitator, motivator or guide. Nevertheless, the supervisor (or your research advisor) is a person with whom you need to interact regularly for four or five crucial years of your life and who will have a critical influence on your research design, output and almost everything you do.

Secret 1: Start writing during the initial stages of your doctoral program.

A well begun is half done — Aristotle (Politics, 350 BC)

The essence of every doctoral program is to produce a few high-quality manuscripts for publication. Doctoral students should start writing their first dissertation article as soon as possible after finalizing their dissertation plan. Different avenues are available where students can explore and write without leaving the comfort of their university. For example, a qualitative method approach will help save time and also deliver a manuscript for publishing more quickly. After all, a dissertation can follow a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed approach.

You should start writing quickly because doctoral course work, teaching and evaluation assignments, social and family obligations can all interfere with the writing schedule. Hence, during the doctoral program, it is advisable to engage eloquently with study, work, home and community. Figure 1 illustrates a tentative flow diagram of a doctoral studies program pursued over four years. The first year is crucial and therefore reserved to progress both research and course work. The second year is, however, considered course intensive. During the third year students are advised to concentrate fully on their research work. The fourth and final year is also research-intensive with a balanced focus on completing the research work and the finalization of the dissertation before the public defence.

Flow diagram of a a possible doctoral studies program pursued over four years
Flow diagram of a possible doctoral studies program pursued over four years

Another important aspect of early writing that I found is the selection of a possible outlet or target journal for your paper. An early selection will benefit you in different ways. For instance, you should try to include citations from the papers published in the target journal.

Secret 2: Build networks and collaborations.

Of the many paths to success, none can be walked alone — Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams (Harvard Business Review, 2014)

Doctoral studies, especially in the field of management and social sciences, are increasingly considered to be interdisciplinary and cross-cultural, which means that a doctoral candidate is most unlikely to make progress and effectively complete a doctoral program alone. A healthy set of networks, associations, and research collaboration with other individuals and professional organizations is key to success. These personal and professional networking and collaboration opportunities provide several benefits, such as facilitating information sharing, identifying new research opportunities, and enhancing your understanding of the developments and innovations taking place in their field of specialization. Ask yourself, “How can I create effective networking or research collaboration to facilitate the publication and the completion of my doctoral program on time?”

There are different avenues available to your personal network. Among the most productive is attending conferences and doctoral courses outside the university or the country of study. On research collaborations, I would suggest both intra- and inter-institutional collaborations — that is, fostering research collaboration across sectors and among individuals, universities, and groups; or through joining university-based interdisciplinary research groups. Collaboration initiatives like these can be advanced by working with researchers on co-authored publications.

Secret 3: Realize the importance of theory and literature.

Significant research projects cannot be performed without first understanding the theory and literature in the field. — David N. Boote and Penny Beile, Educational Researcher, 2005)

It is essential for doctoral students constructing their research paper to develop a sound theoretical knowledge. In my opinion, the importance of theoretical expertise in the field of specialization is indispensable. Consequently, having a thorough, sophisticated and sound theoretical knowledge is the foundation and inspiration for substantial useful research. Therefore, any doctoral student who ignores the central role of the literature review will weaken the quality of their research and disadvantage themselves. In their 2005 article “Scholars Before Researchers: On the Centrality of the Dissertation Literature review in Research Preparation,” Dr. David N. Boote and Dr. Penny Beile provided a highly useful prescription. The authors argued that “good” research is good because it advances our collective understanding. Therefore, in order to advance collective understanding, a doctoral student needs to understand the historical aspects of theory and research (i.e., what has been done before), the strengths and weaknesses of existing studies, and what is and what is not within the scope of the investigation. In essence, a doctoral student may not be able to deliver good research without first understanding the theory or literature in the field of specialization.Here, doctoral students must understand that a review of the past literature is an essential part of every empirical research assignment and it is also the main focus of the peer review process. That process (read Secret 5 for details) occurs when the manuscript is submitted for publishing and it is reviewed by at least two reviewers for the target journal. The feedback provided by the reviewers usually decides the fate of the manuscript, although they may on occasion be overruled by the editor-in-chief of the journal.

In short, a literature review summarizes and evaluates the state of knowledge or practice on a particular subject (Knopf, 2006) and normally includes books published by academic presses and articles published in academic journals. In addition, popular market reports feed, and analysis can also feature in the literature review.

Secret 4: Understand the chemistry of the “scholarly search.”

Given the importance of understanding past theory and literature, the search for scholarly or scientific articles is obviously very important. My secret for an effective literature search is based on the very simple principle of the “3Rs” — Recent, Relevant and Reliable.

Considering the pace of innovations and developments taking place across various disciplines, the growing interdisciplinary nature of the field of the specializations, and the huge volume of English-language scholarly papers (and other documents), it is vital to understand the importance of searching for and selecting the most recent, relevant and reliable scientific articles for your research projects. According to an estimate (Khabsa and Giles, 2014), more than 114 million English-language scholarly papers are accessible on the web, of which Google Scholar cites nearly 100 million. Of these, at least 27 million (24%) are freely available (open-access articles) that do not require any subscription or payment. What is more intriguing here is that more than 1.5 million peer-reviewed articles are published every year in more than 27,500 peer-reviewed journals across all disciplines.

