International Refered Journal

  1. Wan Abdullah W.A.S, Liew P.Y., Ismail I., Ho W.S., Woon K.S., (2025), Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers Energy Storage in Urban-Industrial Symbiosis through Process Integration, Energy 135289. [IF: 9.0, Q1]
  2. Nizamuddin A.D., Ho W.S., Ab Muis Z., Hashim H., Zubir M.A., Wong K.Y., Woon K.S., Liew P.Y., (2024), Dual-battery energy storage system targeting using dual battery power pinch analysis, Energy 313, 133797. [IF: 9.0, Q1]
  3. Mohammad Rozali N.E., Mohd Halmy M.A., Liew P.Y., (2024), Design of Integrated Energy–Water Systems Using Automated Targeting Modeling Considering the Energy–Water–Carbon Nexus, Water 16 (22), 3256. [IF: 3.0, Q2]
  4. Lu L.L., Fadzil H.M., Liew P.Y., Lye A.J., Wang Q.W., Foong C.C., (2024), The Effects of Professional Identity, Empathy with Nature, and Consideration of Future Consequences on Sustainability Consciousness among Chinese Undergraduate Engineering Students, International Journal of Engineering Education 40 (5), 1076-1089. [IF: 0.7, Q3]
  5. Theng M.L., Tan L.S., Liew P.Y., Tan J., (2024), An integrated life cycle emergy analysis for environmental–economic sustainability assessment, Journal of Industrial Ecology 28 (4), 695-708 [IF: 4.9, Q1]
  6. Tian R., Hoy Z.X., Liew P.Y., Hanafiah M.M., Mong G.R., Chong C.T., Hossain M.U., Woon K.S., (2023), Socio-economic correlation analysis and hybrid artificial neural network model development for provincial waste electrical and electronic equipment generation forecasting in China, Journal of Cleaner Production 418, 138076. [IF: 11.1, Q1]
  7. Noor Akashah M.H., Mohammad Rozali N.E., Mahadzir S., Liew P.Y., (2023), Utilization of Cold Energy from LNG Regasification Process: A Review of Current Trends, Processes 11, 517. [IF: 3.5, Q2]
  8. Pang K.Y., Liew P.Y., Woon K.S., Ho W.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2023), Multi-period multi-objective optimisation model for multi-energy urban-industrial symbiosis with heat, cooling, power and hydrogen demands, Energy 262, 125201. [IF: 8.857, Q1]
  9. Lye A.J., Liew P.Y., Mohd Fadzil H., Foong C.C., (2023), The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Demographic Characteristics on Psychological Capital among Chemical Engineering Students, Journal of Chemical Education 100 (2), 479-488. [IF: 3.35, Q2]
  10. Tan W.E., Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Woon K.S., Mohammad Rozali N.E., Ho W.S., Jamian N.R., (2022), Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Assessment for Anaerobic Digestion as Cow Manure Management System, Energies 15(24), 9586. [IF: 3.252, Q3]
  11. John J.M., Wan Alwi S.R., Liew P.Y., Omoregbe D.I., Marsingh U., (2022), A comprehensive carbon dioxide reduction framework for industrial site using pinch analysis tools with a fuel cell configuration, Journal of Cleaner Production 362, 132497. [IF: 9.297, Q1]
  12. Phuang Z.X., Lin Z., Liew P.Y., Hanafiah M.M., Woon K.S., (2022), The dilemma in energy transition in Malaysia: A comparative life cycle assessment of large scale solar and biodiesel production from palm oil, Journal of Cleaner Production 230, 131475. [IF: 9.297, Q1]
  13. Chew Z.T., Hoy Z.X., Woon K.S., Liew P.Y., (2022), Integrating greenhouse gas reduction and waste policy targets to identify optimal waste treatment configurations via Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 160,  661-675 [IF: 6.158, Q1]
  14. Foong C.C., Liew P.Y., Lye A.J., (2022), Changes in Motivation and its Relationship with Academic Performance among First-Year Chemical Engineering Students, Education for Chemical Engineers 38, 70-77 [IF: 2.333, Q2]
  15. Chin H.H., Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., (2022), Extension of Pinch Analysis to Targeting and Synthesis of Water Recycling Networks with Multiple Contaminants, Chemical Engineering Science 248, 117223 [IF: 4.311, Q2]
  16. Oh X.B., N.E.M. Rozali, Liew P.Y., Klemeš J.J., (2021), Design of integrated energy-water systems using Pinch Analysis: A nexus study of energy-water-carbon emissions, Journal of Cleaner Production 322, 129092 [IF: 9.297, Q1]
  17. Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., Woon K.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2021), A Pinch-based multi-energy targeting framework for combined chilling heating power microgrid of urban-industrial symbiosis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 150, 111482. [IF: 14.982, Q1]
  18. Ch’ng K.W., Mohamad S.N.H., Wan Alwi S.R., Ho W.S., Liew P.Y., Abdul Manan Z., Sa’ad S.F., Misrol M.A., Lawal M., (2021), A Framework of Resource Conservation Process Integration for Eco-industrial Site Planning, Journal of Cleaner Production 316, 128268. [IF: 9.297, Q1]
