Category Archives: Real Estate Tips

Leverage Technology

We are in the 21st century if you do not learn how to leverage this day and ages technology there is no way you will be able to truly dominate your marketplace. With technology our worlds are changing at an … Continue reading

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Real Estate Is A Local Sport

Source: realestate_iq

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Focus On One Investment Type At A Time

Especially when you’re first starting out, you should focus on one type of investment: apartments, residential, offices, retail, land, or whatever. Each deal needs and deserves your undivided attention. It’s better to be master of one than average over many. … Continue reading

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The Phase Of The Market Determines Exactly What Actions You Should Take As A Real Estate Investor

Not one strategy is always good. As the market changes so should your strategy. You have to roll with the punches. You simply adapt or die. Source: realestate_iq

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To Be Successful In Real Estate

Renovate yourself, reposition yourself, rehab yourself, flip yourself, continually sell yourself on yourself, buy into yourself. Whatever it takes to continually grow and evolve mentality. Source: realestate_iq

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Realtors To Have A Truly Well Rounded Business That Can Weather Any Market Cycle

It’s like for investors flipping is the capital gains and is an exceptionally great strategy when the market is hot and renting is the passive income. Renting will come if the market is hot or cold…. Flipping… Not so much…Renting/leasing … Continue reading

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As A Real Estate Investor, You Are A Problem Solver And This Means That You Must Adopt A Mindset To Want Problem Properties Because Problems Equal Opportunity

You want opportunities? Go find some problems. Source: realestate_iq

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Analysis Paralysis Is What Stops Many Wannabe Investors From Ever Taking Action. Run Your Numbers Analyze The Location And Pull The Trigger.

Analysis paralysis or paralysis by analysis is the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. Source: realestate_iq

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There Are 3 Things That Matter When Buying An Investment Property

Source: realestate_iq

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There Are 3 Things That Matter When Buying An Investment Property: 1. Make Money Going In 2. Location 3. Cashflow. Stick To These And You Can’t Lose.

Source: realestate_iq

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