If you had fun with the escape room, try out this one!
Tag Archives: #lifeasateacherinutm
Held at the Renaissance Hotel on 20th August 2024, Majlis Apresiasi FSSH 2024 managed to gather members of FSSH to celebrate the excellence, dedication, and hard work of everyone involved. Themed demurely in black and gold, attendees came prepared with wit. I would like to personally thank Language Academy and FSSH for the recognition given to me and my colleagues. May we soar higher under His blessings.

Coding and Compartmentalizing classes on Telegram
Penned on 19/10/2020
New semester begins on 18/10/2020 and this semester, I am responsible for 7 undergraduate general English courses namely:
1) UHLB 1112
2) UHLB 2122
3) ULAB 3162
Considering the mode of teaching and learning is still ODL, I decided to sort and organize my classes beforehand so no one (read: me) would be lost in the wilderness.
So, what did I do?
The moment I received the timetable with sections, I created Telegram groups, copied and shared (Control C, Control V) the links on E-Learning. I chose Telegram this time around because I love the extra functions such as folders and better usage capacity to share large materials. To ensure I am not confused which section is which, I coded them with images of different fruits just for the fun of it (Marvel characters? animals? colours? the option is unlimited). And then the waiting game began. Even until today I see new members entering the assigned fruits. Hopefully everyone will be accounted for by the end of Week 1.

Another reason why I prefer Telegram is because I can share information without waiting for everyone to enter and I do not have to re-share each time a new member joins. Such perks!
I hope it will help keep me and the students connected and engaged, inshaAllah.