Broadly speaking, academic search engines have been divided into two major parts; the vertical search and the horizontal search. A vertical search is normally specific journal or scholarly database specific such as ScienceDirect, Wiley, JSTOR, ACM, IEEE, ABI/INFORM, SAGE, Palgrave, Emerald, Inderscience, Springer and so forth. In contrast, a horizontal search is conducted using a single platform such as Google Scholar or the recently introduced Windows Live Academic Search tool to search for peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and so forth across different journals and databases. In summary, a good literature review consists of recent, relevant and reliable articles with a high number of citations.

Secret 5: Master the core concepts of impact factor, peer review, contribution to knowledge, and scientific knowledge.

A scientific publication is considered scholarly if it is authored by academic or professional researchers and targeting at an academic or related audience. — Muktikesh Dash (Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation, 2014)

Some intriguing concepts and terms have emerged over time and are now used almost every day in every doctoral program. Among these widely used concepts and terms, the Impact Factor and peer review occupy a significant position. Impact factor (IF) is the traditional and most widely used method for determining the ranking of journals; a journal’s IF is based on the average number of citations its articles receive in the previous two years. Inevitably, academic journals with a higher IF will be assumed to be more important than those with a lower IF, and in academia, where you publish can affect everything from funding opportunities to job prospects. With that in mind, you should prepare your dissertation (or other articles) with an eye to submitting it to a journal with a high IF. You can find the official IF of journals in the Thompson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

On the subject of peer review, this process starts after you finalize, proofread, and submit your manuscript for publication. In other words, before being considered for publication, scholarly articles are refereed, or peer-reviewed, by experts in your subject area.

The editor-in-chief of the target journal checks the manuscript to ensure its topic, quality, and relevance aligns with the journal’s aims and scope. If it passes this first test, the editor will send it to at least two anonymous independent reviewers, who will check the manuscript for originality, validity and quality. The advantage of targeting a journal with a strong IF is that even if your manuscript is rejected, the reviewers normally provide detailed feedback on the quality, context and the contents of the manuscript. Carefully incorporating the reviewer feedback into a new version of the manuscript will give it a good chance of being accepted by another journal with a good IF. In summary, it is imperative to select an appropriate and relevant journal for publication. Every journal defines its aims and scope on its official website and has a detailed guide for authors.

Another important term frequently used in the doctoral studies context is the “contribution to knowledge.” Dissertation supervisors (and journal reviewers) generally ask an author to explain the anticipated or expected contribution to knowledge, the practical relevance, or the value added by completing the research project or manuscript. The objective is to present some new or different information or argument in your manuscript than is available from existing studies (Knopf, 2006). In my opinion, conducting a good literature review will uncover hidden patterns, and lead to the discovery of valuable knowledge and information. It should also identify specific research and knowledge gaps and consequently present useful insights and valuable findings.

Similarly, the term “scientific journal articles” is also commonplace in the everyday life of a doctoral student. The research community describes a manuscript as a “scientific work” based on the fact that a scientific research project is primarily meant to discover and report new knowledge, follow a logical sequence, be drafted in an ordinary fashion, be published in a peer-reviewed journal, and be intended to communicate with the scientific community. Clearly, an unpublished work cannot be treated as a scientific work. Scientific work includes research articles, literature reviews, case reports or studies, short communications, and editorials among others.


This Is How You Can Develop A Highly Successful Mind

You want to be successful, but you don’t know-how.

So you read all about the success of other individuals. You got lost in the world of tips, tricks, and courses for success.

None of them worked for you. At the end of it, you were still left wondering, “what is it that I don’t have?”

You’re still looking now.

You’ve exhausted your edition of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. You’ve been through hours of listening to those motivational coaches say, “never give up, and you’ll get what you want!” You’ve done it all, and nothing is working.

You’re sick of it, right? You want something that you can start doing RIGHT NOW. You don’t want the “never give up” speech again.

So here is the reality.

Success is something within you. It’s your daily habits. Your morning routines. What you spend your time doing. It’s not these tips and tricks that others try to sell you, it’s the way you view the world!

Don’t give up hope. Here are 10 habits that you can adopt that will form a successful mind.

Start to Accept Changes
Change is the one constant you can rely on in life. When all else fails you, you can bet that change will be lurking around the corner. With this in mind, wouldn’t it be a smart thing to finally squash that fear of change altogether?

Successful people are able to adapt to change. They need to be. If one idea fails, which many wills, the successful mind can take that and adapt to the changes presented by the situation.

But how do you accept change?

The way you always have, you just get on with it. Know that it’s there, it’s happening all the time, and don’t let it catch you off-guard. Plan for it, expect it, embrace it, and use it to your advantage.