  19. Phuang Z.X. , Woon K.S., Wong K.J., Liew P.Y., Hanafiah M.M., (2021), Unlocking the Environmental Hotspots of Palm Biodiesel Upstream Production in Malaysia via Life Cycle Assessment, Energy 232, 121206 [IF: 6.082, Q1]
  20. Chin H.H., Varbanov P.V.,  Klemeš J.J., Liew P.Y., (2021), Enhanced Cascade Table Analysis to Target and Design Multi-Constraint Resource Conservation Networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering 148, 107262. [IF: 4.000; Q1]
  21. Mah A.X.Y., Ho W.S., Hassim M.H., Hashim H., Liew P.Y., Muis Z.A., (2021), Targeting and Scheduling of Standalone Renewable Energy System with Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier as Energy Storage, Energy 218, 119475. [IF: 6.082; Q1]
  22. Fan Y.V., Jiang P., Klemeš J.J., Liew P.Y., Lee C.T., (2021), Integrated regional waste management to minimise the environmental footprints in circular economy transition, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 135, 105292 [IF: 8.086; Q1]
  23. Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.V., Foley A., Klemeš J.J., (2021), Smart energy management and recovery towards Sustainable Energy System Optimisation with bio-based renewable energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135, 110385 [IF: 12.110; Q1]
  24. Chin H.H., Varbanov P.V., Liew P.Y., Klemeš J.J., (2021), Pinch-based Targeting Methodology for Multi-Contaminant Material Recycle/Reuse, Chemical Engineering Science 230, 116129 [IF: 3.871; Q1]
  25. Foong C.C., Liew P.Y., (2020), Using Self- and Peer-Assessments for Capstone Design Project – An Exploration into Its Reliability and Usefulness, International Journal of Engineering Education 36 (6), 1850–1861, [IF: 0.611; Q4]
  26. Lee P.Y., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2020), Total Site heat and power integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sectors, Energy 204, 117959. [IF: 6.082; Q1]
  27. Sing C.K.L., Lim J.S., Walmsley T.G. , Liew P.Y., Goto M., Salim S.A.Z.B.S., (2020), Time-Dependent Integration of Solar Thermal Technology in Industrial Processes, Sustainability 12 (6), 2322 [IF: 2.592; Q2]
  28. Mah A.X.Y., Ho W.S., Bong C.P.C., Hassim M.H., Liew P.Y., Asli U.A., Kamaruddin M.J., Chemmangattuvalappil N.G., (2019), Review of hydrogen economy in Malaysia and its way forwardInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (12), 5661-5675.  [IF: 4.229; Q2]
  29. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Ho W.S., Abdul Manan Z., Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., (2018), Multi-Period Energy Targeting for Total Site and Locally Integrated Energy Sectors with Cascade Pinch Analysis, Energy 155, 370-380 [IF: 4.292; Q1]
  30. Hamsani M.N., Walmsley T.G., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., (2018), Combined Pinch and exergy numerical analysis for low temperature heat exchanger networkEnergy 153, 100-112. [IF: 4.292; Q1]
  31. Liew P.Y., Theo W.L., Lim J.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., (2017), Total Site Heat Integration planning and design for industrial, urban and renewable systems, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 964-985. [IF: 5.901; Q1]
  32. Tarighaleslami A.H., Walmsley T.G., Atkins M.J., Walmsley M.R.W., Liew P.Y., Neale J.R., (2017), A Unified Total Site Heat Integration targeting method for isothermal and non-isothermal utilities, Energy 119, 10-25. [IF: 4.292; Q1]
  33. Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., (2016), Integrating district cooling systems in locally integrated energy sectors through total site heat integration, Applied Energy 184, 1350-1363. [IF: 5.613; Q1]
  34. Varbanov P.S., Klemeš J.J., Liew P.Y., (2015), Preface, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 83, 1. [IF: 2.452; Q1]
  35. Liew P.Y., Lim J.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), A Retrofit Framework for Total Site Heat Recovery Systems, Applied Energy 135, 778-790. [IF: 5.261; Q1]
  36. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Algorithmic Targeting for Total Site Heat Integration with Variable Energy Supply/Demand, Applied Thermal Engineering 70(2), 1073-83 [IF : 2.624; Q1]
  37. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Lim J.S., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Total Site Heat Integration Considering Water Sensible Heat, Journal of Cleaner Production 77, 94-104. [IF : 3.590; Q1]
  38. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2013), Centralised Utility System Planning for a Total Site Heat Integration Network, Computers and Chemical Engineering 57, 104-111. [IF: 2.452; Q1]
  39. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2012), A Numerical Technique for Total Site Sensitivity Analysis, Applied Thermal Engineering 40, 397-408. [IF: 2.064; Q1]

