Category Archives: Academia

Program Asas Amalan Pelelong Awam Malaysia (APM) 2016

Date : 2, 3, 4, 24, and 25th September 2016 Venue: INSPEN, Kajang, Selangor Please refer image below for details on the program: Interested? Form enclosed below: Regards, …….. Hana

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Real Estate, Seminar/workshop/conference | Leave a comment

International Business Valuation Conference- IACVA Malaysia 2016

Business Valuers Association Malaysia (BVAM) will be hosting the International Business Valuation Conference (IBVC) 2016. The details are as follows: Date : 18–20 September 2016 Venue : The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur This event brings you the opportunity to get … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Real Estate, Seminar/workshop/conference | Leave a comment

How to Attract and Groom Postgraduate Students

Today I had a short chit-chat session with the dean post meeting on journal publication. We talked about life and career. But what attracted me the most was when shared his secrets on attracting postgraduate students and grooming them to … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Research Tips, Teaching, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

My Last Lecture by Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Azraai Bin Kassim

Good day all! Today I had an opportunity to attend Prof. Azraai’s last lecture at the UTM Senate Hall before he retires soon. The talk was so entertaining and informative it did not feel like two hours at all! Basically … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Book Review, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment