- Fabric and Clothing
- Fabric and Clothing Technology
- Clothing Studies
- Fashion Design
- Food and Nutrition
- Food and Nutrition I
- Food and Nutrition II
- Food Nutrition and Preparation
- Basic Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Food Preparation
- Food Service Operation
- Food Processing Technology
- Food Processing Technology I
- Food Processing Technology II
- Microteaching
- Workshop Safety
- Consumer Studies and Practices
- Product Development and Basic Innovation Management
- Fundamentals of TVE
- Teaching Method in TVE
- Basic Commerce
- Commerce and Entrepreneurship
- Basic Invention
- Invention
- Assessment and Evaluation Based on Job Competencies
- Harvard Business Case Study

- Management and Adm
- inistration in TVE
- Supervision in TVE
- Philosophy and Principles of TVE
- Current Issues in TVE
- Human Resource Development in TVE
- Models of Teaching TVE
- Research Methodology
- Fundamental of Engineering Education

- Self and Shelter Management
- Catering Service
- Fashion Innovation
- Fashion Design