SCOPUS/ ISI Cited Articles  

  1. Fadhil M.F.S.A., Liew P.Y., Zaharuddin H.H., Mah A.X.Y., Ho W.S., Woon K.S., (2024), Hydrogen Supply Chain Optimisation with Green Electricity Generation for Energy Trading Between Industrial Parks, Chemical Engineering Transactions 114, 541-546
  2. Leong J.H., Liew P.Y., Woon K.S., Fan Y.V., (2023), Simulation on Anaerobic Co-Digestion for Sewage Sludge, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 106, 1129-1134
  3. Al Rizeiqi N., Azzouz A., Liew P.Y., (2023), Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage Technologies in Oman using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Chemical Engineering Transactions 106, 1117-1122.
  4. Al Rizeiqi N., Jedda M., Liew P.Y., (2023), Silica Sand as Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable-based Hydrogen and Ammonia Production Plants, Chemical Engineering Transactions 106, 1111-1116.
  5. Lye A.J., Fadzil H.M., Foong C.C., Liew P.Y., (2023), Modification and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measuring the Psychological Capital of Engineering Students, Chemical Engineering Transactions 106, 997-1002.
  6. Phuang ZX, Woon KS, Mong GR, Hanafiah MM, Liew PY, (2023), Assessing Plastic Waste Green Economy Management via Integrated Life Cycle Environmental and Costing Framework, Chemical Engineering Transactions 106, 109-114
  7. Ee S.H., Liew P.Y., Abdul Wahab A.S., Mohammad Rozali N.E., (2023), Spatial Total Site Heat Integration Considering Energy Losses, Chemical Engineering Transactions 103, 913-918.
  8. Tan K.W., Liew P.Y., Gan C.L., Woon K.S., Mohammad Rozali N.E., Ho W.S., (2023), Peer-to-Peer Trading for Multi-Utility Energy Systems in Eco-Industrial Park, Chemical Engineering Transactions 103, 823-828.
  9. Tian R., Hoy Z.X., Woon K.S., Hanafiah M.M., Liew P.Y., (2022), Socio-economic Correlation Analysis of E-waste and Prediction of E-waste Generation via Back-propagation Neural Network, Chemical Engineering Transactions 97, 397-402.
  10. Abdullah W.A.S.W., Ismail I., Liew P.Y., Woon K.S., Ho W.S., Klemeš J.J., (2022), Hydrogen-based Energy Storage Targeting for the Integrated Heat and Power System in Urban-Industrial Symbiosis, Chemical Engineering Transactions 94, 1291-1296
  11. Wahab A.S.A., Liew P.Y., Rozali N.E.M., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2022), Spatial Total Site Heat Integration Targeting Using Cascade Pinch Analysis, Chemical Engineering Transactions 94, 643-648
  12. Lee Z.Y., Liew P.Y., Woon K.S., Tan L.S., Tamunaidu P., Klemeš J.J., (2021), Life-Cycle Environmental and Cost Analysis of Palm-based Bio-Ethanol Production in Malaysia, Chemical Engineering Transactions 89, 85-90.
  13. Wong K.J., Ooi J.K., Woon K.S., Hashim H., Liew P.Y., (2021), Multi-objective Optimization for Cascade Utilization of Palm Waste in Malaysia using Augmented e-constraint Method, Chemical Engineering Transactions 89, 247-252.
  14. Mary T.L., Tan J., Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., (2021), A Review of Manufacturing Sustainability Assessment Tool Selection Criteria: An Indicator-based Sustainability System versus Quantitative Sustainability Assessment, Chemical Engineering Transactions 89, 523-528.
  15. Pang K.Y., Liew P.Y., Ho W.S., Woon K.S., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2021), Optimisation of Renewable-Based Multi-Energy System with Hydrogen Energy for Urban-Industrial Symbiosis, Chemical Engineering Transactions 88, 199-204.
  16. Tan W.E., Liew P.Y., Bong C.P.C., Fan Y.V., Tan L.S., Jamian N.R., (2021), Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Assessment of Anaerobic Co-Digestion: A Short ReviewChemical Engineering Transactions 88, 907-912.
  17. Sing C.K.L., Lim J.S., Walmsley T.G. , Liew P.Y., Goto M., (2021), Stagnation and Solar Fraction Analysis on Solar Thermal Integration in Southeast Asia, Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 5, 257-268.
  18. Hoong K.J., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., Jamain N.R., Lim J.S., (2021), Integration of LiBr/H2O Absorption Heat Pump and Absorption Heat Transformer in Total Site Heat Integration, Chemical Engineering Transactions 83, 139-14.
  19. Autin E.A., Liew P.Y., Klemes J.J., Ho W.S., Jusoh N.W.C., N.E.M. Rozali, (2021), Integration of Combine Heat and Power System with Gas Turbine in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors, Chemical Engineering Transactions 83, 37-42.
  20. Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemes J.J., (2020), Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector, Chemical Engineering Transactions 81, 949-954.
  21. Chin H.H., Varbanov P.V., Klemes J.J., Liew P.Y., (2020), Pinch Approach for Targeting in Multi-Contaminant Material Recycle/Reuse Network, Chemical Engineering Transactions 81, 145 – 150.
  22. Mah A.X.Y., Ho W.S., Hassim M.H., Hasshim H., Liew P.Y., Asli U.A., Muis Z.A., Ling G.H.T., (2020), Optimization of Hydrogen Supply Chain: A Case Study in MalaysiaChemical Engineering Transactions 78, 85-90.
  23. Masudi A., Jusoh N.W.C., Liew P.Y., (2020), Facile Electrosynthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Mediated with Sodium Alginate for Paracetamol DegradationIOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 808, 012023.
