Category Archives: Real Estate Tips

Hard Money: What Is It And How Do Hard Money Loans Work?

Hard money lenders (HMLs) are typically private individuals or small groups that lend money (Hard money) based on the property you are buying, and not on your credit score. Usually these loans cost (percentage-wise) much more then an average mortgage, … Continue reading

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When You Approach Any Deal, Before You Put An Offer In, You Must Have 3 Strategies In Place: 1) Entry 2) Post-Entry 3) Exit

Know how you’re going to enter the deal, what you’re going to do once you’re in the deal, and how you’re going to exit the deal all before entering the deal. Source: realestate_iq

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Real Estate As A Business Is Based On Real Estate But At It’s Core, It Is Truly A People Business. Your Ability To Relate, Sympathize, And Understand People’s Why Will Help You Succeed In This People Driven Business

If you want to succeed at this real estate stuff start working on your ability to connect, sympathize, and understand people’s WHY. This is called Real Estate but don’t let that fool you it’s a people business. Source: realestate_iq

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Wholesaling Real Estate Is One Of The Quickest Ways To Get Into The Game. You Don’t Need Any Credit, Tons Of Capital, Or Years Of Experience. All You Truly Need Is Passion, Ambition And Patience.

Real estate wholesaling is similar to flipping except that the time frame is much shorter and no repairs are made to the home before the wholesaler sells it. A real estate wholesaler contracts with a home seller, markets the home … Continue reading

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You Make Money In Real Estate When You Buy. Not When You Sell.

Make your money going in! Source: realestate_iq

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15 Quick Tips to Help Your Bandit Sign Campaigns

“Bandit signs are a cheap and awesome way to find motivated sellers. I wanted to make a post to show you how I use them in my business and some of the tips I have picked up along the way. … Continue reading

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What is the Zoning of the Property?

“First and foremost, it is vitally important to understand what a property can be used for, and what the highest and best use of the property is. With a simple phone call to your local planning & zoning department, most … Continue reading

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Apartment Investing Allows You To Leverage The Economies Of Scale Under One Roof So Instead Of Having 20 Houses All Over The City, You Can Have 20 Units Under One Roof

“Economies of scale!” Source: realestate_iq

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Yellow Letters Have Proven To Be One of The Most Effective Resources For Direct Mail Campaigns

Source: realestate_iq

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5 Criteria for Choosing a Neighborhood to Target

“Criterion #1: Numbers Make It Work. It’s important to choose a neighborhood that has 150+ similar properties in the same geographical area because it makes communication much easier. (In some locations, you can’t find 150 properties in one community/subdivision, so … Continue reading

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