Intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes. People have widely varying skill sets and have very different education backgrounds (formal or otherwise!). Because of this, it’s important to remember these differences when interacting with others. For instance, if I were placed in a room full of physicists, I would feel like the least intelligent person in the room. However, put me in a room full of writers and I’d feel right at home. You never want to sell yourself short or feel that you’re less intelligent than you really are. That’s not beneficial for anyone.
Intelligence doesn’t always present itself in the form of book smarts or prowess in a particular academic field. Intelligence can also be found in practical skills, musical ability, even athletics. Intelligence is multifaceted and complex, which means that it applies to many more people than you might initially think. People often think that they aren’t smart simply because they don’t fall into a specific category; that’s not true at all!
So even if you don’t feel like you’re smart, read these 7 signs that indicate you are smarter than you think you are and face the day with confidence.
*1. You’re hard on yourself.*
One of the most frustrating things that could happen to you is not being able to understanding something. For smarties like you, it’s incredibly annoying to come across something you don’t get right off the bat. How come? Because things usually come easy for you. So when something isn’t readily apparent to you, you feel badly about your own intelligence.
*2. You’re tuned in.*
Smart people are usually pretty tuned in to the world around them insofar as they read and watch the news. You likely keep up on current events somewhat, even if that means simply scrolling through your Twitter feed. You like to know what’s going on around you, and you like to understand the issues that are facing the country and the world today. Even if it’s a cursory interest, it’s there.
*3. You’re misunderstood.*
Maybe your humor was too sophisticated. Maybe your vocabulary was too advanced. Whatever the situation, it’s common for intelligent people to be misunderstood by those around them. It’s no fault of yours; it’s just the way smart people go through life. You’re constantly explaining yourself to others. And that brings me to my next point…
*4. Your friends are smart.*
Smart people tend to surround themselves with other smart people. After all, who wants to hang around with a bunch of people who don’t understand your jokes? Your friends understand you and can relate to you, so you’re just as smart as they are. And since your friends are, well, your friends, you think highly of them. They think just as highly of you!
*5. You have high expectations for yourself.*
Smart people are expected to do great things. Even as children, smart people are placed in advanced classes and given higher level reading materials. Because of this, smart people tend to have big plans in their futures. Whether that be to go to a certain college or follow a certain career path, you’re likely planning big things for yourself down the road. Maybe you want to expand your business or come up with a new strategy for an athletic team. Whatever your goal, you expect to achieve it.
*6. You like games.*
Many smart people enjoy games because they’re things to be figured out. For instance, many intelligent people enjoy filling out crosswords and playing card and board games. These games require thinking and concentration, which appeals to smarties like yourself. Games are great because they’re stimulating. When you’re playing a game, you’re thinking, even in your down time! This is especially true for people who work with their hands and are in the business of fixing or building things. Everything is a puzzle.
*7. You’ve been told you’re smart.*
Honestly, many smart people don’t like to think of themselves as smart because it’s almost a social no-no to do so. It’s like you’re bragging on yourself, when, in reality, you’re simply stating a fact. What is the number one way to know that you’re smart? People have told you that you’re smart. Intelligence gets a lot of attention, especially in work and classroom settings. So embrace your braininess and enjoy life in the smart lane!
Dari Abu Hurairah ra bahawa Nabi saw bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai 99 nama, iaitu 100 kurang satu. Siapa yang menghafalnya akan masuk syurga.” Sahih Bukhari.
1. Ya Allah
Apabila dizikirkan 500 kali setiap malam, lebih-lebih lagi selepas solat tahajjud atau solat sunat 2 rakaat mempunyai pengaruh yang besar di dalam mencapai segala yang dihajati.
2. Ya Rahman – Maha Pemurah
Apabila dizikirkan sesudah solat 5 waktu sebanyak 500 kali, maka hati kita akan menjadi terang, tenang & sifat-sifat pelupa & gugup akan hilang dengan izin Allah.
3. Ya Rahim – Maha Penyayang
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 100 kali setiap hari, Insya Allah kita akan mempunyai daya penarik yang besar sekali hingga manusia merasa cinta & kasih serta sayang terhadap kita.
4. Ya Malik – Maha Merajai/Pemerintah
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 121 kali setiap pagi atau setelah tergelincirnya matahari, segala perkerjaan yang dilakukan setiap hari akan mendatangkan berkat & kekayaan yang diredhai Allah.
5. Ya Quddus – Maha Suci
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 100 kali setiap pagi setelah tergelincir matahari, maka hati kita akan terjaga dari semua penyakit hati seperti sombong, iri hari, dengki dan lain-lain.
6. Ya Salam – Maha Penyelamat
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 136 kali, Insya Allah jasmani & rohani kita akan terhindar dari segala penyakit sehingga badan menjadi segar sihat & sejahtera.
7. Ya Mukmin – Maha Pengaman
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 236 kali, Insya Allah diri kita, keluarga & segala kekayaan yang dimiliki akan terpelihara & aman dari segala macam gangguan yang merosakkan.
8. Ya Muhaimin – Maha Pelindung/Penjaga
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 145 kali sesudah solat fardhu Isyak, Insya Allah fikiran & hati kita akan menjadi terang & bersih.
9. Ya ‘Aziz – Maha Mulia/Perkasa
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 40 kali sesudah solat subuh, Insya Allah, kita akan menjadi orang yang mulia, disegani orang kerana penuh kewibawaan.
10. Ya Jabbar – Maha Pemaksa
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 226 kali pagi & petang, semua musuh akan menjadi tunduk & patuh dengan izin Allah.
11. Ya Mutakabbir – Maha Besar
Apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 662 kali, maka dengan kebijaksanaan bertindak, kita akan dapat menundukkan semua musuh, bahkan mereka akan menjadi pembantu yang setia.
12. Ya Khaliq – Maha Pencipta
Dibaca mengikut kemampuan atau sebanyak 731 kali, Insya Allah yang ingin otak cerdas, cepat menerima sesuatu pelajaran, amalan ini akan memberikan otak kita cerdas dan cepat faham.
13. Ya Baarii’ – Maha Perancang
Sekiranya kita berada didalam kesukaran atau sedang sakit, dibaca sebanyak 100 kali selama 7 hari berturut-turut, Insya Allah kita akan terlepas dari kesukaran & sembuh dari penyakit tersebut.