  24. Lee P.Y., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., (2020), Sequential Thermal and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 778, 012106
  25. Lee P.Y., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., Klemes J.J., (2019), Cogeneration Optimisation for Locally Integrated Energy Systems, Chemical Engineering Transactions 76, 79-84.
  26. Kamarudin N., Liew P.Y., Jusoh N.W.C., Ho W.S., Lim J.S., (2019), Organic Rankine Cycle and Steam Turbine for Intermediate Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Total Site Integration, Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 15 (1), 125-130.
  27. Kong C.L.S., Lim J.S., Walmsley T.G., Liew P.Y., Goto M., (2018), Effect of Solar Utility Temperature to Costing and Design Parameters of Integrated Solar Thermal System, Chemical Engineering Transactions 70, 139-144.
  28. Kamarudin N., Liew P.Y., Jusoh N.W.C., Ho W.S., Lim J.S., (2018), Direct and Indirect Integration of Organic Rankine Cycle in Total Site, Chemical Engineering Transactions 63, 379-384.
  29. Hamsani M.N., Walmsley T.G., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., (2018), Compressor Shaft Work Targeting using New Numerical Exergy Problem Table Algorithm (Ex-PTA) in Sub-Ambient Processes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 283-288.
  30. Mohtar A., Ho. W.S., Idris A.M., Hashim H., Muis Z.A., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., (2018), Water-Energy Nexus Cascade Analysis (WENCA) for Simultaneous Water-Energy System Optimisation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 271-276.
  31. Idris A.M., Ho. W.S., Liu W.H., Ramli A.F., Mohtar A., Hashim H., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Ling G.H.T., Ho C.S., (2018), Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Biogas Techno-Economic Analysis for Utilisation as Bio Compressed Natural Gas, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 265-270.
  32. Walmsley T.G., Jia X., Philipp M., Nemet A., Liew P.Y., Klemes J.J., Varbanov P.S., (2018), Total Site Utility System Structural Design Using P-graph, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 63, 31-36.
  33. Hamsani M.N., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., (2017), A New Numerical Approach for Exergy Targets and Losses Determination in Sub-Ambient Processes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 1225-1230.
  34. Liu W.H., Hashim H., Lim J.S., Muis Z.A., Liew P.Y., Ho W.S., (2017), Technical and Economic Evaluation of District Cooling System as Low Carbon Alternative in Kuala Lumpur City, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 529-534
  35. Mohtar A., Ho W.S., Hashim H., Lim J.S., Muis Z.A., Liew P.Y., (2017), Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Biogas Off-site Utilization Malaysia Specification and Legislation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 537-542
  36. Walmsley T. G., Atkins M. J., Tarighaleslami A. H., Liew P. Y., (2017), Assisted Heat Transfer and Shaft Work Targets for Increased Total Site Heat Integration, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 403-408
  37. Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., (2016), Heat Pump Integration for Total Site Waste Heat Recovery, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 817-822
  38. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., (2015), Incorporating District Cooling System in Total Site Heat Integration, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 19-24.
  39. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Utility-Heat Exchanger Grid Diagram: A Tool for Designing the Total Site Heat Exchanger Network, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 7-12.
  40. Liew P.Y., Klemeš J.J., Doukelis A., Zhang N., Seferlis P., (2014), Identification of Process Integration Options for CO2 Capture in Greek Lignite-Fired Power Plant, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1447-1452.
  41. Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Liew P.Y., Čuček L., Kravanja Z., Wan Alwi S. R., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Recent Developments in Advanced Process Integration: Learning the Lessons from Industrial Implementations, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 625, 454-457.
  42. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2014), Total Site Heat Integration Design Incorporating Plant Layout Issues, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 33, 1801-1806.
  43. Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.S., Bulatov I., Perry S.J., Gharaie M., Zhang N., Fenelon E., Doukelis A., Dimitriadis G. (2014), Identification of Process Integration Options for Carbon Capture, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 33, 1873-1878.
  44. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2013), Total Site Heat Integration with Seasonal Energy Variation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 35, 19-24.
  45. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2012), A Numerical Analysis for Total Site Sensitivity, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31, 560–564.
  46. Wan Alwi S.R., Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2012), A numerical tool for integrating renewable energy into total sites with variable supply and demand. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 30, 1347–1351.

