“Teach With Love And To Be Left”   



Senior Lecturer

School of Education,

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

p-sarima@utm.my and isarimah1353@gmail.com


Research Interest

  1. Technical and  Vocational Education and Training
  2. Instructional and Learning Module Development
  3. Curriculum Design and Evaluation
  4. Home Economics Education
  5. Food Service Management
  6. Creativity and Innovation
  7. Teaching and learning
  8. Employability Skills
  9. Halal studies

Dr. Sarimah Ismail has started her career as an academician at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 1994. This Johorean senior lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is a PhD holder in Food Service Management from Bournemouth University, United Kingdom; Master Degree in Home Economics Education from Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Bachelor Degree in Home Science Education with Honors from Universiti Putra Malaysia; and Diploma in Science from Universiti Teknologi MARA. She obtained 6 professional qualifications and registered with 11 national professional bodies as well as 7 professional bodies at the international level.

Within 26 years of service in UTM, Dr. Sarimah has attended more than 310 conferences, courses, trainings, and workshops in 19 different areas to up skilling her as a versatile, holistic, and dynamic academician that in line with the needs of the revolutions of industry; to teach 42 courses (361 credits) where 29 of them were full-time undergraduate courses (294 credits), 8 part-time undergraduate courses (26 credits), 4 co-curriculum courses (10 credits), 8 postgraduate courses (57 credits) and 1 postgraduate diploma course (3 credits); and to supervise more than 150 students which were 6 PhD students, 24 master students, and 121 undergraduate students.

The combination of expertise in Teaching and Learning, Home Economics Education, Food Service Management and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) have given her opportunity to conduct research and development that worth RM685, 482 by leading 7 research grants and collaborating as a co-researcher in 19 national and international research grants; and to run 16 consultation projects that worth RM1, 014, 500.

She contributed her expertise to the society of Malaysia via 26 clusters of 170 professional services and engaged with more than 40 groups of community to serve 87 activities as program advisor, project manager, project leader, invited speaker, competition judge, trainer, and facilitator.

For administrative experience, she used to serve the faculty as a Postgraduate Academic Coordinator, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Head of Laboratories and appointed in 99 various committees at the international, national, state, university, faculty and department levels as a head of several task forces as well as a committee member.

With the blessing from Him and the support from family members, Technical and Engineering Education Department, School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, team members, colleagues, supporting staff, students, friends, ex-teachers/ ex-trainers/ ex-facilitators, and UTM, Dr. Sarimah has received 19 awards and different types of honourship. Together with team members, she got 172 intellectual properties.

To each and everyone, she offers her heart-felt thanks.

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