14. Ya Musawwir – Maha Menjadikan Rupa Bentuk
Sekiranya seorang isteri yang sudah lama belum mempunyai anak, maka cubalah ikhtiar ini dengan berpuasa selama 7 hari dari hari Ahad hingga Sabtu. Di waktu hendak berbuka puasa, ambil segelas air & dibacakan ‘Ya Musawwir’ sebanyak 21 kali, kemudian diminum air tersebut untuk berbuka puasa.
Bagi sang suami, hendaklah berbuat perkara yang sama tetapi hanya dengan berpuasa selama 3 hari. Kemudian pada waktu hendak berjimak, bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 10 kali, Insya Allah akan dikurniakan anak yang soleh.
15. Ya Ghaffar – Maha Pengampun
Sambil beriktikaf (diam dalam masjid dalam keadaan suci) bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 100 kali sambil menunggu masuknya waktu solat Jumaat, Insya Allah akan diampunkan dosa-dosa kita.
16. Ya Qahhaar – Maha Menundukkan
Dizikir menurut kemampuan atau sebanyak 306 x, maka hati kita akan dijaga dari ketamakkan & kemewahan dunia
17. Ya Wahhab – Maha Pemberi
Dizikir sebanyak 100 kali sesudah solat fardhu, barang siapa yang selalu di dalam kesempitan, Insya Allah segala kesulitan atau kesempitan dalam soal apa pun akan hilang.
18. Ya Razzaq – Maha Pemberi Rezeki
Dizikir mengikut kemampuan sesudah solat fardhu khususnya solat subuh, Insya Allah akan dipermudahkan rezeki yang halal dan membawa berkat. Rezeki akan datang tanpa diduga tetapi perlulah dilakukan dengan ikhtiar yang zahir.
19. Ya Fattah – Maha Pembuka
Dizikir sebanyak 71 kali sesudah selesai solat subuh, Insya Allah hati kita akan dibuka oleh Allah, sehingga mudah menerima nasihat agama.
20. Ya ‘Alim – Maha Mengetahui
Dizikir sebanyak 100 kali setiap kali selesai solat Maktubah, Insya Allah akan mendapat kemakrifatan yang sempurna.
21. Ya Qaabidhu – Maha Penyempit Hidup
Dizikirkan 100 kali setiap hari, maka dirinya akan semakin dekat dengan Allah dan terlepas dari segala bentuk ancaman.
22. Ya Baasithu – Maha Pelapang Hidup
Bagi mereka yang berniaga atau mempunyai usaha-usaha lain, kuatkanlah usaha & berniaga itu dengan memperbanyakkan membaca zikir ini setiap hari, Insya Allah rezeki akan menjadi murah.
23. Ya Khaa’fidh – Maha Penghina
Dizikirkan sebanyak 500 kali setiap hari, dalam keadaan suci, khusyuk & tawaduk, Insya Allah segala maksud akan ditunaikan Allah. Juga apabila mempunyai musuh, musuh itu akan jatuh martabatnya.
24. Ya Raafi – Maha Tinggi
Dizikirkan setiap hari, baik siang atau malam sebanyak 70 kali, Insya Allah keselamatan harta benda di rumah, di kedai atau di tempat-tempat lain akan selamat dan terhindar dari kecurian.
25. Ya Mu’izz – Maha Pemberi Kemuliaan/Kemenangan
Dizikirkan sebanyak 140 kali dan setiap hari, Insya Allah akan memperolehi kewibawaan yang besar terutama ketua-ketua jabatan atau perniagaan.
26. Ya Muzill – Maha Merendahkan
Perbanyakkanlah zikir ini setiap hari, sekiranya ada orang berhutang kepada kita dan sukar untuk memintanya, Insya Allah si penghutang akan sedar & membayar hutangnya kembali.
27. Ya Samii’ – Maha Mendengar
Sekiranya inginkan doa kita makbul dan pendengaran telinga kita tajam, biasakanlah zikir ini setiap hari menurut kemampuan, lebih-lebih lagi sesudah solah Dhuha, Insya Allah doa akan mustajab.
28. Ya Bashiir – Maha Melihat
Dizikirkan sebanyak 100 kali sebelum solat Jumaat, Insya Allah akan menjadikan kita terang hati, cerdas otak dan selalu diberikan taufik & hidayah dari Allah.
29. Ya Hakam – Maha Menghukum
Dizikirkan sebanyak 68 kali pada tengah malam dalam keadaan suci, Insya Allah dapat membuka hati seseorang itu mudah menerima ilmu-ilmu agama dan membantu kecepatan mempelajari ilmu-ilmu agama.
30. Ya Adllu – Maha Adil
Dizikirkan sebanyak 104 kali setiap hari sesudah selesai solat 5 waktu, Insya Allah diri kita selalu dapat berlaku adil.
31. Ya Lathiif – Maha Halusi
Dengan memperbanyakkan zikir ini mengikut kemampuan, Insya Allah bagi para peniaga, ikhtiar ini akan menjadikan barangan jualannya menjadi laris & maju.
32. Ya Khabiir – Maha Waspada
Dengan memperbanyakkan zikir ini setiap hari, terkandung faedah yang teramat banyak sekali sesuai dengan maksud zikir ini antara lain faedahnya ialah dapat bertemu dengan teman atau anak yang telah terpisah sekian lama.
33. Ya Haliim – Maha Penyantun
Dizikirkan sebanyak 88 kali selepas solat lima waktu, bagi mereka yang mempunyai kedudukan di dalam pemerintahan, syarikat atau apa saja, Insya Allah dipastikan kedudukannya tidak akan dicabar atau diungkit-ungkit atau tergugat.
34. Ya ‘Aziim – Maha Agong
Dizikirkan sebanyak 12 kali setiap hari untuk orang yang sekian lama menderitai sakit, Insya Allah akan sembuh. Juga apabila dibaca 12 kali kemudian ditiupkan pada tangan lalu diusap-usap pada seluruh badan, maka dengan izin Allah akan terhindar dari gangguan jin, syaitan dan sebagainya.
35. Ya Ghafuur – Maha Pengampun
Bagi orang yang bertaubat, hendaklah memperbanyakkan zikir ini dengan mengakui dosa-dosa dan beriktikad untuk tidak mengulanginya, Insya Allah akan diterima taubatnya oleh Allah.
