Category Archives: Undergraduate

Bengkel Penulisan Tesis Pantas dan Pengurusan Artikel

Tarikh           : 17 Januari 2017 (Selasa) Masa             : 9:30 pagi – 5:30 petang Lokasi           : Dewan Kuliah 3, Bangunan L50, UTM Johor Bahru. Penceramah: Dr. Othman Talib. Sinopsis … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Master, PhD, Research Tips, Seminar/workshop/conference, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Statistic Tutorials For SPSS and Stata- Extremely Easy To Follow And Understand

Hi there! Just wanted to share one of my reference sources for analysing data using SPSS and Stata during my PhD years. I found this website highly useful as it shows a step-by-step procedure in carrying out statistical analysis (Very … Continue reading

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Descriptive Writing vs Critical Writing

Refer here for full explanation: A short guide to critical writing for Postgraduate Taught students

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Research Tips, Undergraduate | Leave a comment

“Perumahan di Malaysia- Mampu Milik atau Mampu Tengok”

Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan kerjasama Utusan Malaysia dan Radio dan Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) akan mengadakan Program Advokasi Ilmuan sebagai mana ketetapan berikut: Tajuk: “PERUMAHAN DI MALAYSIA: MAMPU MILIK ATAU MAMPU TENGOK” Tarikh: 24 Ogos 2016 (Rabu) … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Research Tips, Seminar/workshop/conference, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Educational Loan Awards For 2016/2017

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Research Tips, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

How to Attract and Groom Postgraduate Students

Today I had a short chit-chat session with the dean post meeting on journal publication. We talked about life and career. But what attracted me the most was when shared his secrets on attracting postgraduate students and grooming them to … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Research Tips, Teaching, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Real Estate / Property Conferences

Upcoming Real Estate Conferences in 2017: 1.Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PRRES) 15-18th January 2017 Sydney, Australia Website: 2. American Real Estate Society Conference (ARES) 4-8th April 2017 Coronado, United States Website: 3. European Real Estate Society … Continue reading

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Phrase Books

Lost for words or keep repeating the same word over and over again? Here are links to some of the phrasebooks I have used during my study. 1. Smart Words: 2. Academic Phrasebank: Hope this helps! … N.H. … Continue reading

Posted in Master, PhD, Research Tips, Undergraduate | Leave a comment

Download Free Ebooks

Hi all! I just wanted to share websites that allow us to download free ebooks. I found these websites very useful in acquiring essential books for my research. These include statistic/econometric books and research methodology books. Ebooks are handy especially … Continue reading

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