
Hello there! Here’s a quick, comprehensive information about myself.

I am a real estate lecturer at the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Currently I am a member of the Resource Sustainability Alliance and Mass Appraisal, Planning, and GIS Research Group. I have just graduated with Doctor of Philosophy (Real Estate) from Ulster University (June 2016). Previously, I have taught subjects such as corporate real estate management, town and country planning, and introduction to real estate profession. My research interest’s centre on house price dynamics and modelling. I have participated in a number of research projects and published papers in journals, local and international conferences. I am also a reviewer for a number of real estate journals. For more info, please check out my curriculum vitae in this webpage.

There you go. Have a good day! 🙂

Nurul Hana Adi Maimun