Edited Books

  1. Mustaffa A.A., Liew P.Y., (2021), Process Design and Optimization for Circular Economy, Penerbit UTM Press: Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
  2. Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Liew P.Y., (2014), Proceedings of 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) 2014, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 33, Elsevier: Budapest, Hungary.

Book Chapters

  1. Liew P.Y., Chin H.H., (2023), 15: Problem Tables Development and beneficial implementations, Handbook of Process Integration, Ed. 2, Edited by J.J. Klemeš, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier B.V., 487-506
  2. Jusoh N.W.C., Jaafar N.F., Masudi A., Liew P.Y., (2022), Emerging water pollutants from industrial processes, Emerging Water Pollutants: Concerns and Remediation Technologies, Edited by Mazari S.A., Mujawar M., Sabzoi N., Bentham Books, 100-118.
  3. Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., Mustaffa A.A., (2021), Chapter 1: Moving Process Systems Engineering Towards Circular Economy, Process Design and Optimization for Circular Economy, Edited by Mustaffa A.A., Liew P.Y., Penerbit UTM Press, 1-19.
  4. Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., (2021), Chapter 6: Multi-Period Heat and Power Utility System Optimisation, Process Design and Optimization for Circular Economy, Edited by Mustaffa A.A., Liew P.Y., Penerbit UTM Press, 123-142.
  5. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., (2014), Total Site Heat Integration Design Incorporating Plant Layout Issues, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 33, Edited by J.J. Klemeš, P.S. Varbanov, P.Y. Liew, Elsevier B.V., 1801-1806.
  6. Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.S., Bulatov I., Perry S.J., Gharaie M., Zhang N., Fenelon E., Doukelis A., Dimitriadis G. (2014), Identification of Process Integration Options for Carbon Capture, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 33, Edited by J.J. Klemeš, P.S. Varbanov, P.Y. Liew, Elsevier B.V., 1873-1878.
  7. Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Liew P.Y.,Čuček L., Kravanja Z., Wan Alwi S. R., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Recent Developments in Advanced Process Integration: Learning the Lessons from Industrial Implementations, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 652, Edited by Ahmed I., Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 454-457
  8. Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2012), A Numerical Analysis for Total Site Sensitivity, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 31, Edited by I.A. Karimi, R. Srinivasan, Elsevier B.V., 560–564.5.
  9. Wan Alwi S.R., Liew P.Y., Varbanov P.S., Abdul Manan Z., Klemeš J.J., (2012), A numerical tool for integrating renewable energy into total sites with variable supply and demand. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol 30, Edited by D.L. Bogle, M. Fairweather, Elsevier B.V., 1347–1351.

Other Publications 

  1. Liew P.Y.,  Kiew P.L., Abdullah F.A.P., Sathiya Narayana L.R., Haidil M.H., (2023), Transforming School Innovation Competition to Empower Holistic Graduates for Cultivating Young Innovative Sustainability Advocates, E-Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2023 Exhibition and Competition, 35-37.
