Category Archives: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Bengkel Penulisan Tesis Pantas dan Pengurusan Artikel

Tarikh           : 17 Januari 2017 (Selasa) Masa             : 9:30 pagi – 5:30 petang Lokasi           : Dewan Kuliah 3, Bangunan L50, UTM Johor Bahru. Penceramah: Dr. Othman Talib. Sinopsis … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Master, PhD, Research Tips, Seminar/workshop/conference, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Higher Education Preparation For Future Survival Of The Country

Posted in Academia, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Cabaran Perumahan Mampu Milik

PERUMAHAN adalah agen­da pembangunan utama se­buah negara termasuklah Malaysia. Agenda dan pem­bangunan perumahan dan pemilikan rumah dan harta tanah sentiasa menjadi isu utama dalam perbincangan geopolitik. Kajian yang dibuat oleh Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) bersama Kumpulan … Continue reading

Posted in Malaysia, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Thesis Writing Workshop For Postgraduate Students

Language Academy UTM Johor Bahru is organising a Three-day Thesis Writing Workshop for Postgraduates who have already analysed their findings. Details of the workshop are as follows: Date :28 – 30 August 2016 Venue : Digital Language Lab C, Ground … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

“Perumahan di Malaysia- Mampu Milik atau Mampu Tengok”

Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan kerjasama Utusan Malaysia dan Radio dan Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) akan mengadakan Program Advokasi Ilmuan sebagai mana ketetapan berikut: Tajuk: “PERUMAHAN DI MALAYSIA: MAMPU MILIK ATAU MAMPU TENGOK” Tarikh: 24 Ogos 2016 (Rabu) … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Research Tips, Seminar/workshop/conference, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Educational Loan Awards For 2016/2017

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Real Estate News, Research Tips, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Market Study For Property Development Seminar

Date: 10-11 October 2016 Venue: Centre For Real Estate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor Bahru Kindly see attached brochure below for further information:

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Real Estate, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Rural Research & Planning Group (RRPG) 7th International Conference and Field Study in Malaysia 2016

Date   : 15-17th August 2016 Venue: Conference Room B12, Faculty of Built Environment,  Universiti Teknologi Malaysia We are facing the challenge of uncertainty of economic growth, increased globalization process, political conflicts and climate change that the questions of sustainability, … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (IGCESH) 2016

Date : 15-17th August 2016 Venue: Block N24, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (IGCESH) is a biennial postgraduate conference organized by the UTM Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS-UTM) in collaboration with the School of … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Malaysia, Real Estate, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

How to Attract and Groom Postgraduate Students

Today I had a short chit-chat session with the dean post meeting on journal publication. We talked about life and career. But what attracted me the most was when shared his secrets on attracting postgraduate students and grooming them to … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Master, PhD, Real Estate, Research Tips, Teaching, Undergraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment