5 Simple Tips to Make Your Direct Mail Stand Out

As a real estate professional you can’t get around not doing some form of direct marketing to find new projects. So with this being said….What makes a potential customer decide whether or not to open a piece of direct mail? The consumer ultimately needs to be in the market for your services, but is there a way to spark that curiosity? Every day people head to the mailbox and collect their mail. As they take that initial glance while walking back to the kitchen table, decisions are already being made. While taking a seat and reaching for that hot cup of coffee, mail is divided into the dreaded recycle pile and the need-to-take-a-closer-look pile.

To get in the coveted need-to-take-a-closer-look pile, consider these five simple tips that will convince the consumer to open your direct mail piece: •Don’t over sell on the outer envelope:

1. Create intrigue with a simple headline that is personal and specific.

2. Provide your audience with reasons to look further such as relevant teaser copy like “Information You Requested!” You could also use a white envelope with return address – it’s more intriguing and “official” than a colorful envelope, which automatically sends promotional signals. •Give your package a sense of importance by making it unique with:

3. Non-traditional sizes that differ from the majority of #10 and 6 x 9 envelopes that are typically used.

4. Alternate paper stocks or finishes make your piece feel different.

5. Cards, magnets and/or heavy stock inserts give your mail piece a physical presence **These simple tips will give you a distinct advantage, make a good first impression, and help your direct mail designs stand out and get opened.**

Source: realestate_iq

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