36. Ya Syakuur – Maha Pengampun
Dizikirkan sebanyak 40 kali sehabis solat hajat, sebagai pengucapan terima kasih kepada Allah, Insya Allah semua hajat kita akan dimakbulkan Allah. Lakukanlah setiap kali kita mempunyai hajat yang penting & terdesak.
37. Ya ‘Aliy – Maha Tinggi Martabat-Nya
Untuk mencerdaskan otak anak kita yang bebal, tulislah zikir ini sebanyak 110 kali (di dalam bahasa Arab) lalu direndam pada air yang dingin & diberikan si anak meminumnya, Insya Allah lama kelamaan otak si anak itu akan berubah cemerlang. Insya Allah mujarab.
38. Ya Kabiir – Maha Besar
Bagi seseorang yang kedudukannya telah dirampas atau dilucut gara-gara sesuatu fitnah, maka bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 1,000 kali selama 7 hari berturut-turut dalam keadaan suci sebagai pengaduan kepada Allah. Lakukanlah sesudah solat malam (tahajud atau hajat).
39. Ya Hafiiz – Maha Pelindung
Dizikir sebanyak 99 kali, Insya Allah diri kita akan terlindung dari gangguan binatang buas terutamanya apabila kita berada di dalam hutan.
40. Ya Muqiit – Maha Pemberi Keperluan
Sekiranya kita berada di dalam kelaparan seperti ketika sesat di dalam hutan atau di mana sahaja sehingga sukar untuk mendapatkan bekalan makanan, maka perbanyakkan zikir ini. Insya Allah badan kita akan menjadi kuat & segar kerana rasa lapar akan hilang.
41. Ya Hasiib – Maha Mencukupi
Untuk memperteguhkan kedudukan yang telah kita jawat, amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 777 kali sebelum matahari terbit & selepas solat Maghrib, Insya Allah akan meneguhkan kedudukan kita tanpa sebarang gangguan.
42. Ya Jaliil – Maha Luhur
Barangsiapa mengamalkan zikir ini pada sepertiga malam yang terakhir, Insya Allah kita akan mendapati perubahaan yang mengkagumkan – perniagaan akan bertambah maju. Andai seorang pegawai, maka tanpa disedari kedudukan kita akan lebih tinggi dan terhormat & begitulah seterusnya dengan izin Allah.
43. Ya Kariim – Maha Mulia
Untuk mencapai darjat yang tinggi & mulia di dunia mahupun di akhirat kelak, maka amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 280 kali ketika hendak masuk tidur. Nescaya Allah akan mengangkat darjat mereka yang mengamalkan zikir ini.
44. Ya Raqiib – Maha Pengawas
Bagi meminta pertolongan kepada Allah terhadap penjagaan barang yang dikhuatirkan, maka zikirkan sebanyak 50 kali setiap hari dengan niat agar barang-barang yang dikhuatirkan yang berada ditempat yang jauh & sukar dijaga terhindar dari sebarang kecurian mahupun gangguan lainnya. Bertawakkal dan yakinlah kepada Allah. Insya Allah.
45. Ya Mujiib – Maha Mengabulkan
Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Zat yang menerima doa hamba-Nya dan agar doa kita mustajab dan selalu diterima Allah, hendaklah mengamalkan zikir ini sebanyak 55 dan sesudah solat subuh. Insya Allah Tuhan akan mengabulkan doa kita.
46. Ya Waasi’ – Maha Luas Pemberian-Nya
Apabila di dalam kesulitan maka amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 128 kali setiap pagi & petang, Insya Allah segala kesulitan akan hilang berkat pertolongan Allah. Andai zikir ini sentiasa diamalkan, Insya Allah Tuhan akan menjaga kita dari hasad dengki sesama makhluk.
47. Ya Hakiim – Maha Bijaksana
Bagi pelajar atau sesiapa sahaja yang memperbanyakkan zikir ini setiap hari, Insya Allah akalnya akan menjadi cerdas & lancar dalam menghafal & mengikuti pelajaran. Amalkanlah sekurangkurangnya 300 kali setiap hari.
48. Ya Waduud – Maha Pencinta
Diamalkan zikir ini sebanyak 11,000 kali pada setiap malam. Insya Allah kita akan menjadi insan yang sentiasa bernasib baik, disayangi & rumahtangga kita akan sentiasa berada di dalam keadaan harmoni.
49. Ya Majiid – Maha Mulia
Untuk ketenteraman keluarga di mana setiap anggota keluarga sentiasa menyayangi & menghormati & khasnya kita sebagai ketua keluarga, maka amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 99 kali, sesudah itu hembuskan kedua belah tapak tangan & usap ke seluruh muka. InsyaAllah semua anggota keluarga kita akan menyayangi & menghormati kita sebagai ketua keluarga.
50. Ya Baa’its – Maha Membangkitkan
Zikirkan sebanyak 100 kali dengan meletakkan kedua tangan ke dada, Insya Allah akan memberi kelapangan dada dengan ilmu & hikmah.
51. Ya Syahiid – Maha Menyaksikan
Apabila ada dikalangan anggota keluarga kita yang suka membangkang dan sebagainya, maka zikirkan sebanyak 319 kali secara berterusan setiap malam sehingga si pembangkang akan sedar & berubah perangainya.
52. Ya Haq – Maha Benar
Perbanyakkan zikir ini, Insya Allah ianya sangat berfaedah sekali untuk menebalkan iman & taat di dalam menjalankan perintah Allah.
53. Ya Wakiil – Maha Berserah
Sekiranya terjadi hujan yang disertai ribut yang kuat, atau terjadi gempa, maka ketika itu perbanyakkan zikir ini, Insya Allah bencana tersebut akan menjadi reda & kembali seperti sediakala.
54. Ya Qawiy – Maha Memiliki Kekuatan
Diamalkan zikir ini sebanyak mungkin agar kita tidak gentar apabila berdepan dengan sebarang keadaan mahupun berdepan dengan si zalim.
55. Ya Matiin – Maha Sempurna Kekuatan-Nya
Diamalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak mungkin kerana ianya mempunyai fadhilat yang besar sekali, antaranya untuk mengembalikan kekuatan sehingga musuh merasa gentar untuk mengganggu.
