18 students from Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) deprtment, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) has made up 5 teams for participating the National Chemical Engineering Symposium 2019 at Universiti Malaysia Pahang. The contingent is lead by Dr Halim, wish them all the best in the competition.
I have been coordinating the whole competitions preparation process, and following up closely on the progress of the students. There have been ups and downs through out the process, i hope the students are able to learn the technical and soft skills through their participating in this kind of events.
We appreacite for all the helps from lecturers in the department, namely Prof Dr Goto, Dr Pramila, Dr Roshafima, Dr Ruwaida, Dr Huda, Dr Tan, Dr Nabilah, Dr Khairunnisa and Dr Halim. Also, our friend from industry and our alumni, Mr Agasthia! Lastly, never forget to thank to the MJIIT management team for partially sponsoring the students participation fee.