  2. Kiew P.L., Liew P.Y., Ahmad Khairudin N.B., Mad Nordin M.F., (2023), Fostering Integrative and Holistic Learning Via Multi-Course Integrated Project for 3rd Year Chemical Process Engineering Students, E-Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2023 Exhibition and Competition, 136-139.
  3. Huzir N.M., Hussin M.H., Rosly M.B., Amin A.N.R., Asmadi A.A., Md Ali A.H., Balasundram V., Liew P.Y., Goto M., Tamunaidu P., (2023), Rapid production of organic fertilizer using subcritical water treatment on waste biomass, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1143, 012026
  4. Isa N. , Tamunaidu P., Md Ali A.H., Goto M., Liew P.Y., Huzir N.M., Rosly M.B.,Hussin M.H., Rasyid A.N., (2023), Impact of pandemic COVID-19 on solid waste compositional trends in pasar awam maharani Muar, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1143, 012029
  5. Liew P.Y.,  Foong C.C., Kiew P.L., Tan L.S., Abdullah E.C., Manaf N.A., (2022), Holistic assessment for Chemical Plant Design capstone project, E-Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2022 Exhibition and Competition, 332-334.
  6. Foong C.C., Liew P.Y., (2022), Motivation of Students in a Chemical Engineering Degree – A Wake-up Call for Applicants or Educators?, IChemE Education Special Interest Group Newsletter 102, 2-3.
  7. Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Foong C.C., Jamian N.R., (2021), Project-based Community of Inquiry for Online Postgraduate Course on Life Cycle Assessment, Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2021 Exhibition and Competition, 34-36.
  8. Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Foong C.C., Jamian N.R., (2021), Project-based Community of Inquiry for Effective Online Graduate Course on Life Cycle Assessment, ASEAN Journal of Engineering Education 5(1), 25–31.
  9. Tan L.S., Liew P.Y., Lee C.Q., (2021), Moving Towards Hydrogen Economy for Decarbonisation, Jurutera, November 2021, 16-18.
  10. Yong W.N., Hoong K.J., Liew P.Y., Walmsley T.G., (2021), Absorption Cycle Heat Pump Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector, IOP Conference Series: Material Sciences and Engineering 1051, 012049.
  11. Wahab A.S.A., Liew P.Y., Manaf N.A., (2021), A Review on Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection for Process Plant Energy Management, IOP Conference Series: Material Sciences and Engineering 1051, 012052. 
  12. Aziz M.A.F.A., Liew P.Y., (2021), A Mini Review on Energy System Modelling for Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Malaysia, IOP Conference Series: Material Sciences and Engineering 1051, 012053.
  13. Najwa Annuar N.A., Kamarulzaman N., Shadzalli Z.F.M., Abdullah I.H.I, Liew P.Y., Manaf N.A., (2021), Simulation of Palm Kernel Shell Gasification for Small Scale Power Generation Using Aspen Plus Software, IOP Conference Series: Material Sciences and Engineering 1051, 012054.
  14. Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Abdullah E.C., Abdul Manaf N., Foong C.C., Mohd Pa’ad K., (2020), Innovative Chemical Plant Design Capstone Project, Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2020 Exhibition and Competition, 4-6.
  15. Liew P.Y., Nawi N.D., Phang F.A., (2020), The Power of Avengers in Chemical Process Design Heuristics, Proceedings of New Academia Learning and Innovation (NALI) 2020 Exhibition and Competition, 180-183.