56. Ya Waliy – Maha Melindungi
Barangsiapa yang menjawat sebarang jawatan atau kedudukan, maka amatlah elok sekali mengamalkan zikir ini sebanyak mungkin kerana dengan izin-Nya, kedudukan kita akan kukuh & terhindar dari sebarang gangguan oleh orang-orang yang bersifat dengki.
57. Ya Hamiid – Maha Terpuji
Perbanyakkan zikir ini sebagai pengakuan bahawa hanya Allah sahaja yang paling berhak menerima segala pujian.
58. Ya Muhshiy – Maha Menghitung
Sekiranya kita inginkan diri kita digolongkan dalam pertolongan yang selalu dekat denganAllah (muraqabah), maka amalkan zikir ini sebanyak mungkin sesudah solat 5 waktu.
59. Ya Mubdi’ – Maha Memulai/Pemula
Agar segala apa yang kita rancangkan akan berhasil, maka zikirkan sebanyak 470 kali setiap hari. Insya Allah.
60. Ya Mu’id – Maha Mengembalikan
Andai ada anggota keluarga yang menghilangkan diri dan sebagainya, amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 124 kali setiap hari sesudah solat. Insya Allah dipertunjukkan akan hasilnya.
61. Ya Muhyiy – Maha Menghidupkan
Amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 58 kali setiap hari, Insya Allah kita akan diberikan kemuliaan darjat dunia & akhirat kelak.
62. Ya Mumiit – Maha Mematikan
Barangsiapa memperbanyakkan zikir ini, Insya Allah akan dipermudahkan dalam perniagaan, berpolitik dan sebagainya.
63. Ya Hayyu – Maha Hidup
Untuk mencapai kekuatan mental/batiniah di dalam menjalani kehidupan, perbanyakkanlah zikir ini.
64. Ya Qayyuum – Maha Berdiri Dengan Sendiri-Nya
Telah berkata Imam Ghazali bahawa barangsiapa yang ingin memperolehi harta yang banyak lagi berkat, ingin dikasihi oleh setiap manusia, ingin berwibawa, ditakuti musuh dan ingin menjadi insan yang terhormat, maka berzikirlah dengan “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyuum” sebanyak 1,000 kali setiap malam atau siang hari. Hendaklah melakukannya secara berterusan, Insya Allah akan tercapai segala hajat.
65. Ya Waajid – Maha Menemukan
Andai berkeinginan keperibadian yang kukuh, tidak mudah terpengaruh dan teguh pendirian, maka perbanyakkan zikir ini.
66. Ya Maajid – Maha Mulia
Demi kecerdasan otak dan agar dipermudahkan hati untuk menerima pelajaran, maka hendaklah pelajar tersebut memperbanyakkan zikir ini setiap hari.
67. Ya Waahid – Maha Esa
Bagi pasangan yang belum mempunyai cahaya mata & tersangat ingin untuk menimangnya, amalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak 190 kali setiap kali selesai menunaikan solat 5 waktu selama satu bulan & selama itu juga hendaklah berpuasa sunat Isnin & Khamis, Insya Allah.
68. Ya Somad – Maha Diminta
Ketika dalam kelaparan akibat sesat atau kesempitan hidup, maka pohonlah kepada Allah dengan zikir ini sebanyak mungkin. Insya Allah, diri akan berasa segar dan sentiasa.
69. Ya Qaadir – Maha Kuasa
Apabila kita berhajatkan sesuatu namun ianya selalu gagal, maka amalkan zikir ini sebanyak 305 kali setiap hari, Insya Allah segala hajat akan berhasil.
70. Ya Muqtadir – Maha Menentukan
Agar tercapai tujuan yang dikehendaki, selain dari berikhtiar secara lahariah, maka berzikirlah dengan zikir ini seberapa mampu sehingga ikhtiar kita itu berhasil kerana zikir ini akan mempercepatkan keberhasilan hajat kita.
71. Ya Muqaddim – Maha Mendahulukan
Menurut Imam Ahmad bin Ali Al-Buuniy, beliau berkata “Barang siapa yang berzikir dengan zikir ini sebanyak 184 kali setiap hari, Insya Allah, nescaya segala usahanya akan berhasil”.
72. Ya Mu’ahkhir – Maha Melambat-lambatkan
Bagi meninggikan lagi ketaatan kita kepada Allah, perbanyakkanlah zikir ini.
73. Ya Awwal – Maha Pemulaan
Barangsiapa yang mengamalkan zikir ini sebanyak 37 kali setiap hari, Insya Allah segala apa yang dihajati akan diperkenankan Allah.
74. Ya Akhir – Maha Penghabisan
Amalkan berzikir sebanyak 200 kali sesudah solat 5 waktu selama satu bulan, Insya Allah Tuhan akan membuka pintu rezeki yang halal.
75. Ya Dhaahir – Maha Menyatakan
Diamalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak 1,106 kali selesai solat waktu di tempat yang sunyi (khalwat), nescaya Allah akan membuka hijab padanya dari segala rahsia yang pelik dan sukar serta diberi kefahaman ilmu.
76. Ya Baathinu – Maha Tersembunyi
Seperti no. 75 juga tetapi amalkan sebanyak 30 kali sesudah solat fardhu.
77. Ya Waaliy – Maha Menguasai Urusan
Memperbanyakkan zikir ini setiap pagi & petang boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu menjadi orang yang makrifat, iaitu hatinya dibuka oleh Allah. Difahamkan para wali Allah selalu memperbanyakkan zikir ini.
78. Ya Muta’aAliy – Maha Suci/Tinggi
Sekiranya kita akan berjumpa dengan mereka yang berkedudukan tinggi atau mereka yang sukar untuk ditemui, maka bacalah zikir ini sebanyak mungkin sewaktu mengadap. Insya Allah dengan mudah kita akan berjumpa dengannya & segala hajat yang penting-penting akan berhasil.
79. Ya Barr – Maha Bagus (Sumber Segala Kelebihan)
diamalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak mungkin setiap hari, InsyaAllah segala apa yang kita hajati akan terlaksana dengan mudah.
80. Ya Tawwaab – Maha Penerima Taubat
Bagi orang yang selalu membuat dosa & ingin bertaubat maka hendaklah memperbanyakkan zikir ini supaya dengan mudah diberikan petunjuk kembali ke jalan yang lurus.
