Category Archives: ULAB 2122

Paraphrasing Activity

Assalamualaikum and hi all,

Now that we’ve covered paraphrasing based on the notes I gave in the previous post together with the discussion we had in class, let’s practice some paraphrasing, shall we? Below are 7 sentences I would like you to paraphrase. Please make use of the comment section to drop your answers. You can also comment on your friend’s answer. I’ll keep track of your interaction. All the best! 🙂


tips: you can make use of synonym, sentence structure, active-passive voice.


  1. The student requested that the lecturer excuses her absence but the lecturer refused.
  2. There will be a career carnival in DSI. Would you like to go?
  3. Language Academy is hosting English communication classes. They help non-native speakers of English practice their English speaking skills.
  4. The office of International Students (IS) at UTM is located in block F54
  5. The car that was pulled over by the police officer yesterday just had an accident. The driver was not careful.
  6. An expert on dengue preventive measures suggested that a multi-pronged approach is needed to tackle the dengue epidemic.
  7. A brilliant presentation was given by group FTX in class yesterday.



Selamat hari raya and happy holidays too!