Penned on 19/10/2020
New semester begins on 18/10/2020 and this semester, I am responsible for 7 undergraduate general English courses namely:
1) UHLB 1112
2) UHLB 2122
3) ULAB 3162
Considering the mode of teaching and learning is still ODL, I decided to sort and organize my classes beforehand so no one (read: me) would be lost in the wilderness.
So, what did I do?
The moment I received the timetable with sections, I created Telegram groups, copied and shared (Control C, Control V) the links on E-Learning. I chose Telegram this time around because I love the extra functions such as folders and better usage capacity to share large materials. To ensure I am not confused which section is which, I coded them with images of different fruits just for the fun of it (Marvel characters? animals? colours? the option is unlimited). And then the waiting game began. Even until today I see new members entering the assigned fruits. Hopefully everyone will be accounted for by the end of Week 1.

Another reason why I prefer Telegram is because I can share information without waiting for everyone to enter and I do not have to re-share each time a new member joins. Such perks!
I hope it will help keep me and the students connected and engaged, inshaAllah.