81. Ya Muntaqim – Maha Penyiksa
Jika kita berhadapan dengan orang yang zalim, supaya dia tidak melakukan kezalimannya terhadap kita, maka hendaklah kita memperbanyakkan zikir ini setiap kali sesudah solat fardhu. Insya Allah, kita akan mendapat pertolongan Allah.
82. Ya ‘Afuww – Maha Pemaaf
Barangsiapa memperbanyakkan zikir ini, nescaya dia akan diampuni segala dosanya oleh Allah.
83. Ya Rauuf – Maha Mengasihi
Bagi sesiapa yang inginkan dirinya disenangi oleh teman atau sesiapa sahaja yang memandangnya, amalkan zikir ini seberapa mampu sama ada pada waktu siang mahupun malam.
84. Ya Maalikul Mulk – Maha Pemilik Kekuasaan
Seseorang pengarah atau ketua yang ingin kedudukan yang kekal & tetap tanpa
diganggu gugat, hendaklah selalu mengamalkan zikir ini sebanyak 212 kali sesudah solat fardhu & 212 pada setiap malam selama sebulan. Insya Allah akan mendapat pertolongan Allah.
85. Ya Zul Jalaali wal Ikraam – Maha Pemilik Keagungan dan Kemuliaan
Diamalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak 65 kali setiap hari selama sebulan, Insya Allah segala hajat kita akan tercapai dengan pertolongan Allah.
86. Ya Muqsith – Maha Mengadili
Berzikirlah dengan zikir ini mengikut kemampuan, InsyaAllah Tuhan akan menganugerahkan sifat adil kepada mereka yang mengamalkannya.
87. Ya Jaami’ – Maha Mengumpulkan
Sekiranya ada dikalangan keluarga kita atau isteri kita yang lari dari rumah, maka amalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak mungkin pada setiap hari dengan niat semoga Allah menyedarkan orang tersebut. Dengan izin Allah orang yang lari itu akan pulang dalam jangka waktu yang singkat.
88. Ya Ghaniy – Maha Kaya Raya
Diamalkan zikir ini pada setiap hari sebanyak mungkin, Insya Allah apa yang kita usahakan akan cepat berhasil & kekayaan yang kita perolehi itu akan mendapat berkat.
89. Ya Mughniy – Maha Penberi Kekayaan
Mintalah kekayaan yang bermanfaat untuk kehidupan dunia & akhirat kepada Allah dengan memperbanyakkan zikir ini, Insya Allah segala hajat kita akan tercapai.
90. Ya Maani’ – Maha Membela/Menolak
Andai kita selalu mengamalkan zikir ini sebanyak 161 kali pada waktu menjelang solat subuh setiap hari, Insya Allah kita akan terhindar dari orang-orang yang zalim & suka membuat angkara.
91. Ya Dhaarr – Maha Pembuat Bahaya
Asma ini sangat berguna didalam ikhtiar kita untuk menyembuhkan sesuatu penyakit yang mana sudah lama dihidapi & telah puas dihidapi & telah puas diubati. Amalkanlah zikir ini sebanyak 1001 kali pada setiap hari, Insya Allah dengan ikhtiar ini penyaki itu akan cepat sembuh.
92. Ya Naafi’ – Maha Pemberi Manfaat
Menurut Imam Ahmad Al-Buuniy, barang siapa mengamalkan zikir ini setiap hari, maka bagi orang yang sakit, sakitnya akan sembuh, & bagi orang yang susah akan dihilangkan kesusahannya dengan izin Allah.
93. Ya Nuur – Maha Pemberi Cahaya
Menurut Sheikh Ahmad bin Muhammad As Shawi, barangsiapa yang menghendaki kemuliaan yang agung & memperolehi apa yang dimaksudkan baik kebaikan dunia mahupun kebaikan di akhirat kelak, maka hendaklah selalu berzikir dengan zikir ini setiap pagi & petang.
94. Ya Haadiy – Maha Pemberi Petunjuk
Bagi sesiapa yang dalam perjalanan ke suatu tempat tertentu, kemudian ia tersesat, hendaklah ia memohon petunjuk Allah dengan memperbanyakkan zikir ini, Insya Allah akan diberikan pertolongan Allah akan cepat lepas dari kesesatan tersebut.
95. Ya Baadii – Maha Indah/Tiada Bandingan
Andai kita mempunyai rancangan yang sangat penting dan bagi memastikan rancangan kita itu berjaya & berjalan lancar, maka berzikirlah dengan zikir ini sebanyak 500 kali selepas solat fardhu. Insya Allah Tuhan akan memberikan pertolongan hingga rancangan kita berjaya & berjalan lancar.
96. Ya Baaqy – Maha Kekal
Diamalkan zikir ini sebanyak mungkin tanpa mengira batas waktu, Insya Allah dengan ikhtiar ini semua perkerjaan yang telah menjadi punca rezeki tidak akan mudah terlepas, perniagaan tidak akan rugi atau bankrap dengan berkat zikir ini.
97. Ya Waarits – Maha Membahagi/Mewarisi
Sekiranya kita berzikir sebanyak 500 kali selepas solat fardhu atau sebagainya, supaya segala urusan kita itu berjalan lancar, maka hendaklah pada setiap malam berzikir dengan zikir ini sebanyak 707 kali. Insya Allah berkat zikir ini Allah akan memberi petunjuk sehingga usaha kita akan berhasil dengan baik & memberangsangkan.
98. Ya Rasyiid – Maha Pandai/Bijaksana
Walaupun kita tergolong dalam golongan yang cerdas otak, namun biasakanlah zikir ini sebanyak mungkin, nescaya otak kita akan menjadi bertambah cerdas.
99. Ya Shabuur – Maha Penyabar
Agar kita diberi kesabaran oleh Allah dalam segala hal, maka perbanyakkanlah zikir ini menurut kemampuan. Dengan sifat sabar & penuh pengharapan kepada Allah, maka segala usaha & upaya akan mencapai kejayaan.
**(Fadhilat ini dipetik dari tajuk buku “Khasiat Asmaul-Husna & Himpunan Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran”, susunan : Abu Nur Husnina, keluaran Pustaka Ilmi)
The worst PhD productivity advice is to work long hours.
This advice is shared by successful people in Academia, so it should be good advice, shouldn’t it?
They think they became successful thanks to hard work. I say they became successful despite their hard work.
These people propose a brute force approach to PhD productivity.
