Category Archives: Videos

LEAP – Ice Breaking

Assalamualaikum and hi all leapers,

Let’s decide on a name for our next meeting shall we?

So we started our session with some ice-breaking and crazy drawings and were a bit too excited (but that’s ok! ^^)

We will do more fun activities for our upcoming meetings and don’t be shy if you want to share any interesting activity/game with the class.

Just as a reminder, below would be requirements that you will need to fulfill in order for you to obtain a dashing certificate by the end of the semester (week 13):

1) Blog entry (ies)

2) Movie/book/ short story review

3) A video


I will explain more on each requirement  in class so fret not!


I leave you with a funny yet beneficial video. Enjoy! 🙂


Dear all,

I’m attaching links to some videos that might benefit you guys for your group presentation.


These are just some of the examples. You can find more on google…dig in! 🙂


As I’ve mentioned in class, the details for your group presentation as follow:

1) 20 minutes per group

2) 20 % marks

3) Evaluation on language, content, delivery and team work


The full-mark is high so make sure you do your best! It has to be meaningful to you and the audience but don’t stress out so much 🙂


Looking forward!