My December Summary

My December summary is mostly about settling arrangements for the next Erasmus+ staff mobility program which will take place on January 2023. The first staff mobility to UTM next year will be from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland followed by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.

It will be a hectic week for sure but lots of things will be learned too. This mobility program will include both teaching and training for the staff. For this year, 2022, we have received one inbound staff mobility from Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkiye and more than 5 have already gone for outbound mobility to several countries. For Erasmus+, 4 staff have attended the International Staff Week (ISW) at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), 2 staff to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, and another 3 to Middle East Technical University, Turkiye for their Erasmus+ training program. While for the WTUN staff exchange program, 2 UTM staff has been chosen to receive the grant amount of £2000 each.

As for the other alliances, all programs went well and UTM has sent representatives for each one of them.