Brute force productivity is a waste of resources, in this case, a waste of your time, health, and happiness.
This guide is 3,000 words long. If you want to read it later, you can download it as a PDF and read it whenever you wish: Download Here
Why should you work in your PhD 24/7 till exhaustion if there is a more effective and efficient way?
I want to present to you a PhD productivity strategy that is the secret weapon to eliminate working crazy hours during your PhD.
Let me first tell you something that happened to me.
When I was one year into my PhD, my colleague who just started was leaving the lab at 5 pm.
He walked past the fume hood where I was pipetting my hand numb and asked if I’ll be staying late.
I told him that I had at least several more hours to go, to which he said: ‘You’re all working so hard and I get to leave already, not feeling like a real PhD yet’.
There was a mix of regret and guilt in his voice.
I told him, ‘wait for it, you’ll be staying late soon enough’.
It was meant as a joke… but was it really?
See if any of the below sound familiar:
‘To be successful in your PhD you have to do over-hours.’
‘It’s normal to work through the evenings and weekends.’
‘Reading articles and writing is something you do in your free time.’
These are the unspoken PhD rules.
Whether this is the mindset with which you enter your PhD or something that grows on you while you’re doing the academic grind, you learn to accept it.
Maybe you’re expecting me to share a success story in which I graced over my PhD, not working long hours and had my defense exactly on the four-year mark.
Sorry, I’ll have to disappoint you.
All of my prior working experience was in the academic environment where I was surrounded by PhDs and Postdocs who were working crazy long hours and wearing it as a badge of honor.
So I followed their lead.
In the end, I had weeks of unused holidays. Moreover, I still worked on writing my thesis for over a year after my deadline while starting on my new job.
The worst of it is that I know that I’m not an exception.
Do these overworked days mean that four years is too short for a PhD?
Would we benefit from more time?
Or are there other factors that we’re not aware of?
I felt like he laid out the way of working that enables us to use time most effectively in a setting that requires a lot of thinking, so perfect for the academia.
To give some background, Cal Newport is an Associate Professor of Computer Science, who works regular hours and yet manages to stay ahead of the game. After all, aside from driving his research and publishing consistently he also manages to write books and run a blog.
To put the practice of deep work into the PhD perspective, I’ve made a list of concepts discussed in the book that will help you to accelerate your PhD without eating away at your free time and costing you stress.
Deep work, what’s new?
According to Cal Newport, deep work is ‘Distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive capacities to their limit’.
Sounds good you’ll say, but what’s new about this? We’re in academia after all, isn’t this the definition of deep work?
True, academia requires more deep work than an average job and in general academic setting also aids the practice of deep work. As a PhD your day won’t be broken up by many meetings and replying to a constant flow of emails doesn’t diminish your attention span.
This guide is 3,000 words long. If you want to read it later, you can download it as a PDF and read it whenever you wish: Download Here
So aren’t you already ahead of the game?
To answer this let me set up a scene.
The deadline for submitting an article, preparing a presentation for a congress or something else significant that has been luring in the distance, has finally caught up.
With your back up against the wall, you end up working through the night armed with determination and sufficient coffee supply.
Have you ever wondered how productive these several hours under pressure turn out to be?
In many cases, you’ll finish projects you couldn’t complete in weeks and outperform yourself. These kinds of spurs usually happen in a sporadic manner fuelled by approaching deadlines that you can’t push back.
What if you could embed this kind of performance into your PhD on a more regular basis and achieve comparable results every week? And no, I don’t mean pulling weekly all-nighters with stress and caffeine overdose.
Instead, you can use the power of deep work to boost your PhD productivity.
How to apply deep work in your PhD: 8 PhD Productivity Strategies
So let’s take a look at how to master the skill of deep work and apply it to your PhD.
#1 Train your brain muscle
Deep work is a skill and it shouldn’t be confused with a habit.
For example, getting into the habit of flossing your teeth daily before bed is a matter of sticking to it as the action itself is not challenging and doesn’t require you to push your limits.
On the other hand, if you want to start doing a 10 km run every day without any prior preparation, your first attempt will probably not be very successful. You’ll find that you will need to slowly build up your condition until reaching your target.
In the case of deep work, you’re using your brain as a muscle and doing long stretches of uninterrupted deep work is like an intense work out requiring top condition.
Our first deep work sessions may not be as productive as we would hope. The challenge is not to get demotivated and claim that this is not the right way for you, but instead consistently build up the skill until mastery.
Think of reading scientific literature, analyzing complex data and writing articles. You’ll probably notice how this gets easier as your PhD time goes by.
We usually tend to account this to learning more about the field and overlook the fact of gaining more deep work experience the further we get into our PhD.
In other words, you’re unknowingly training your deep work skill due to the nature of the PhD work.
Just picture how good you’ll get doing it intentionally.
One of the practices to enhance the deep work skill mentioned in the book is ‘productive meditation’.
In productive meditation, you use stretches of time when you’re physically occupied but not engaged mentally (e.g. jogging or commuting) to focus on solving a specific work-related problem that requires deep thinking.
Every time you catch your mind wandering off, bring it back to this single task.
#2 Establish routine and don’t rely on deadline pressure
Deep work means working to the limit of your cognitive capacity, which is uncomfortable just like forcing yourself to do the additional ten push-ups or run that extra mile.
Inner resistance kicks in and you need to break through the mental barriers to go through with it. The higher these barriers are, the more difficult it will be to overcome them and the more energy and mental capacity you’ll be wasting.
Setting up a routine to get you into deep work helps. You must allocate several hours for deep work into your daily schedule.
Try using one day per week for deep work, or a whole week in a month. You’ll need to find what works best for you and your project.
For your PhD
“I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning.”
William Faulkner
Why do we put off writing articles, reading literature and other tasks important for our end goal until the last minute?
You hear people talk about being ‘effective under pressure’, giving this a positive twist when actually we’re just being shameless procrastinators.
We fill our days with urgent but shallow tasks and will only start acting on the difficult tasks when we’re cornered by deadlines.
Rather than leaving your deep work sessions to be determined by random deadlines, integrate them into your days.
If you leave your deep work sessions to chance, trying to skim in some intense thinking into the gaps of your agenda, you will not get far.
You know how when you’re starting to write an article and spend the next several hours fighting off the procrastination (checking your email, cleaning your lab bench, and updating your lab journal) only to start writing by the time you need to stop.
