Category Archives: Real Estate Tips

Debt Is Like A Knife

Source: realestate_iq

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The Greatest Investment You Could Ever Make Is In Yourself

You are your ultimate asset. Source: realestate_iq

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Source: realestate_iq

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Keep Your Customer In Mind

If you know who your customer is–demographics–you can then determine why he/she buys–psychographics. Source: realestate_iq

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Look At The Vehicle

Source: realestate_iq

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Find Someone Greater Than You And Learn From Them Everyday

Always becoming greater each and everyday. Source: realestate_iq

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You Must Know That A City’s Plan To Revitalize An Area Is Different From It’s Path Of Progress

Revitalizing is just to bring an outdated neighborhood back up to current standards that the city holds for itself. Path of progress is where serious investment and where the core of the city “extends to” such as where future CBD … Continue reading

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Due Diligence Is Your Own Insurance You Place Over A Deal

Your eyes and focus are your best insurance before closing any deal. Source: realestate_iq

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In Real Estate, The Only Color That Matters Is Green

Source: realestate_iq

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Pokemon Go

Here’s a fun tip for all you 90’s kids out there! Source: realestate_iq

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