Start to Set Goals
Not just any goals, but achievable goals. You know when you draw up a check-list, and you tick each individual little job off it? Think back to the feeling of each of those ticks. Think about how relieving it is. Think about how empowered and motivated you to feel for the next job.

It’s a pretty damn good feeling, right? Then starting at that completed list at the end of the day, knowing that you’ve accomplished everything you wanted to do for that day. Make your goals that size. Reach your goals every day. Allow that momentum to build, and empower you, every single day! (But don’t forget to schedule your empty check-list days too.)

Also, a study done by Gail Matthews, PhD at Dominican University, seems to support the idea that writing goals is scientifically proven to make us more successful!

Start to Commit to Things
Get rid of those commitment fears. If you want to be successful, you have to commit to things. A new job, a new partner, a new exercise regime, a new magazine subscription, whatever it is — you need to commit!

If you can’t commit when things are going well, you’re going to abandon ship and run a mile the moment you hit some turbulence. This won’t lead you to success. It can’t. You’re not sticking around long enough to reach it.

There’s no real easy way to do this. Though weighing up the cost of the commitment versus the rewards can often be a good start. Regardless, however, you decide to face up to it, the end result is the same. You start committing.

Start to Identify Your Purpose
A purpose is the fast-track to success. With your purpose in mind, much like the achievable goals, all that hard work seems a lot more appealing to overcome. When things get rough you can just sit there and say, “Why are you doing this again?” and your purpose will always serve as the motivation you need.

So how do you find your purpose? Answer these simple questions (brutal honesty required):

Who are you?
What do you want from life?
What is it you have that others will benefit from receiving?
How are you going to get there?
Start to Believe in You and Your Goals
It’s timeless advice really. You’ve heard it a million times before, but this time you need to let it sink in. If you want to be successful, you have to believe in yourself.

Don’t believe in yourself because it’s your destiny to be successful. Don’t believe in yourself because you’ve got a foolproof plan. Don’t believe in yourself because you really want it. These are fairy tales spun to us, with no real serving purpose whatsoever.

Believe in yourself because you know that you’re going to put in the work. Believe in yourself because you know, as long you’re still breathing by tomorrow, that you will continue to work towards where you want to be. Believe in yourself because you know you’ll overcome the next hurdle you’re presented with.

With this level of self-belief, anything is achievable. You just have to keep going until you get there.

Start to Cultivate Patience
Another timeless piece of advice, inexcusable to leave out of anything discussing success. You need to have patience. Yes, some things can happen overnight, but these are often smaller successes.

It doesn’t matter what it is you want to achieve, knowing how to wait will be a part of it. A successful blog doesn’t launch with thousands of subscribers overnight. A powerful novel doesn’t get written in a day. A superstar fitness model doesn’t miraculously gain his or her physique in 24 hours.

Success takes time. You just have to keep taking every step you can towards it.

Start to Identify Your Downfalls (Then Do Something about Them)
No successful mind is successful if it cannot see where it falls short. It is only in the identification of the shortcoming that it could ever have the potential to be addressed. Many people are their own worst critic though, so it’s not hard to see what needs work.

The hard part is putting in the work. Knowing you’re lazy and doing something about the laziness are two very different things. To be successful you would have to identify that laziness, and then adopt a proactive solution to it. Just saying, “yeah I’m lazy,” isn’t going to get the work done.

The last, and maybe the hardest, part to it all is showing yourself compassion. You’re not going to get it absolutely perfect first try. That’s okay. You’ve got a lot of time left. As long as you’re actually doing something about your downfalls, other than complaining, you’re probably ahead of most.

Start to Identify the Growth in ‘Failure’
Do you know what almost every successful person has in common?

They’ve failed.

Dr Seuss was rejected by 27 publishers. Stephen King threw his career-launching manuscript in the trash, though luckily his wife pulled it out. Walt Disney was told he had no imagination.

Did any of these give up?

Well okay, Stephen King did for a moment, but the point is they failed and didn’t give up. Instead, here they are, names known by almost every household. These failures only ever spurred them on to become incredibly successful people. To see your ‘failure,’ learn from it, grow from it, and come back better.

The only thing stopping you from trying again is you.

Start to Practice Emotional Creativity
Emotional creativity, better known as empathy, is the backbone of success. To be able to relate, to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, is what makes you a successful human being.

There are various reasons why, such as:

To be able to serve people what it is they want, which is the key to many successful businesses and careers, you have to relate to their situation. If you lack the emotional creativity to empathize with their situation, you won’t connect well with them.
If you’re on your pursuit for success and you’re going to have to climb over some people’s heads, how are you going to stay human doing that? By relating to them. Are you willing to crush other people to get where you want to be? Can you live with that decision? You’ll only know by empathizing.
Successful people, at least many of them, are likeable. They’re likeable because you can relate to them. You can relate because they’re creative enough, emotionally, to appeal to you! Plus, just as a general benefit, empathy makes you a better human being overall. Putting yourself in someone’s situation is going to lead to better behaviour, from you, when it comes to dealing with said people. If you’re not sold on empathy, just read this Psychology Today piece.