Commit to doing deep work at specific times of the day and in specific surroundings. It will be easier to follow through as you condition yourself to get into deep work and there is less space for mental sabotage.
You’ll also quickly see that getting writing done doesn’t require waiting for inspiration.
#3 Eliminate the distractions
One of the core elements of deep work is ‘distraction-free concentration’.
Distractions give you escape routes from focusing on the important task, diminishing the power of deep work.
It’s not a coincidence that the times you’re most productive are in the very late or early hours when you’re left to yourself.
For your PhD
Very few PhDs have the luxury of an individual office. Usually, the working area is more like a can of sardines with PhDs almost sitting on each other’s lap.
Finding solitude to concentrate in such environment will be challenging but don’t let that stop you.
Figure out if there are times when the work area is empty. Early mornings tend to be an unpopular stretch of time.
Yes, get really early out of bed to work on your thesis. I know it’s not very exciting, but contemplate the benefits:
if you get working at that time, you’ll make sure that it was worth the effort.
with no distractions, it will be that much easier.
You could also choose to practice deep work on an outside location, like the library or your home. The key is to be creative and find the option that works for you.
#4 Pre-define your destination
Once you get yourself to sit and fully focus, it helps to know what you are striving to achieve, so that your deep work is intentional.
You have to define the outcome you want to achieve and be specific if you want your deep work sessions to have the maximum effectiveness.
For your PhD
In the case of an approaching deadline, you know exactly what your end goal is. This is why last-minute work is so productive since you simply don’t have the time to sidetrack.
To reproduce this outcome without the actual deadline stress, specifically, define what you will spend your deep working session on prior to starting.
Remember that decisions and planning take up mental energy and you want to use it all on the actual thinking process.
#5 Cut down on fast-food for your brain
Let’s go further with the analogy of deep work being an intensive workout.
You know that you want to be in good shape you need to take care of your diet.
For deep work, you also need a ‘brain diet ’.
Just as we crave for a piece of cake our brain craves for novel stimuli.
Putting it bluntly, we don’t like being bored and in modern society, we almost never have to be.
When was the last time that you were bored waiting in line?
With smartphones and Wi-Fi we rarely have those moments of downtime. Mindlessly scrolling through Facebook newsfeed, reading the recent tweets or checking out Instagram.
These are only a few examples of the entertainment that lies readily in our palm.
As innocent as this may seem, these shallow habits directly deplete our capacity to practice deep work. Focusing intensely on a single task is per definition eliminating additional stimuli.
Think of it, if your brain is used to constant tickling of incoming information, it will scramble around looking for more entertainment refusing to stay focused on one task.
For your PhD
Take care of your brain as athletes take care of their condition.
This holds for your free time as well as your working time.
The first step is to start noticing bad habits.
For example, how often do you pick up your phone with no apparent reason?
If you catch yourself reaching for the phone too often try to have some periods of time without it. The same goes for other shallow but so addictive activities like web surfing, mindless TV watching, YouTube binging, etc…
#6 Give yourself a break
This may come over as crazy talking, but you should limit working extra hours so you get regular rest from work.
You must work less to produce more.
It’s not easy because for this you’ll need to drop the belief that working extra-long directly translates into higher PhD productivity.
But it really doesn’t. How many productive hours do you really have in a day?
Not so so hours. No. Hours of work where you think “oh, if only I would always work like in this last hour”.
You can count them with one hand.
This is caused by the fact that at one point our mental energy gets depleted. If you stay longer in the lab or do some evening work at home, you’ll not be working at your maximum capacity.
Even worse, you’ll be compromising the productivity of the next day by not allowing your mental resources to replenish.
For your PhD
This really boils down to planning your days so that you don’t spend most of your waking hours at work. Don’t you want to have a good work-life balance?
Of course, there will be exceptions like intensive experimental set-ups or article submission sprint, but don’t make overworking a habit.
Limiting your time at work will also force you to spend your time carefully to complete the set goals for the day.
#7 Use your subconscious mind
Have you noticed how after spending a day on solving a challenging problem with no result, you would effortlessly find the solution the next day after having ‘slept on it’?
We often account this to being rested or looking at a problem with ‘fresh eyes’ when in fact our mind could have been working on it intensely while we didn’t even realize it.
The collaboration between the conscious and unconscious mind is discussed in the unconscious-thought theory (UTT). One of the ideas being that the majority of our mental capacity is hidden in the subconscious depth of our mind.
Even more shocking is the idea that the subconscious part of our brain is better suited for solving complex problems.
Wait! Don’t knock yourself unconscious.
For your PhD
The key is to give your mind the space to work in the subconscious mode.
For this, you should completely disengage your conscious mind from that particular task, which is easier said than done.
This comes back to the previous point of having downtime completely free of work-related thoughts.
Having a good sleep. A long shower. A walk in the woods.
All this helps you use the subconscious mind.
#8 Deep Work as a practice
Practicing deep work will give you small incremental steps of progress during an individual session.
You must be consistent to achieve great results in the long run.
Human nature is weak for instant gratification and therefore often visions of tomorrow’s success are not sufficient to get you through the drudgery of today. This is very similar to sticking to a healthy diet or working out regularly.
One day of eating healthy or at a gym won’t make much of a difference, it’s the continuous effort that counts.
To stimulate yourself to stick through the hard times and not skip deep work time, keep a score of your progress.
Tally your deep work sessions in a way that you will see the growing chain (e.g. your desktop, a sheet of paper on the wall, mobile app). The longer the chain gets the more effort you’ll put not to break it (psychological fact).
This approach works wonders and it’s not surprising that it’s popular among people willing to stick to a healthy diet or exercise routine.
Deep work for further career
The great thing about cultivating the deep work skill during your PhD is that it will also give you a boost in your further career.
Deep work is both useful in academia and in industry. However, in industry it will be much harder to stick to it. With the open offices being common in the modern workspace and the whole social media/email frenzy, it feels like our society and employers do everything to prevent us from deep work.
Master the deep work skill to succeed in your PhD.
Practice it consistently to boost your PhD productivity.
You will have a massive personal advantage over the majority stuck in the shallows.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to read it later, you can download it as a PDF and read it whenever you wish: Download Here
In O.G Mandino’s The greatest salesman in the world, a very important fact was made which said that:
“two amongst a thousand wise men will define success in the same words, yet failure is always described in one way. Failure is man’s inability to reach his goals in life whatever they may be.”
