It’s more than just a passion, it’s a lifestyle. TransformatiVe Scenario Planning: Working Together to Change the Future Adam Kahane 2012 Effective Postgraduate Supervision: Improving the Student/Supervisor Relationship 1st Edition by Adrian Eley, Roy Jennings -2005 Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design 1st Edition by Chris Argyris-2012 The Samsung Way: Transformational Management Strategies from the World Leader in Innovation and Design by Jaeyong Song, Kyungmook Lee-2014 The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab-2017 Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek (Author)-2011 Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are Seth Stephens-Davidowitz-2017