Patent/ Copyright  

  1. LY2024J04870: Wan Alwi S.R., Er H.A., Rohman F.S., Ahmad Termizi S.N.A., Manan Z.A., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Tan R.G., Aviso K.B., Tapia J.F.B., Lee P.Y., Suzuki M., (2024), RENKEI Control Feasibility Analysis during Energy Audit, Malaysia Copyright.
  2. LY2024J01985: Liew P.Y., Kiew P.L., Abdullah F.A.P., Tan L.S., Jamian N.R., (2024), Workbook on Systematic Innovation for Solving Sustainability Problems, Malaysia Copyright.
  3. FM2023J06627: Liew P.Y., Omar M.A., Ahmad Tamizi S.M. Mohd Shahar S.F., (2023), VIDEO LECTURE : UTM Thesis Template, Malaysia Copyright.
  4. IP/CR/00663: Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Abdullah E.C., Manaf N.A., (2021), Design and Evaluation Framework for Chemical Plant Design Project, Malaysia Copyright.
  5. LY2020004238: Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., (2020), Teaching Module on Total Site Heat Integration and Combined Heat and Power, Malaysia Copyright
  6. LY2019008963: Wan Alwi S.R., Jamaluddin K., Hamzah K., Abdul Manan Z., Liew P.Y., (2019), TRIGENSITE – A Software to Optimize Industrial Energy Across Multiple Site, Malaysia Copyright.
  7. LY2018000791: Abdul Manan Z., Wan Alwi S.R., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Ho W.S., (2018), Process Integration for MOOC, Malaysia Copyright
  8. LY2018006360: Wahab A.S.A., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., (2018), SteamMAX – A Software For Total Site Steam System Design and Optimisation – for User Manual and Coding, Malaysia Copyright.
  9. IP/CP/2014/4725: Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Abdul Manan Z., (2014), Optimal Site – A Software For Optimal Design of Total Site Utility Systems – for User Manual and Coding, UTM Copyright.    

 Technical Report

  1. Ho W.S., Hashim H., Jamian N.R., Yunus N.A., Liew P.Y., Yahya W.J., (2023), Study of Used Cooking Oil Conversion to Biodiesel under the Low Carbon Society Masterplan Kuala Lumpur 2030, Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd.: Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 
  2. Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Tan L.S., Wah B.W.R., (2023), Life Cycle Assessment – Recycled ABS Plastics Resin, Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd.: Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 
  3. Manan Z.A., Wan Alwi S.R., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Abdul Hamid M.K., Ho W.S., Mustaffa A.A., Zamzuri N.H., Ahmad S., Aziz E.A., Hafizan A.M., (2016), Project Report: Retrofit of Oleon Sdn Bhd Plant for Utility Conservation Using Pinch Analysis. Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd.: Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
  4. Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., Liew P.Y., Yong J.Y., (2014), CAPSOL Deliverable 4.3: Modeling and Performance Optimization of Integrated Plants and Design of Integrated Components. University of Pannonia: Veszprem, Hungary.
  5. Manan Z.A., Wan Alwi S.R., Lim J.S., Liew P.Y., Chew K.H., (2012), SMDS Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Study. Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd.: Johor Bahru, Malaysia.