While success is relative, subjective, holds monetary and non- monetary value, failure is more a “one size fits all” recipe. Below are ten things people do to fail on purpose.
1. They don’t understand the value of time. “Any successful entrepreneur knows that time is more valuable than money itself.” – Richard Branson
Unsuccessful people don’t value their time. They are everywhere, anywhere, anytime because they lack the ability to dedicate their time towards their goals. And year after year they make new promises which never come to fruition simply because they couldn’t be bothered to put in the time required towards their goals. Time management skills, learning how to say no and knowing what commitments to undertake, is a step towards great success in any area of our lives.
2. They don’t do things that are in alignment with their goals “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” – Roy Disney.
The more important a goal is, the higher it will be on your hierarchy of values and the more discipline and order you will have associated with it. The less important a goal is, the lower it will be on your hierarchy of values and the less discipline and more disorder you’ll have associated with it. Unsuccessful people have mistaken busyness with productivity. They are a part of everything but nothing which they do is in alignment with their values and their goals. Writing down in a journal what your goals are and implementing strategies which can get you there will help you identify things that are not on par with where you are going.
3. They never step up to the plate “People seem to think that success in one area can compensate for failure in other areas, but can it really? True effectiveness requires balance” – Stephen Covey
So your boss sucks and you really hate your job but this is no reason to slack and produce mediocre work. You’re getting paid to be there so do it right, life has this universal law of giving you what you put in. It’s just maturity and wisdom to pursuit excellence no matter the circumstances. Unsuccessful people are the ones who are okay with getting bad grades and won’t bother finding an effective studying method that will help their learning ability, because after all, being a student of distinction is less about how smart you are but more about how well you can plan and prepare, and that makes you feel smarter and that in itself produces great results.
4. They have self-imposed limitations “You are what you are by what you believe” – Oprah Winfrey
Unsuccessful people tend to say things like “I’m just not good with numbers”, “I just really hate studying”, and “I just don’t think I can run a successful business”. They put limits on themselves and excuse their behaviour but it’s really just a way of underachieving and aiming low enough to not miss. Get rid of the idea that you only have a specific set of skills and talents for specific tasks, stop thinking that you’re not as intelligent as the next person. What life requires of you is to make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others.
5. They are good at making excuses “If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good” – Bill Gates
These are the people who will find reasons and logic as to why they can’t and why they shouldn’t. They sometimes mistake this abhorrent tendency for “just being realistic”. They lack imagination and always find ways to justify why something shouldn’t be but they never really try. The best remedy for this is to stop your mind when it’s about to start making the excuses and re-ignite the engine that has started it all.
6. They lack class “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Unsuccessful people usually tend to have no social IQ. They say things like “well at least I’m being honest” or “this is how I am, deal with it”. They don’t know how to treat other people and tend to be arrogant, for no apparent reasons most of the time. Nobody likes a big mouth, a show-off, a humble boaster, or people who don’t know how to just say thank you when given a compliment. These traits are unbecoming and are not what true class acts are made of. Being nice and polite to people you like is easy, being nice and polite to someone you cannot tolerate or who you are in constant disagreement with – that is a character. Learning how to speak to people is a skill only a few have mastered. It has been said the best way to test a man’s character is by watching how he acts when standing in a very long queue and is met with bad service, how he handles Christmas lights and his reaction when you ruin their expensive items.
7. They are procrastinators “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” ― Pablo Picasso
The funny thing about this one is that they are usually self-proclaimed procrastinators. They see no shame in it. This goes back to them never understanding the value of time. They are okay with living a life that keeps up with yesterday. They live life as though they just have another one in the bank. Let’s just see how round one goes and if all else fails we press next or rewind or pause. Understanding that you start dying the moment you are born and wisdom to realize that every day is a gift and you owe it to yourself to do everything you can do in those twenty-four hours because nothing’s ever promised today tomorrow.
8. They don’t’ take action “Do something today, your future self will thank you for” – Les Brown
The simplicity of this rule of life may be why they disregard the magnitude of its effects. Unsuccessful people tend to ponder and leave footprints in the sands of time. They can talk a great game and they dream really big but they lack the courage to just go forth. Stop dreaming about what will be, dreams in themselves are not bad but get up, show up and DO something. Stop with the coffee shop meetings and go do something.
9. They can’t face adversity “All sunshine and no rain makes a dessert” – Arabian Proverb
There was a shepherd boy, he was not a warrior and he was small in size. He looked at a giant and said “I will strike you down and cut off your head” and that is exactly what he did. The thing with challenges is, they’re only as big as we make them seem and as strong as our weakness will allow. Unsuccessful people have not understood this and they give up all too quickly because things got uncomfortable, things got a little bit rough, they want roses without the thorns, babies without labour and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow without bearing the storm. Overcoming challenges not only bring us closer to our goals but they turn us into someone we never imagined existed. Don’t be afraid to conquer fears and to enter new territory, step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. In the midst of adversity, courage is born. You’ll never know how strong you are if you’ve never had to fight and sometimes you might fail but at least you failed and proved to Goliath that he wasn’t quite the Giant he thought he was.
10. They are apathetic
Yes, there are natural fence-sitters. They never have an opinion about anything, they can’t make decisions and are over the border plain ignorant. They can’t hold smart conversations and are not open-minded if it isn’t directly in relation to what they know. They think everyone should view life the way they view it. They are indifferent about everything and stand for nothing. They don’t read, they don’t educate themselves past “formal education” and they put no effort into how they present themselves. Even if they never achieve their highest potential this is okay with them because in a world so full of wonder and curiosity they have managed to find a way to be bored. Apathy is a silent killer. Find something that you are passionate about, even if you don’t get paid for it. Put your gift to use.
The people who are out there making things happen are not as extraordinary as we make them ought to be. They’re pretty plain and most of the time after a second glance they’re not all that exceptional in any way but they’ve managed to get to where they are and stay there because they mastered the art of discipline and being the right person at the right time. Maybe you have so many things you want to complete and sometimes you feel so overwhelmed because there’s just not enough time. Put the cell phone down, log off once in a while and stop minding everybody’s business and you’ll be amazed at the potential you’ll unlock.
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